Thursday 29 September 2016

R.A.W Should Be Disbanded And Sent Home....#MiMak

R.A.W Should Be Disbanded And Sent Home....#MiMak

By. Mir Mohammad Alikhan.

I will come to the surgical attack claim of the circus masters across the boder in a second but fist the claims of the Modi government.

Something happens in New Delhi at the Paliament. ISI did it. Something happens in Bombay. ISI did it. Something happens in Kashmir. ISI did it. Something happens all the way in Aasaam, Nagaland, Leh, Laddak, Uri, Pathan Kot or even in Modi's kitchen, ISI did it. Well even if after having 800,000 army men, trillions of dollars in in GDP, claims of the most efficient intelligence in the world, with a defence budget that will overshadow Pakistan's entire GDP, with self proclaimed evil geniuses like Doval, with aircraft carries, thousands of tanks, millions of police, another few million in reserve combatants.... isnt it an open admission of the failure of the Indian armed forces and its intelligence if they are so easily defeated, fooled and tricked by the ISI, as they claim, is involved in everything. Should not the R.A.W. be packed up and sent home in its rawest form after such a failure.

Either they should admit officially that they are helpless in front of the ISI and their country's intelligence is brought on its knees by a spy agency whose budget and strength in man power is minute compared to their own. Either the ISI is too smart or the Indian security forces are extremely dumb. I will take both the scenarios as facts.

Its high time that these blame games without evidence are put to rest. Its high time that Modi's war mongering hysteric rhetoric is checked into a mental asylum along with Modi himself. Because only a Hitler-Styled maniacal leader would take pride in taking his nation into a state of war. It is evident from the claims on Indian media of a surgical strike into Pakistan that our neighbours are absolutely detached from reality. Surgical strikes are air based. Surgical strikes involve planes. And most importantly surgical strikes are inside the border of another country. Which Indian planes or even a single plane entered Pakistani territory. Planes now have cameras which record its strike onto a target. Which target did they attack ? Video please ?

My humble advice to Mr. Modi is based on his own admission of fears. You believe based on your own claims that ISI has given your government an absolute headache. It has left you hapless, helpless and hopeless. Your agencies are on its knees and have failed to secure your country. And all this they have done being thousands of miles away from your country. Imagine how strong its parent institution must be, The Pakistan Army, where ISI is just a small division of it. Imagine you had really had a surgical strike within Pakistan what the parent institution would have done to you. Imagine your headaches and their level of intensity if you even think about going to war. Mr. Modi, wake up and smell the coffee. Get some caffeine into your system. Think rationally. You do not want a war. You already have an insurgency within your borders. Khaalistan wants to be separated. Naxalites want their own state. Tamil do not listen to you. Assam is burning based on your policies, Kashmiris want independence. First put out the fires within your home before you go and learn how to do a surgical attack. Perhaps the same agency which you claim to have left you sleepless, ISI, can teach you a thing or two about surgical strikes.

Monday 26 September 2016

Sunday 25 September 2016

Positive People are Bullet Proof.....#MirMak

Positive People are Bullet Proof.....#MirMak

There are bullets that hurt a physical being and then there are metaphorical bullets of negativity, despair, criticism, put down, discouragement and jealousy that injure you mentally. Physical wounds heal much quicker than the mental ones. Negativity, if it seeps into your mind once, it can stay there for a long time and it becomes quite difficult to recover from its wounds. So what is your protection against the metaphorical bullets of negativity ?

Become a positive minded person. Become a person who believes in nothing more than the power of Allah and his protection. Become a being who is not affected by the negativity thrown at him from any angle.

The most powerful thing in this universe is a positive thinking mind. Nothing is more creative than positivity. It is positivity that accomplishes things that seem miraculous to others. It is a positive mind that invents everything that we use in our lives. Inventors are the most positive minded people because no matter how many times they face results not in their favour, they give it another try until they succeed.

