Friday 26 August 2016

Contract Ceremony Between Fedral Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology and Mind And Markets Inc.

Signing Ceremony Between Fedral Urdu University of Arts, Science And Technology & Mind And Markets Inc. to educate 1000 students in the field of Capital Markets. #MirMAK

Monday 22 August 2016

My Video Reply To New York Times Article "Was He Wiser Than The Wise Guys" Which Was Published Against Me 16 Years Ago. ‪#‎MirMak‬

My Video Reply To New York Times Article "Was He Wiser Than The Wise Guys" Which Was Published Against Me 16 Years Ago. ‪#‎MirMak‬

My Video Reply To New York Times Article "Was He Wiser Than The Wise Guys" Which Was Published Against Me 16 Years Ago. ‪#‎MirMak‬

My Reply To New York Times Article Against Me "Was He Wiser Than The
Wise Guys"..From 16 Years Ago. 16 Long years I Have Waited Patiently To
Answer The Real Reasons Why I Was A Threat To The Zionist Controlled
Sections Of Wall Street As The First Muslim To Establish An Investment
Bank On Wall Street. The First Muslim To Be Just 2 Months Away To Take
Over A Billion Dollar World Famous Company Called The Sports Authority,
At The Age Of 31 Years. The First Muslim To Be Involved With The Core Of
The United States Republican Party With Governors, Senators,
Ex-Presidents Of America And Much Much More. I Have Waited 16 Long Years
To Answer This BASELESS Lies Infested Article From A Zionist Lobby
Loving Newspaper With DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE. You Will See Everything In
This Video. Not A Single Document Is Crafted By Me, They Are All Their
Documents Which Prove My Point. There Was A QARZ On Me To Answer For The
Respect Of My Parents...Aur Aaj Woh Qarz Uttar Gaya. #MirMak