Tuesday 25 October 2016

Fawad Khan, Mahira Khan, Ali Zafar Now You Tweet As Pakistanis..#MirMak

Fawad Khan, Mahira Khan, Ali Zafar Now You Tweet As  Pakistanis..#MirMak

Dear Fawad, Mahira and Ali Zafar:

After facing such insults from the Indian media and the Bombay movie clan and the Modi supporters and the RSS supporters who ridiculed you for something you had nothing to do with..Now its time that you Tweet and Tweet like Lions and a Lioness. And let me give you the reason why the footprints of Modi are all over Quetta attack.

1. Modi offered Balochi leader Brahmdagh Indian nationality.
2. Modi's spook Khulbashan Yadev was caught red handed in Balochistan.
3. Modi started a Balochi radio service from India to create havoc in Balochistan.
4. Modi brought up Balochistan and how it should not remain a part of Pakistan on 19 different occasions in 2 years.
5. Modi's Chief of Spooks, Doval openly said that he will do everything to break up Balochistan.
6. Modi's hunch men met terrorists from Balochistan in Switzerland and offered financial help and it was recorded on camera and documents obtained by our people.

And i can give you million more solid reasons but you only need one reason to Tweet and that reason is that...


Monday 24 October 2016

I Do Not See Panic In The Markets...#MirMak

I Do Not See Panic In The Markets...#MirMak The funny thing is that almost the entire investors community in Pakistan is still counting points instead of percentage. Instead of looking at what percentage is the market up or down they keep looking at the points. Of course, 400 points will look a lot because your eyes and your mind is trained to consider 400 point swing a BIG SWING but in reality 400 points at 41,000 is not even 1%. If you are going to panic at a 1% swing in the markets then you better pack up and leave. As simple as that. Markets swing 1 to 3% a day anywhere in the world, anywhere. Yes i also hear that the Dharnas are coming up. I also hear that Islamabad will be shut down. I also hear that this is the final Dharna for IK. Well lets examine it logically. Will the earnings of the companies go down because of the Dharna ? NO. Will the economy suffer "Overall" because of the Dharna ? NO. Will we lose Emerging Markets status because of the Dharna ? NO. Will the outlook of the world change towards Pakistani markets ? NO. Will the interest rates be affected by the Dharnas ? NO. Will the CPEC halt because of the Dharnas ? NO. Will the democracy derail because of the Dharnas ? No. Even a PM resigning, which i dont see it happening, does not mean that democracy is in danger, on the contrary, that is the beauty of democracy that one PM goes the other one comes in. Japan and Italy have had 45+ PM's change in 50 years of their democracy. So stop panicking and spreading negativity amongst others as well. Pakistani markets are a story to be told for the years to come. They way i see these markets, before the elections, 2018, i will comfortably say that we should cross 50,000 mark. Insha Allah. Ameen. Invest with confidence. Invest for a long haul.