Remember one thing, and i am telling you this from years of experience. Nothing might make sense to you today for the things that are going on in your life but all the confusion that you might be facing today, all the disappointments that are creeping up in your life, all the discouragement coming your way from the people you thought were your friends, do not worry about it. Smile through the confusion and laugh through the disappointments because there will sure come a day very soon in your life that you would realize why Allah SWT took you through those testing times. Everything will make sense to you in the future. Every single dot of your life will connect to form a picture so clear that you will look back and realize that it was the best thing that happened to you. Positivity is only tested by Allah by letting IBLEES misguide you temporarily but you do not lose hope in the future. You are Allah's soldier on earth to fight IBLEES and Allah never leaves his soldiers disappointed but you will have to prove to Allah that you acted like a soldier. A soldier of positivity and YAQEEN in Allah.

A soldier full of Positivity. A soldier full of hope and strength and resilience. A thankful soldier even in the times of despair and discouragement. Once you volunteer to fight IBLEES and his negativity, Allah volunteers to guide you and when he is guiding you, your mind becomes bullet proof against negativity. And there is nothing more you need in life than Allah on your side and a bullet proof mentality against negativity.

Positive People are Bullet Proof.....#MirMak

Thursday 22 September 2016

You Do Not Live Only Once...Its A Lie. #MirMak

You Do Not Live Only Once...Its A Lie. #MirMak

By. Mir Mohammad Alikhan.

People say you only live once...I have always disagreed with this notion. No..You do not only live once..You live every day..You die once. Before you begin to believe the cliches given to you by the society, start to analyze what you hear, see and even feel because without filtering you should not accept any notion in life. Whatever you put into your mind is what you become. And if you very easily accept whatever is thrown your will very easily become whatever the world wants you to become. It is extremely important that before you begin the process of getting to realize who you are or even more importantly, who you want to become, you start to question what is thrown at you. Question with an intention of learning, not with the intention of becoming a rebel without a cause, leave that to James Dean.

Remember that in order to remain yourself in a world which is constantly trying to change you into something that you are not, you have to remain the strongest. The biggest battle of life is to remain who you are and forge ahead with resilience as to who you want to be.

The most valuable advice one can give you is to tell you that create an image of your self in your mind which is positive. An image that you like. An image that you want your future self to be. First thing you should do is never to talk negative about yourself in front of others or in private. Stop saying things such as, I am not lucky or Why do bad things always happen to me, or, I will never make it in this world, or, the entire society is corrupt so i do not have a chance of succeeding. Remember that your sub conscious mind does not know how to evaluate your words. It does not know that you are saying these things in a bad mood or jokingly. It believes whatever you think without analysing it and if you repeat it enough times..your sub conscious will believe it forever. So stop saying negative things.

Self confidence only comes through one thing and one thing alone...and that doing things that you have always been afraid to do. Nobody ever learned to swim sitting by the pool. You have to jump in to learn. Start with the shallow side of the pool and as you gain confidence you go into the deep side. Thats is why i always say that stop thinking big... rather think small and put a big effort behind it and once you accomplish your small goal, adjust it to a bigger one for the next time. Always be yourself because to be original means to be worthy. Original is always much more valuable than a copy. Whatever you fear the most, if you face it, and go ahead with it, you will not only break your fear but you will gain self confidence.

To Master others is considered powerful but to me true power lies in mastering your own self. And its a life long process. One can never be disciplined enough. And without discipline, nothing can ever be accomplished. Discipline is your best friend, the most sincere one in this world. It will force you to do what you do not want to do when you do not want to do it. Its like your mother who used to wake you up early in the morning for school and you used to make excuses not to go to school but she never listened to a word of your BS. She sent you to school anyway and years later, you thank her every moment of your adult life because she was that discipline which you needed as a child. Now you have to create your own internal mother who forces you to do things whenever you want to give up.

There is so much more i can write about these things but due to the space constraints and due to my wish of keeping you engaged, i have to make these articles small enough so they make a point and at the same time pray to Almighty Allah that you remain interested enough so it makes an impact on your thoughts thus increasing the chances of making a future modification in your behaviour. Always remember that you are a unique being. your DNA, Your Finger Prints, Your Retina Scan, Your Hair Fiber, everything that Allah has made you with is only for you. So why take the most important aspect of all this, yourself...and copy it to become someone else.

