Tuesday 18 October 2016

The Voices In Your Head. Let Them Guide You To Your Destiny....#MirMak

The Voices In Your Head. Let Them Guide You To Your Destiny....#MirMak

By. Mir Mohammad Alikhan

There is always an inner voice, a voice that compels you to rise, a voice that pushes you towards your goal, a voice that guides you from wrong and puts you on the path to your destiny, a voice that tells you to have courage and to go after your dreams, a voice that says you can do it, you have it in you. This is the voice coming from Allah from within you because he lives in you closer to your jugular vein as he says in Quran.

And then against all these voices of reason and encouragement and motivation, there is a voice of IBLEES which tells you that all the other voices of positivity and hope are nothing but your over confidence. His voice, the satanic voice, seems so logical because IBLEES is fighting against your faith in Allah. And faith is believing in something that you have not experienced yet. Faith is in the future. Faith is a destiny at a distance. So the voice that IBLEES puts in your head is based on negativity that you have seen in the past throughout your life. And that negativity seems to have visible proof versus invisible faith in the future. Allah tests your faith. That is what Islam is all about. Believing in the Prophet you have not seen, having faith in the day of judgment that nobody has experienced yet, looking and believing into the future and Allah's mercy without having proof in hand.

What IBLEES puts in your head is just noises. Its not your inner voice. Do not ever let your inner voice be drowned by the noises of negativity. Whenever you are faced with a difficult situation, and you want to invoke your inner voice, ask yourself this question. Would Allah ever leave me alone and let me drown in my burdens ? The answer to this question will be the true inner voice coming from your faith and it will give you so much courage that you wil be able to face a mountain of negativity, despair, discouragement and doubts and turn it into small pieces of sand. Yes, a mountain will turn into particles of sand with your faith in Allah. 

And once you decide to listen to your inner voice and rise against the situation, do not think for a second that all your problems will immediately be solved automatically. No they will not be solved because there will come another level of your faith being tested. At every level your faith will be tested just like every day your AAMMAL are tested. So be prepared for what you will be tested and rewarded for. It will be your FAITH in Allah SWT and your inner voice guiding you. The voice in your head that tells you..You are a winner. Your destiny is waiting for. Just walk towards it in faith and the rest will be done by Allah.

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