IMF And Its Senseless Comments About Pakistan...#MirMak

IMF And Its Senseless Comments About Pakistan...#MirMak Imagine you owned a store. Your best customer always bought your merchandise from you on credit. Always paid back on time. You charged him extra for the credit on top of your profits. You had a decades worth of credit history with him. The more he bought the more money you made because of your lending practices. Then imagine all of a sudden he comes to you and says that he will no longer buy on credit from you, and he wants you to close down his credit account. You are about to lose your very good customer so you will do and say anything to hurt his credibility in the market because if you can damage his newly established self sustaining attitude, he will not be able to conduct business anywhere and will come back to you as your customer on credit again. Well, that store owner is IMF and that customer is Pakistan. In this day and age of economic espionage and psychological warfare on financial credibility of nations, IMF has started a barrage of negative news against Pakistan. Few weeks ago they passed comments on the debt burden of CPEC. Yesterday they commented that Pakistan inflation will double by next year. These are not only irresponsible, they were outright declaration of an economic war hidden in the guise of economic analysis. Then all of a sudden, the french speaking Director of IMF arrives in Pakistan and issues a statement that "Pakistan is out of economic crisis"..Well we know that already as Pakistanis but did her staff at the D.C. organization know it as well ? If they did then why is it that the IMF Director is bullish on Pakistan but the analysis division based out of Washington D.C. is passing negative comments about Pakistan. Is CPEC being built by IMF money ? Has China borrowed from the IMF to fund projects of CPEC ? Has Pakistan defaulted on its credit that our inflation figures will go through the skies ? No to all of these questions. Then how come the Director says one thing and the policy statement says something else about Pakistan and its future. Is the IMF towing a line of an Anti-CPEC lobby ? Does the IMF want to scare off foreign investments into Pakistan by giving senseless prediction about inflation ? Are they angry that we are progressing towards a state of economy where we might not have to borrow any funds in the coming decades ? I do not have the answers for these questions but one question i have for the GoP, why is it that nobody has given a rebuttal to such irresponsible anti Pakistani economic analyis statements by the IMF ? Why ? Is MoF sleeping or are they too happy that Christine Lagarde, the IMF director is visiting Pakistan and they did not want to offend her ? Pakistan comes first. Pakistani economy comes first. Pakistan"s future comes first. Diplomacy and pleasantries come second. Pakistani economy is more important specially now when we are on our way to betterment. No such senseless comments should ever be tolerated, specially when the Director and the staff comments have such contradictions.

Thursday 20 October 2016

TRUMP And MODI Are The Two Best Things That Happened To This World. #MirMak

TRUMP And MODI Are The Two Best Things That Happened To This World. #MirMak

I have been thinking and thinking and I finally came to a personal conclusion that we should thank Allah for having TRUMP and MODI in this world. May Allah give them a long life. Because of them two good things have happened. Modi's hatred towards Pakistan has absolutely united all Pakistanis under one cause and Trump's hatred towards Muslims and other minorities has exposed the mainstream bigotry in America and has united Muslims around the world.

So THANK YOU MODI and THANK YOU TRUMP. May you both live a long life so the world sees your true colours year after year. Ameen.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Going To Make A Documentary On CPEC And Visiting Our Soldiers In SIACHIN. #MirMak

Going To Make A Documentary On CPEC And Visiting Our Soldiers In SIACHIN. #MirMak

Finally. Finally. Finally. I have the go ahead to go and spend a few weeks documenting the true progress of CPEC. I will be visiting every nook and corner from Gawadar to Kashgar evidencing the actual on ground progress of the CPEC. And afterwards I will be spending a week with our soldiers in SIACHIN. Let's record the actual progress of CPEC instead of just appearing on the TV and defending something without evidence. Let's be the first to record everything and present it to you. That was my idea and Allah made it possible. And by the way I don't get paid for doing this documentary. This is for Pakistan.

RIFT Needs To SHIFT. #MirMak

RIFT Needs To SHIFT. #MirMak

I go to Lahore I hear whispers that there is a rift between the Shareef brothers. I go to Islamabad I hear whispers that PTI has a rift amongst the top leadership. I go to Karachi I  hear that MQM has a rift between London and Pakistan. PSP and the Governor Sindh has a rift. PPP Dubai and old PPP Parliamentarians have a rift. District Government and the Ministry of Local Government has a rift. Rift. Rift. Rift. And more rift.

When is all this rift going to end and when are we going to concentrate on a SHIFT TOWARDS PROGRESS instead of a RIFT TOWARDS POWER.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

The Voices In Your Head. Let Them Guide You To Your Destiny....#MirMak

The Voices In Your Head. Let Them Guide You To Your Destiny....#MirMak

By. Mir Mohammad Alikhan

There is always an inner voice, a voice that compels you to rise, a voice that pushes you towards your goal, a voice that guides you from wrong and puts you on the path to your destiny, a voice that tells you to have courage and to go after your dreams, a voice that says you can do it, you have it in you. This is the voice coming from Allah from within you because he lives in you closer to your jugular vein as he says in Quran.

