Monday 10 October 2016

Muharram Will Come And Muharram Will Go But...#MirMak

Muharram Will Come And Muharram Will Go But...#MirMak

When i was young, i can remember very clearly that a Masjid was just a Masjid. It was not a Shia Masjid or a Sunni Masjid or a Barelvi or a Deobandi Masjid. A Moulvi saheb who came to teach us Quran was just a learned Moulvi saheb. His knowledge and teaching abilities mattered not his sect. We broke our Roza at the only mosque which was a few streets away from my home, some broke it a few minutes after Maghrib and some right at the Maghrib time. We read our Namaz at the same mosque. Some hands open some hands closed. The Namaaz mattered more than the hand position, Roza mattered more than the 2 minute difference in Iftaar, Quran mattered more than the Moulvi saheb's sect.

But when i returned back to Pakistan in my 40's. Everything had changed. Masjid was sect based. Moulvi was masjid based. Iftaar was ego based. Learning to read Quran was Iran or Saudi Tafseer based. Murders were sectarian based. And hatred amongst Muslim brothers were religious based. The religion was the same, Islam, but the followers were either Iran based or Saudi based in their minds. So much so that the ones who had never even been to either Iran or Saudi were ready to fight with each other even though both belonged to Pakistan. Within these 30 some years that i was away from Pakistan, i lost the Pakistan that was truly Quad E Azam,'s Pakistan. I came back to either Saudi's Pakistan or Iranian's Pakistan. Neither of whom have any sincerity to Pakistan except for themselves.

This Muharram will come and it will go. But a few more things i would like to also go with this Muharram. I would like the hatred to go. The prejudice to go. The sectarianism to go. The division of Mosques to go. The sect of the Moulvi to go. And all this once and when it goes, should be replaced only by Islam. Because we all belong to Islam. One Allah. One Rasool SAWS. One Quran. One Kaaba. One Hajj. One Namaaz. One Ramzan. Same Eid. Same Qabar. Same Janaaza. Same Qayamat. Same Jannat Ya Dozakh. Please do not let anyone divide us.

Hussain A.S. does not belong to Shias. He belongs to Allah SWT and the family of Prophet Muhammad SAWS and we all belong to Allah and our prophet's ummah. How will we face our Prophet on the day of judgement... Will we face him as his Ummah or will we face him as Shias, Sunnis, Deobandis, Barelvis Humbali, Shaafaee, Maaliki etc. Is our Prophet going to give us his Shifaa'at based on our loyalties to Saudi or Iran or is he going to bestow his Shifaa'at on us based on how well we followed his teachings of tolerance, humanity, peace, obedience to Allah, practicing the teachings of Quran and being good human beings. I know my answer...

You decide for yourself.

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