Wednesday 21 September 2016



By. Mir Mohammad Alikhan

Imagine you are living in a 67 year old house and everybody around you keeps telling you that your house is not that great because it lacks this or it lacks that and suddenly some old man comes in to your house and tells you that there is a treasure buried in your backyard. You become reluctant but start digging anyway. And to your own surprise you realize that yes there is a huge treasure in your own backyard. A treasure that can cure all your wordly ills. A treasure that will help you live your life much comfortably than you could have ever imagined. It will give you the courage to take on the biggest of the problems in your life. You will be able to face difficulties with ease and come out a winner. Not only will you use that treasure for yourself, you will be able to help others and make their lives comfortable as well.

Now broaden your imagination and think of that house as your character and that treasure that you found has positivity, tenacity, optimism, resilience and faith in ALLAH. YES. Every Pakistani is that house and each one has a treasure buried in their character. The only problem is that we neither look for that treasure as a Pakistani nor do we believe that we all have those jewels of character in our treasures. But let me shed some light on that.

An average Pakistani compared to its western counterpart is million times stronger than he realizes. A westerner grows up in peace. Everything for that child who is born in a western country already planned out with ease. He or she will go to the school in the district that he is living in. Excellent primary education paid for by the state. Excellent secondary education as well. Healthcare, parks, museums, culture, entertainment. No stress. Go to university when you graduate from High School. If you can not afford a university, there are Federal Grants, student loans, Scholarships ready to pay for your educational expenses. You graduate and in most cases, there is a job ready for you. Salary may differ but the chances are that the job will be there for you. Once you have a job, banks will finance your car, your house, your traveling through credit cards. You get married, move to a suburb live a normal life.

But compared to its western counterpart, A Pakistani, specially if your were born in the past 30 years. You are born in upheaval. Terrorism. Murders. Corruption. Religious bigotry. Nepotism. A Media full of negativity. No Role Models. Least amount of entertainment. No Parks Museums, Theaters, Restaurants within the economic reach of a common man. Education with different social classes and economic classes. No jobs after education. No loans for education. No bank financing a house even if you have a great job. No credit cards for bad times in emergency. None of this. YET you as a Pakistani still pursue your educational goals. You still look forward to a decent life. You still continue to forge ahead even after knowing that there will be a lot of injustice that you will have to face in life. You still get married knowing that your children will not have the basic rights given to them, such as Healthcare, Education, a fair chance to succeed.

You do all this with a smile. And rarely complain. You provide for your family. You remain closely knit with your neighbors and your relatives. You celebrate the smallest of a happy occasion. You have immense faith when you leave your house every morning that your life is in the hands of your creator. You pray, you have your faith intact in ALLAH.

You are already a winner as a Pakistani. You are The Positive Pakistani who can teach the world a thing or two about life and optimism. You are that person who can show the world how to live under such circumstances and still have a smile on your face. You are that pillar of strength that the west writes books about in the form of self help. You are that person who positivity gurus want to others to become like. You are the Positive Pakistani. You are an amazing human being. You are the picture of resilience, tenacity, courage, character, bravery and humility.

Be proud of who you are. You are the person who has built his character through real jihad, Jihad ul Nafs (Battle To Fight Evils Within Your Mind). The highest of Jihads in Islam. I salute you, I salute the common people of Pakistan. You are my teachers.

Tuesday 20 September 2016



Not all of us can do financially for other Pakistanis. I understand that. Not all us of can fix the roads, water shortage, poverty, education, healthcare. I also understand that. Our problems can not be fixed immediately, that i understand the most. But what i fail to understand is that all of us Pakistanis claim to love our country more than other nations but majority of us promote negativity about Pakistan, more than other nations as well.

What Pakistan needs the most is positivity. What Pakistan needs the most is hope and belief in its future. Because you can have all the education, skills, knowledge and verbal patriotism but if you lack a positive attitude about the future, nothing will help you. Instead of talking about what is wrong with Pakistan and its ills, start to promote what is good about Pakistan. Promote what you love. Do not talk about what you hate. The basic tenet of loyalty is that you discuss the goodness of something or someone and encourage that someone to get better, and encouraging to get better does not come from bashing it.