And then against all these voices of reason and encouragement and motivation, there is a voice of IBLEES which tells you that all the other voices of positivity and hope are nothing but your over confidence. His voice, the satanic voice, seems so logical because IBLEES is fighting against your faith in Allah. And faith is believing in something that you have not experienced yet. Faith is in the future. Faith is a destiny at a distance. So the voice that IBLEES puts in your head is based on negativity that you have seen in the past throughout your life. And that negativity seems to have visible proof versus invisible faith in the future. Allah tests your faith. That is what Islam is all about. Believing in the Prophet you have not seen, having faith in the day of judgment that nobody has experienced yet, looking and believing into the future and Allah's mercy without having proof in hand.

What IBLEES puts in your head is just noises. Its not your inner voice. Do not ever let your inner voice be drowned by the noises of negativity. Whenever you are faced with a difficult situation, and you want to invoke your inner voice, ask yourself this question. Would Allah ever leave me alone and let me drown in my burdens ? The answer to this question will be the true inner voice coming from your faith and it will give you so much courage that you wil be able to face a mountain of negativity, despair, discouragement and doubts and turn it into small pieces of sand. Yes, a mountain will turn into particles of sand with your faith in Allah. 

And once you decide to listen to your inner voice and rise against the situation, do not think for a second that all your problems will immediately be solved automatically. No they will not be solved because there will come another level of your faith being tested. At every level your faith will be tested just like every day your AAMMAL are tested. So be prepared for what you will be tested and rewarded for. It will be your FAITH in Allah SWT and your inner voice guiding you. The voice in your head that tells you..You are a winner. Your destiny is waiting for. Just walk towards it in faith and the rest will be done by Allah.

Sunday 16 October 2016



In Your Face India. Here Comes The First Ship At CPEC Gawadar. Would Love To Write A Whole Article But Pictures Speak Louder Than Words At Times.

Monday 10 October 2016

Muharram Will Come And Muharram Will Go But...#MirMak

Muharram Will Come And Muharram Will Go But...#MirMak

When i was young, i can remember very clearly that a Masjid was just a Masjid. It was not a Shia Masjid or a Sunni Masjid or a Barelvi or a Deobandi Masjid. A Moulvi saheb who came to teach us Quran was just a learned Moulvi saheb. His knowledge and teaching abilities mattered not his sect. We broke our Roza at the only mosque which was a few streets away from my home, some broke it a few minutes after Maghrib and some right at the Maghrib time. We read our Namaz at the same mosque. Some hands open some hands closed. The Namaaz mattered more than the hand position, Roza mattered more than the 2 minute difference in Iftaar, Quran mattered more than the Moulvi saheb's sect.

But when i returned back to Pakistan in my 40's. Everything had changed. Masjid was sect based. Moulvi was masjid based. Iftaar was ego based. Learning to read Quran was Iran or Saudi Tafseer based. Murders were sectarian based. And hatred amongst Muslim brothers were religious based. The religion was the same, Islam, but the followers were either Iran based or Saudi based in their minds. So much so that the ones who had never even been to either Iran or Saudi were ready to fight with each other even though both belonged to Pakistan. Within these 30 some years that i was away from Pakistan, i lost the Pakistan that was truly Quad E Azam,'s Pakistan. I came back to either Saudi's Pakistan or Iranian's Pakistan. Neither of whom have any sincerity to Pakistan except for themselves.

This Muharram will come and it will go. But a few more things i would like to also go with this Muharram. I would like the hatred to go. The prejudice to go. The sectarianism to go. The division of Mosques to go. The sect of the Moulvi to go. And all this once and when it goes, should be replaced only by Islam. Because we all belong to Islam. One Allah. One Rasool SAWS. One Quran. One Kaaba. One Hajj. One Namaaz. One Ramzan. Same Eid. Same Qabar. Same Janaaza. Same Qayamat. Same Jannat Ya Dozakh. Please do not let anyone divide us.

