Wednesday 16 November 2016

ANXIETY: Most Of The Things You Worry About NEVER Happen...#MirMak

ANXIETY: Most Of The Things You Worry About NEVER Happen...#MirMak

If you continue to worry about tomorrow...One thing I can guarantee you which will happen, it will ruin your today. Yes, Anxiety about tomorrow does nothing else but it spoils your today and as a human being, you only have today to make your tomorrow better. How logical of a move will it be if you only had one car to go somewhere and you burnt it down today thinking what if it does not start tomorrow. Worrying about tomorrow is a product of a negative mind. A work of IBLEES. Because it is his only goal to make people have WASWASAY (Anxiety). To make a person think that this will go wrong or that will go wrong and incapacitate him to the point that he becomes incapable of performing even his regular duties as a man with confidence. The opposite of Waswasa is Yaqeen or Belief. Belief that Allah will not leave me alone. Belief that the only thing in my control is the capability of doing something to the best of my ability. The rest is always Allah's decision. And his decision is always the best decision for me because he loves me more than 70 mothers combined. When you know that even your own mother, only one mother, can never do anything to harm you then how can you believe even for a second that your creator who holds love of 70 mothers for you will ever harm your tomorrow.
Continuously thinking over and over about a situation does nothing but ruins your own ability to judge something clearly and take action. This is what anxiety does. Takes away your ability to act by skewing your ability to think. The best thing you can do sometimes is not to think. Not to imagine, not to obsess with a situation, not to think of the results as to what will happen. Just have faith in your creator and leave it up to him. The best way to combat anxiety is to increase your faith in ALLAH. Because anxiety s always about the future and the only entity that knows about the future is ALLAH. Did you ever worry as a child when your mother was taking you somewhere, even if she never told you as to where you were going ? No you did not. Instead you got excited because you knew no matter where she was taking you, it would be fine. Why ? Because you had total faith in your mother. You knew that she was not going to take you to an unknown place and leave you there. You knew that if you were hungry when you got there, all you would have to do is ask her to feed you. You knew that she will protect you and care for you. If your own mother will not harm you then how is it possible that the one who created even your own mother and has love for you 70 times more than your mother will ever let anything bad happen to you. Its the same theory, most of the things you worry about never happen. Never.
Anxiety is like Re-reading the same chapter of a book over and over again and complaining that you can not finish the book. It is that silly. Anxiety will do nothing for you except bring you to a point where you are left with the devil in your mind. And once that devil makes home in your mind, you will have nothing but devilish thoughts. Thoughts that will worry you, make you negative, put doubts in your ability to perform, not enjoy the outcome even if it is to your own satisfaction.
Its not the anxiety that will kill you. Because anxiety is nothing but a fake emotion. It is your reaction to your anxiety that will ruin your life. Anxiety to me means living in your own house and keep looking at the roof laying in your bed before you go to sleep and thinking what if the roof fell while i am sleeping. You think you will be able to sleep ? No. But if you have a belief that if my time is up in this world while i am sleeping then nothing can stop that, that thought will release you from your anxiety. So stop living with anxiety because you are the one who can control this situation. You are the one who is in the driving seat. You are the one who is loved with the love of 70 mothers. You are the one who controls what you think. Think positive. Have faith. Work hard. Do your best and leave the rest to ALLAH.

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