Monday 5 September 2016

Go For Progress In Your Life, Not Change...#MirMak

New year comes we make a resolution. It never works, we break it within days. We see someone sick, we promise ourselves to change our eating habits. It never works. We see a bad accident on the road, we drive carefully for the next few days and then back to the same thing. And i can give you a million other examples where we promise ourselves to change our habits but we dont. Why ?
Because 90% of the time when we are looking for change we are promising ourselves what we are NOT going to do. We are not promising what we ARE going to do. I will not smoke. I will not drive fast. I will not eat fatty foods. I will not stay awake till late. I will not get angry. I will not be a negative person. I will not have anxiety. And the list can go on and on and on but the only thing that changes is the list not the person. Because our habits do not work on what we are not going to do. Our habits work on what we are going to do. And what we are going to do relates to progress. Progress is exciting, change is not. Change makes you fight with your comfort zone. Progress excites you to leave your comfort zone. Your mind accepts progress much more quickly than it accepts change.
Progress could continuously be monitored. Progress is seen by others and gives you encouragement. Progress can be visualized in your mind by you before it even happens. Progress is positivity. Always positivity. Change is not always positive. Change for example could be that you were a happy person last year and a sad one this year. Progress is the exact opposite. Change could be that you were healthy a few years ago and now you have gained 30 pounds this year. Progress is exact opposite. Never work on change, it may disappoint you. Always promise yourself progress and it will excite you. Visualize what you want instead of what you do not want. Vision works with progress it does not work with change.
You need to have reasons for progress. Results are based on reasons not fear. Change is often based on fear of something that you do not want. Progress is based on something that you do want in your life. I do not want to be poor anymore is a statement of change with no reasons. I want to become rich is a statement of progress based on reasons because making more money will get you a better lifestyle. Progress can be monitored by setting your goals today for the future. For example, i set a goal that i will work 12 hours a day instead of 7 hours for the next 10 days. 10 days later you can count the number of hours you have worked or you can count even everyday. Progress will give you excitement and encouragement. Change will make you fight with yourself everyday. Go for progress.
And on a lighter note, Change is TABDEELI. IK should also change his slogan from TABDEELI to TARRUQQI. Tarruqqi is progress, tabdeeli is not.

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