Hussain A.S. does not belong to Shias. He belongs to Allah SWT and the family of Prophet Muhammad SAWS and we all belong to Allah and our prophet's ummah. How will we face our Prophet on the day of judgement... Will we face him as his Ummah or will we face him as Shias, Sunnis, Deobandis, Barelvis Humbali, Shaafaee, Maaliki etc. Is our Prophet going to give us his Shifaa'at based on our loyalties to Saudi or Iran or is he going to bestow his Shifaa'at on us based on how well we followed his teachings of tolerance, humanity, peace, obedience to Allah, practicing the teachings of Quran and being good human beings. I know my answer...

You decide for yourself.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Saturday 8 October 2016

Its YOU Vs. YOU... Never Stand In Your Own Way...‪#MirMak‬

Its YOU Vs. YOU... Never Stand In Your Own Way...‪##MirMak‬

Its always You Against You. Its not you versus the world or you versus any other person. Never get in the way of your own dreams. Every power that you need is within yourself. You do not need external motivation. You do not need pep talks from others. You do not need someone to tell you that you have it in you. You do not need anything from outside. Its all in you. Dig deep. Dig hard. Dig into your soul and pull out that dream and make it happen. Never let any excuse that your mind is making, get in the way of your life goals. Never allow others to penetrate into your mind. Never lose control of your thoughts. There will be time people will hate you. There will be time people would want you to fail. There will be times when you may almost want to give up. But there will be the inner you who will stand up to all those who did not believe in you and prove them wrong. Its YOU who has the power to do anything... To do everything and to do it your way. and as long as your way is the way to forge ahead and is not hurting anyone and it produces positive results..Its the right way.

I have been down. I have been lonely. I have felt dejected. I have been broke. I have been rich. I have been known and i have been forgotten about. I have been detested and i have been loved. but...Never have i had these feelings affect me. Temporarily..Yes. Because i am human. There have been times when i tried to understand the world and the people in it.. but mostly i had failed so i decided to understand myself. If i could master my own self and master my own thoughts...I came to a conclusion that it would lead me to master my own life. I have never found strength in mastering others...I have always found power in mastering my own self. Every time i have faced difficulties...i have taken time to concentrate on myself rather than concentrating on the difficulty. I have always dug deep inside myself, cried in front of Allah, begged him for strength... and have prepared my mind to fight the situation before i even begun to actually fight it. I have never put a limit on my thoughts as to what i will do... Because mental limits, limit your physical ability to do something as well. I have adjusted to everything and have never let myself stand in my own way.

Last three years of my life in America i only traveled in a private jet. And when everything came crashing down in my life suddenly. I was left in a situation where i did not have enough money for an economy ticket. that was the time i could have been ME Against ME. I could have remembered the old "ME" days and lived in them forever as a sorry person or i could have done what i needed to do and forge ahead toward the future "ME"..The new and better "ME".. So i decided to look forward. Yes it was extremely painful, immensely difficult. There were times i crawled into my bed crying all night into the pillow. All alone. Two young boys to raise alone. No career. Everything lost. Fingers pointed at me. Nobody to believe in me. Nobody to give me a chance. No money. No connections anymore plus all the memories of an extremely successful life.... I could have stood in my own way like nobody else. I could have found a million reasons to justify me standing in my own way. But i did not.... Why ? Because i always knew...Its ME against ME... Its not me against them. And i would never let ME be the reason of my own defeat.

I write all these articles so i can give the youth of Pakistan my own examples. I write from my own experiences. From my heart. I was once forgotten about after being celebrated. I want you the young ones to know... I fell down but i got up. I almost drowned but i kept swimming. I woke up every morning. Kicked life's butt..Went to sleep. Woke up again and repeated the same process every single day... Until i reached the top again. So get up. Kick some ass. Rest. Wake up. And go do the same thing again until you are longer standing against your own self.

