Monday 19 September 2016

INDIA: If It WALKS Like A Duck, QUACKS Like A Duck, It Is A Duck. #MirMak

INDIA: If It WALKS Like A Duck, QUACKS Like A Duck, It Is A Duck. #MirMak

Modi slips in the Rashtrapati Bhavan on his way to meet the Indian President, Pakistan did it. Doval gets a pimple on his face, Pakistan did it. Kashmiiri people want justice, Pakistan brainwashed them. Naxalites want freedom in the other corner of India, Pakistan caused it. It is becoming so hilarious now that the next time somebody picks a pocket somewhere in Delhi, there will be a plethora of Indian news channels and officials come out and say that the pickpocket was sent by Pakistan.

When you start to blame others for the inefficiencies of your own armed forces who could not even defend themselves from the so called 4 attackers, you panic. And in that panic, the first name that comes to their mind is Pakistan. But this blame game is so old and so played out in the eyes of the entire world that people even in India have refused to believe it. The height of panic and mental disturbance of the Indian officials can be visibly noticed by just one fact and one fact alone, the attack took place in one location and they reported another. How much more sillier or childish can it get ? Perhaps more because looking at the history of Indian state of panic in light of Kashmiri people rising up for their right, we should expect anything.

Instead of solving the matter of the people whose lives have been made to live in hell on earth, instead of stopping the atrocities on the Kashmiri people, instead of shooting and killing the innocent children and women, and instead of going to the United Nations General Assembly and be held accountable for these acts, the Genius (Read:Idiot) spy chief of India comes up with an idea to use the deaths of the Sikh soldiers and tries to blame it on Pakistan but it backfires. Just like Kashmiris are being oppressed, so are the Sikhs in India from day one. And to create a feeling of hatred between the Sikhs and the Muslims, Indian intelligence has not even shied away from using the deaths of their own people to its advantage by trying to create a division through the artful colors of lies.

The time is gone when blames without evidences were taken seriously. The time is gone when suppression of an entire group of people in Kashmir can be ignored by the world. The time is gone when Indian lies are not exposed within hours of being spoken. The times is gone when governments can promote terrorism and within their own borders and blame it on the neighbours.

It is time now that the world is demanding for the Kashmir issue to be resolved amicably. It is time now that our neighbours start to act like neighbours. It is time now that they work on their own inefficiencies instead of spreading lies. It is time now that the Indians realize that a chicken can not be called a duck because they claim that its a duck. Because when it walks like a duck, when it quacks like a duck, Mr. Doval, IT IS A DUCK.

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