Thursday 29 September 2016

R.A.W Should Be Disbanded And Sent Home....#MiMak

R.A.W Should Be Disbanded And Sent Home....#MiMak

By. Mir Mohammad Alikhan.

I will come to the surgical attack claim of the circus masters across the boder in a second but fist the claims of the Modi government.

Something happens in New Delhi at the Paliament. ISI did it. Something happens in Bombay. ISI did it. Something happens in Kashmir. ISI did it. Something happens all the way in Aasaam, Nagaland, Leh, Laddak, Uri, Pathan Kot or even in Modi's kitchen, ISI did it. Well even if after having 800,000 army men, trillions of dollars in in GDP, claims of the most efficient intelligence in the world, with a defence budget that will overshadow Pakistan's entire GDP, with self proclaimed evil geniuses like Doval, with aircraft carries, thousands of tanks, millions of police, another few million in reserve combatants.... isnt it an open admission of the failure of the Indian armed forces and its intelligence if they are so easily defeated, fooled and tricked by the ISI, as they claim, is involved in everything. Should not the R.A.W. be packed up and sent home in its rawest form after such a failure.

Either they should admit officially that they are helpless in front of the ISI and their country's intelligence is brought on its knees by a spy agency whose budget and strength in man power is minute compared to their own. Either the ISI is too smart or the Indian security forces are extremely dumb. I will take both the scenarios as facts.

Its high time that these blame games without evidence are put to rest. Its high time that Modi's war mongering hysteric rhetoric is checked into a mental asylum along with Modi himself. Because only a Hitler-Styled maniacal leader would take pride in taking his nation into a state of war. It is evident from the claims on Indian media of a surgical strike into Pakistan that our neighbours are absolutely detached from reality. Surgical strikes are air based. Surgical strikes involve planes. And most importantly surgical strikes are inside the border of another country. Which Indian planes or even a single plane entered Pakistani territory. Planes now have cameras which record its strike onto a target. Which target did they attack ? Video please ?

My humble advice to Mr. Modi is based on his own admission of fears. You believe based on your own claims that ISI has given your government an absolute headache. It has left you hapless, helpless and hopeless. Your agencies are on its knees and have failed to secure your country. And all this they have done being thousands of miles away from your country. Imagine how strong its parent institution must be, The Pakistan Army, where ISI is just a small division of it. Imagine you had really had a surgical strike within Pakistan what the parent institution would have done to you. Imagine your headaches and their level of intensity if you even think about going to war. Mr. Modi, wake up and smell the coffee. Get some caffeine into your system. Think rationally. You do not want a war. You already have an insurgency within your borders. Khaalistan wants to be separated. Naxalites want their own state. Tamil do not listen to you. Assam is burning based on your policies, Kashmiris want independence. First put out the fires within your home before you go and learn how to do a surgical attack. Perhaps the same agency which you claim to have left you sleepless, ISI, can teach you a thing or two about surgical strikes.

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