Tuesday 31 January 2017

After A Long Time At The PSX For Meetings. #MirMak

KAASH This Had Happened Or AGAR That Would Happen...#MirMak

KAASH This Had Happened Or AGAR That Would Happen...#MirMak\



Hazrat Ali A.S. said that us humans live our lives between 'Hope" and "Despair"... Nothing could be closer to truth than that. We have hopes and for that reason we are optimistic and we pray to Allah hoping for our prayers to come true. We have Iblees always following us and trying to pull us out and away from hope to despair and maayoosi because it is his ultimate goal to put negativity, in human mind. And this tug of war is what Allah likes because it proves to him that despite of Iblees trying to pull his people away from hope, he is not succeeding. He is not being able to shake the faith of humans in their creator. He is not succeeding in putting negativity in our minds. He is failing to embed in our minds that Allah is the only answer to all our problems.

Take it a step further and you visit another perspective of thoughts. A different approach towards belief in Allah. People who spend their lives wishing (KAASH) and hoping for "What If" (AGAR) are actually living closer to confusion and further from faith than anybody else. Why ? You may say that we all have wishes and what is wrong in having wishes ? Yes you would be right in saying that but wishing is a hollow approach towards faith. It is a scapegoat for people who do not want to develop solid faith in Allah. People who have solid faith, put in an effort and then believe, not wish, believe that if it is good for me, what i have put in an effort for, Allah SWT will definitely give it to me. He will provide it for me. The timing will be his, the effort will be mine.

Now let me take this to another level further in thoughts than the previous paragraph. People who say Kaash Aisay Ho Jaata are actually questioning Allah's wisdom. Yes they are. Because if you believe that Allah does whatever he does, for your best, then how in the world can you say that Kaash waisay hojaata. It means you are saying that what he, the almighty chose for you was not, first, the right thing, And Secondly, you are saying that you are not happy with his decision for you because you are still wishing for something against his wisdom. Shukar has many levels. We humans think that saying a few words from our mouth in Allah's praise is shukar...its the lowest step of shukar on a staircase of million further steps. Saying Alhamdolillah is like taking your first breath as a child, you still have the rest of your life ahead of you. It is the thoughts that matter more than your words when it comes to thankfulness. Being thankful with your words and wishing for something else in your thoughts is an absolute dichotomy, an absolute Tazaad in your mind and your heart. And people with Tazaad are just a few steps away from being Munaafiqs and the people Allah dislikes the most are Munafiqeen.

When you put in your 100% effort into something and you do not get the desired results, but the condition is that you put in 100% effort and not 60% and think that it was 100%, bow down in Sajda to Allah and thank him. Yes thank him for not getting what you wanted even after your 100% effort because believe with 100000% surety that if you did not get what you wanted, it must have been so bad for you that Allah, being an Aadil, still did not give it to you. Imagine a mother not giving something to her child who is the best child in the world. It is almost impossible to believe but if i said to you that the child wanted to blindfold himself and run and play on the road, you would immediately say that, of course the mother did the right thing by not letting the child have his way. ALLAH loves you more than 70 mothers love combined and what you were wishing for or doing "Zidd" for was perhaps you blindfolding yourself and running in the direction of traffic, traffic of life. So he saved you.

Next time you say Kaash or Agar, think twice. Instead of saying these two words say, Achha Huwa and Usko Behter Khabar Hai....

Friday 27 January 2017

BUY HIGH, SELL HIGHER Needs To BE Taken As A Caution In The Markets. #MirMak

BUY HIGH, SELL HIGHER Needs To BE Taken As A Caution In The Markets. #MirMak



First of all lets begin with clarifying that i love the value in Pakistani Stock Markets. It is still trading around 10.6 multiple compared to the regional multiple of 16 or so. So there is room to grow. Interest rates are at the lowest. GDP growth is expected to be around 5.3% for 2017. International outlook towards Pakistan has become favorable. We are declared one of the best stock markets of the world. Corporate earnings are strong. Chinese consortium has bought into PSX that has brought international attention to PSX in abundance. And the list can go on for the long term perspectives of the markets. PSX came out like a roaring lion in 2017, entire January. Euphoria was created and social media gurus are luring people into buying everything in sight. This gave birth to a phenomenon rarely known by people in this part of the world, which is, BUY HIGH, SELL HIGHER.

