Sunday 25 September 2016

Positive People are Bullet Proof.....#MirMak

Positive People are Bullet Proof.....#MirMak

There are bullets that hurt a physical being and then there are metaphorical bullets of negativity, despair, criticism, put down, discouragement and jealousy that injure you mentally. Physical wounds heal much quicker than the mental ones. Negativity, if it seeps into your mind once, it can stay there for a long time and it becomes quite difficult to recover from its wounds. So what is your protection against the metaphorical bullets of negativity ?

Become a positive minded person. Become a person who believes in nothing more than the power of Allah and his protection. Become a being who is not affected by the negativity thrown at him from any angle.

The most powerful thing in this universe is a positive thinking mind. Nothing is more creative than positivity. It is positivity that accomplishes things that seem miraculous to others. It is a positive mind that invents everything that we use in our lives. Inventors are the most positive minded people because no matter how many times they face results not in their favour, they give it another try until they succeed.

Remember one thing, and i am telling you this from years of experience. Nothing might make sense to you today for the things that are going on in your life but all the confusion that you might be facing today, all the disappointments that are creeping up in your life, all the discouragement coming your way from the people you thought were your friends, do not worry about it. Smile through the confusion and laugh through the disappointments because there will sure come a day very soon in your life that you would realize why Allah SWT took you through those testing times. Everything will make sense to you in the future. Every single dot of your life will connect to form a picture so clear that you will look back and realize that it was the best thing that happened to you. Positivity is only tested by Allah by letting IBLEES misguide you temporarily but you do not lose hope in the future. You are Allah's soldier on earth to fight IBLEES and Allah never leaves his soldiers disappointed but you will have to prove to Allah that you acted like a soldier. A soldier of positivity and YAQEEN in Allah.

A soldier full of Positivity. A soldier full of hope and strength and resilience. A thankful soldier even in the times of despair and discouragement. Once you volunteer to fight IBLEES and his negativity, Allah volunteers to guide you and when he is guiding you, your mind becomes bullet proof against negativity. And there is nothing more you need in life than Allah on your side and a bullet proof mentality against negativity.

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