Thursday 22 September 2016

You Do Not Live Only Once...Its A Lie. #MirMak

You Do Not Live Only Once...Its A Lie. #MirMak

By. Mir Mohammad Alikhan.

People say you only live once...I have always disagreed with this notion. No..You do not only live once..You live every day..You die once. Before you begin to believe the cliches given to you by the society, start to analyze what you hear, see and even feel because without filtering you should not accept any notion in life. Whatever you put into your mind is what you become. And if you very easily accept whatever is thrown your will very easily become whatever the world wants you to become. It is extremely important that before you begin the process of getting to realize who you are or even more importantly, who you want to become, you start to question what is thrown at you. Question with an intention of learning, not with the intention of becoming a rebel without a cause, leave that to James Dean.

Remember that in order to remain yourself in a world which is constantly trying to change you into something that you are not, you have to remain the strongest. The biggest battle of life is to remain who you are and forge ahead with resilience as to who you want to be.

The most valuable advice one can give you is to tell you that create an image of your self in your mind which is positive. An image that you like. An image that you want your future self to be. First thing you should do is never to talk negative about yourself in front of others or in private. Stop saying things such as, I am not lucky or Why do bad things always happen to me, or, I will never make it in this world, or, the entire society is corrupt so i do not have a chance of succeeding. Remember that your sub conscious mind does not know how to evaluate your words. It does not know that you are saying these things in a bad mood or jokingly. It believes whatever you think without analysing it and if you repeat it enough times..your sub conscious will believe it forever. So stop saying negative things.

Self confidence only comes through one thing and one thing alone...and that doing things that you have always been afraid to do. Nobody ever learned to swim sitting by the pool. You have to jump in to learn. Start with the shallow side of the pool and as you gain confidence you go into the deep side. Thats is why i always say that stop thinking big... rather think small and put a big effort behind it and once you accomplish your small goal, adjust it to a bigger one for the next time. Always be yourself because to be original means to be worthy. Original is always much more valuable than a copy. Whatever you fear the most, if you face it, and go ahead with it, you will not only break your fear but you will gain self confidence.

To Master others is considered powerful but to me true power lies in mastering your own self. And its a life long process. One can never be disciplined enough. And without discipline, nothing can ever be accomplished. Discipline is your best friend, the most sincere one in this world. It will force you to do what you do not want to do when you do not want to do it. Its like your mother who used to wake you up early in the morning for school and you used to make excuses not to go to school but she never listened to a word of your BS. She sent you to school anyway and years later, you thank her every moment of your adult life because she was that discipline which you needed as a child. Now you have to create your own internal mother who forces you to do things whenever you want to give up.

There is so much more i can write about these things but due to the space constraints and due to my wish of keeping you engaged, i have to make these articles small enough so they make a point and at the same time pray to Almighty Allah that you remain interested enough so it makes an impact on your thoughts thus increasing the chances of making a future modification in your behaviour. Always remember that you are a unique being. your DNA, Your Finger Prints, Your Retina Scan, Your Hair Fiber, everything that Allah has made you with is only for you. So why take the most important aspect of all this, yourself...and copy it to become someone else.

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