Pakistan is nothing other than being made up of Pakistanis and all Pakistanis have one thing in common. We may differ in languages. We may differ in provinces. We maybe different in social classes and even educational background but we share one thing in common. And that thing is our mind. We all have a mind. And a mind which does not think positively about Pakistan can never produce a positive life for you within Pakistan. And being positive does not mean that we forget the negatives of our country and shove it under the carpet. Being positive means that we fight the negative and turn it into a positive. And a negative mind can never produce positive results. So the most important thing BEING A PAKISTANI that you can do for Pakistan is to become a Positive Pakistani. To begin to think positively about Pakistan. Talk positive about Pakistan and then do something Positive for Pakistan. But before you do something Positive for Pakistan you have to stop talking negative about it because a negative thinking mind can not produce positive results.

People talk about how they are not happy in Pakistan. Well let me tell you something. Happiness is not about wanting something better all the time, happiness is a learned trait. Happiness is about appreciating what you already have while working positively towards getting what you want. Until the day we get a positive national self image, we will not progress. So the next time someone says something negative about Pakistan, instead of getting sucked into that negativity, refuse to hear about it. Just like you will refuse to hear any negative comments about your mother. Pakistan is a bigger mother than our own mothers because our mother's mother is also Pakistan.

Mir Mohammad Alikhan.

Monday 19 September 2016

INDIA: If It WALKS Like A Duck, QUACKS Like A Duck, It Is A Duck. #MirMak

INDIA: If It WALKS Like A Duck, QUACKS Like A Duck, It Is A Duck. #MirMak

Modi slips in the Rashtrapati Bhavan on his way to meet the Indian President, Pakistan did it. Doval gets a pimple on his face, Pakistan did it. Kashmiiri people want justice, Pakistan brainwashed them. Naxalites want freedom in the other corner of India, Pakistan caused it. It is becoming so hilarious now that the next time somebody picks a pocket somewhere in Delhi, there will be a plethora of Indian news channels and officials come out and say that the pickpocket was sent by Pakistan.

When you start to blame others for the inefficiencies of your own armed forces who could not even defend themselves from the so called 4 attackers, you panic. And in that panic, the first name that comes to their mind is Pakistan. But this blame game is so old and so played out in the eyes of the entire world that people even in India have refused to believe it. The height of panic and mental disturbance of the Indian officials can be visibly noticed by just one fact and one fact alone, the attack took place in one location and they reported another. How much more sillier or childish can it get ? Perhaps more because looking at the history of Indian state of panic in light of Kashmiri people rising up for their right, we should expect anything.

Instead of solving the matter of the people whose lives have been made to live in hell on earth, instead of stopping the atrocities on the Kashmiri people, instead of shooting and killing the innocent children and women, and instead of going to the United Nations General Assembly and be held accountable for these acts, the Genius (Read:Idiot) spy chief of India comes up with an idea to use the deaths of the Sikh soldiers and tries to blame it on Pakistan but it backfires. Just like Kashmiris are being oppressed, so are the Sikhs in India from day one. And to create a feeling of hatred between the Sikhs and the Muslims, Indian intelligence has not even shied away from using the deaths of their own people to its advantage by trying to create a division through the artful colors of lies.

The time is gone when blames without evidences were taken seriously. The time is gone when suppression of an entire group of people in Kashmir can be ignored by the world. The time is gone when Indian lies are not exposed within hours of being spoken. The times is gone when governments can promote terrorism and within their own borders and blame it on the neighbours.

It is time now that the world is demanding for the Kashmir issue to be resolved amicably. It is time now that our neighbours start to act like neighbours. It is time now that they work on their own inefficiencies instead of spreading lies. It is time now that the Indians realize that a chicken can not be called a duck because they claim that its a duck. Because when it walks like a duck, when it quacks like a duck, Mr. Doval, IT IS A DUCK.

Sunday 18 September 2016

THE INDIAN GOVERNMENT LIE. In Light Of These Facts. #MirMak

THE INDIAN GOVERNMENT LIE. In Light Of These Facts. #MirMak

Why is it that every time before the issue of Kashmir starts to get traction in the international media, something so conveniently happens within India to divert the attention of atrocities being committed in Kashmir by the Indian government itself. Let's examine this Uri incident in the occupied Kashmir.

