Monday 24 October 2016

I Do Not See Panic In The Markets...#MirMak

I Do Not See Panic In The Markets...#MirMak The funny thing is that almost the entire investors community in Pakistan is still counting points instead of percentage. Instead of looking at what percentage is the market up or down they keep looking at the points. Of course, 400 points will look a lot because your eyes and your mind is trained to consider 400 point swing a BIG SWING but in reality 400 points at 41,000 is not even 1%. If you are going to panic at a 1% swing in the markets then you better pack up and leave. As simple as that. Markets swing 1 to 3% a day anywhere in the world, anywhere. Yes i also hear that the Dharnas are coming up. I also hear that Islamabad will be shut down. I also hear that this is the final Dharna for IK. Well lets examine it logically. Will the earnings of the companies go down because of the Dharna ? NO. Will the economy suffer "Overall" because of the Dharna ? NO. Will we lose Emerging Markets status because of the Dharna ? NO. Will the outlook of the world change towards Pakistani markets ? NO. Will the interest rates be affected by the Dharnas ? NO. Will the CPEC halt because of the Dharnas ? NO. Will the democracy derail because of the Dharnas ? No. Even a PM resigning, which i dont see it happening, does not mean that democracy is in danger, on the contrary, that is the beauty of democracy that one PM goes the other one comes in. Japan and Italy have had 45+ PM's change in 50 years of their democracy. So stop panicking and spreading negativity amongst others as well. Pakistani markets are a story to be told for the years to come. They way i see these markets, before the elections, 2018, i will comfortably say that we should cross 50,000 mark. Insha Allah. Ameen. Invest with confidence. Invest for a long haul.

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