Friday 7 October 2016

Investors Lounge Lies Exposed. Legal Notice To Tech Juice And Tech In Asia. Read Below... #Investorslounge #Techjuice #TechinAsia

Investors Lounge Lies Exposed. Legal Notice To Tech Juice And Tech In Asia. Read Below... #Investorslounge #Techjuice #TechinAsia

Absolute lies of the news that alleged thieves of Investors Lounge, Baqar Abbas Jafri, Senen D'Souza and Hammad Hashmi and others have been exonerated. The case has been filed to be moved to the FIA Cyber Crime division last week after the Honourable Civil Judge gave in writing that she can not judge an IT related case. This is the legal notice below which has already been sent to TECH JUICE and TECH IN ASIA for publishing a false news.

Keep in mind that TECH JUICE last year had already published a false news about my FB post of The Shoe Maker in Lahore and the founder of TECH JUICE Fatima had publicly and in writing had apologized for her false reporting and i had accepted the apology. But i guess i should not have forgiven TECH JUICE's false publication last time.

AMZ MAK Capital Ltd expects this case to now be handled by professionals at the cyber crime division of our honourable FIA where they hold absolute expertise in such cases. No matter who is behind the thieves of Investors Lounge, from the IT industry of Pakistan, we will pursue this case till the culprits are punished.

Thursday 6 October 2016

On A Lighter Note But REAL...#MirMak

On A Lighter Note But REAL...#MirMak

Yesterday I arranged for my son Zayn to attend The Joint Session of the National Assembly And The Senate. He was obviously happy to see it live in person for the first time. But an hour into the session he calls and says I want to come back. And I asked why ?

He replied. Every political leader here is giving a speech against corruption, injustice, poverty and if these same people are in power who are against all these things then why do we have corruption injustice and poverty in Pakistan ? I can't listen to hypocrisy.

And I was left speechless. He came back and we went to have a cup of coffee and obviously there was a serious conversation about all the realities of life....

Kashmir Is The New INTIFADA And INTIFIDAS Are Noticed By The World....#MirMak

Take a look at @POSITIVEiBANKER's Tweet: https://twitter.com/POSITIVEiBANKER/status/783898385157939200?s=09

Sunday 2 October 2016

Indian Army Attacks The Indian Army And Then Realizes.....#MirMak

Indian Army Attacks The Indian Army And Then Realizes.....#MirMak

In another hysterical twist of war mongering and nervousness, The Indian Army has delivered something which seems nothing more than a plot for a comical play on some Broadway theater. The cat has come out of the bag this time for the world to see. When the drama of surgical attacks did not work in the eyes of the world and The Guardian Newspaper itself questioned the authenticity of the surgical attack, it seems that another dream-to-die of isolating Pakistan took birth and suffocated itself within hours.

According to the exact words of NDTV India...

"The terrorists attacked the 46 Rashtriya Rifles camp of the army and the adjacent BSF camp in main town Baramulla in two groups at about 10:30 pm Sunday. Heavy firing and loud grenade blasts were heard"...

So the plan to create another comedy filled drama failed when the senior Indian army officer realized that the adjacent camps of the BSF and the RRF have been firing at each other. And this realization dawned upon the senior officers after 4 hours of both camps of the same Indian army firing at each other. Further reports suggests that a senior officer of The RRF realised that the drama has backfired and he ordered both the camps to stop firing at each other.

And the moment both the camps stopped firing at each other, reports started to come in that "The Terrorists" have fled. The way it seems these days, one does not need to watch any comedy channel. All one needs to do is to subscribe to the Indian News Channels and sit back with a box of popcorn and a few fizzy drinks, one would get all the comical relief one is looking for in a stressful day. And Bollywood, watch out, your security agencies are starting to give you a run for your money. And Mr. Johnny Lever, be careful, i hope some Brigadier or a General from an Indian Army does not take over your job...