The place where this incident happened is a well guarded position and it is not HQ 12 Indian Brigade as reported by media rather it is rear HQ of 10 Dogra battalion which has majority of Sikh soldiers and also has a petroleum depot as well. There is all the possibility that an accidental or designed out break of fire is being reported as a terrorist attack to serve The Indian Spy Chief, Doval's notorious purpose and to save the unit, Brigade and Division commanders and save the dented and vaccinated pride of Indian Army. After all there can always be an opportunity from an accident especially when India and its hapless leadership is under so much pressure that their PM refuses to go and speak at the UNGA session and more importantly answer about dwindling security situation in Kashmir.

Uri is part of Jammu which has a Hindu majority population and isn't experiencing a Kashmiri freedom struggle, how then an attacker finds it easier to target a military installation in a High Security Zone comparatively safe and secure zone...???

India has erected a type A fence all along LOC besides installing state of the art laser sensors to detect any cross LOC movement. This arrangement is over and above the routine patrolling of Indian army along with its specially trained dogs (Not much different from the soldiers of Hindutva any way) How then a handful terrorists could sneak across, dodging third largest army of the planet earth with its hi-tech gadgets & their ferocious K9 force...???

Indian home Minister Raj Nath Singh was to leave for his Russian tour on 17 September.....then how come he cancelled his trip one day prior to the impending attack in Uri....??? Hope he wasn't waiting to see the unfolding of virtual play which he & Doval had jointly scripted. Just guessing.

In a nutshell the incident is nothing more than staging another drama in Kashmir to trumpet Indian mantra of terrorism and scuttle Pakistan's diplomatic moves to expose Indian atrocities in United Nations General Assembly Session.

Friday 16 September 2016

Tuesday 13 September 2016

How To Deal With Negative People....#MirMak

Sunday 11 September 2016

Saturday 10 September 2016

The Pakistani Startup Bubble ? #MirMak

Thursday 8 September 2016

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Monday 5 September 2016

Go For Progress In Your Life, Not Change...#MirMak

New year comes we make a resolution. It never works, we break it within days. We see someone sick, we promise ourselves to change our eating habits. It never works. We see a bad accident on the road, we drive carefully for the next few days and then back to the same thing. And i can give you a million other examples where we promise ourselves to change our habits but we dont. Why ?
Because 90% of the time when we are looking for change we are promising ourselves what we are NOT going to do. We are not promising what we ARE going to do. I will not smoke. I will not drive fast. I will not eat fatty foods. I will not stay awake till late. I will not get angry. I will not be a negative person. I will not have anxiety. And the list can go on and on and on but the only thing that changes is the list not the person. Because our habits do not work on what we are not going to do. Our habits work on what we are going to do. And what we are going to do relates to progress. Progress is exciting, change is not. Change makes you fight with your comfort zone. Progress excites you to leave your comfort zone. Your mind accepts progress much more quickly than it accepts change.
Progress could continuously be monitored. Progress is seen by others and gives you encouragement. Progress can be visualized in your mind by you before it even happens. Progress is positivity. Always positivity. Change is not always positive. Change for example could be that you were a happy person last year and a sad one this year. Progress is the exact opposite. Change could be that you were healthy a few years ago and now you have gained 30 pounds this year. Progress is exact opposite. Never work on change, it may disappoint you. Always promise yourself progress and it will excite you. Visualize what you want instead of what you do not want. Vision works with progress it does not work with change.
You need to have reasons for progress. Results are based on reasons not fear. Change is often based on fear of something that you do not want. Progress is based on something that you do want in your life. I do not want to be poor anymore is a statement of change with no reasons. I want to become rich is a statement of progress based on reasons because making more money will get you a better lifestyle. Progress can be monitored by setting your goals today for the future. For example, i set a goal that i will work 12 hours a day instead of 7 hours for the next 10 days. 10 days later you can count the number of hours you have worked or you can count even everyday. Progress will give you excitement and encouragement. Change will make you fight with yourself everyday. Go for progress.
And on a lighter note, Change is TABDEELI. IK should also change his slogan from TABDEELI to TARRUQQI. Tarruqqi is progress, tabdeeli is not.

Saturday 3 September 2016

And Then They Raped His Daughter Before His Own Eyes....#MirMAK