Buy high, sell higher theory defies the age old theory of Buy Low Sell High. Buy high sell higher gives birth to non savvy investors. It gives birth to unscrupulous financial agents looking to generate commissions only. It also gives birth to a euphoria which starts to defy current price discovery of stocks. Future price discovery is very different than current price discovery. Future looks great. Future of PSX looks bright. Future of the prices look excellent but current price discovery is a bit high to me. Another phenomenon is that since we do not have any short selling in ready markets, this means that the upward trajectory of stocks had no resistance. Not all stocks can be shorted in "Futures Market" thus it leaves people with one choice only, which is, sell at a higher price then wait for it to come down so they can buy it again at a lower price. That leaves no room for liquidity while the stock is going down because nobody is buying and covering their short positions when the stock is going down. So the stocks come down faster in Pakistan then other countries i have seen throughout my career.

Plus the Lower Lock phenomenon is the worst psychological deterrent to new buyers. It has failed to bring any positive results in any markets. The worst effected market by Circuit Breakers (Locks & Caps) was China itself in recent history. It had to reverse their decision, and they did. Once a stock goes to a lower lock it gives an impression based on the number of shares offered for sale that it will go down further the next day, this scares the buyers and further selling comes in.

Having said all what i said above, i believe that a minor correction at these levels would be the most healthy thing for our markets. It will bring in new buyers. It will create more confidence. It will be a natural event. Correction only means a correction. It does not mean a crash. SECP has put in enough measures in place, according to its Chairman itself who made that statement few days ago that we will not see a crash. And i fully agree with him. So make your decision based on logic. Buy more or take profits, its your choice. I did my job of educating all of you of what i think. Thanks.

Thursday 26 January 2017

The Youngest Pakistani Female To Have Given A Speech About Pakistan At The PENTAGON America. Anza Saqib. #MirMak

The Youngest Pakistani Female To Have Given A Speech About Pakistan At The PENTAGON America. Anza Saqib. #MirMak

The Young Heroes Of Positvity In Pakistan. Anza Beta Keep It Up. And Many Thanks To Maria Miandad For The Signed Bat From Javed Bhai.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

On A Lighter Note. American Cartoon Legacy. #MirMak

On A Lighter Note. American Cartoon Legacy. #MirMak

DONALD (Duck) is the President. MIKEY (Mouse) is the Vice President. Washington D.C. Will now be THE DISNEY WORLD and cartoon characters will run the affairs.

WASSUP DOC.... will be the OFFICIAL greeting at THE WHITE HOUSE.

Pakistanis And The ECONOMIC JIHADIS..#MirMak

The most misunderstood word in Islam to me is the word "Jihad". Every war mongering, peace hating, human rights violator understands it to be his right to destroy others in the name of Jihad. We all know what Jihad stands for, at least the ones who have any basic understanding of Islam, its a continuous process of struggle or to strive for betterment, a betterment which is internal more than external. A betterment of "Self" more than the betterment of society because a society is made up of many "selves" and individual betterment brings collective betterment.

Economic matters work in the same fashion. Individuals contributing towards themselves translates into a collective betterment of the entire national economy. It is not the other way around. If you study the history of economic improvements, rarely has it been a task of the governments, governments have only been the catalysts that remove the barriers for individual economic progress. Nothing more.
In Pakistan the cart gets fixed before the horse. I think it goes back to our pre-independence mental training of depending on  "Our Masters" to bring about a change in our lives instead of us thinking of ourselves to be empowered enough to do it ourselves. The same stranglehold translated into the villages and the tribal systems of our country where one man considered to be the controller or the dispenser of economic betterment in the form of the village head. But the day is not far in Pakistan when each individual will begin to realize that economic prosperity is like an economic jihad. A continuous struggle for betterment of ourselves in absolute tough environment. Just like the concept of "Real Jihad" of self in Islam where it becomes almost impossible to not have opposition on your path to betterment, economic jihad is the same. The moment you start to do well for yourself, people from within your own circle start to distract you to deviate from your Jihadi path. And the Jihadi path is not of war or attacks on others or violence, a true jihadi is only concerned about bettering himself through discipline.

Making a halal living and contributing towards the betterment of the society from that earned bounty is the economic jihad. Hurdles at every step. Negativity at every corner. Discouragement at every nook. Us Pakistanis have suffered for decades, some out of our own mistakes and some because of the mistakes of the people who steer our government and our defence institutions. But the time has arrived when we need to become one. we need to rely on ourselves rather than look towards others. It is that moment in our lives where Pakistan is rising and rising high. Take a note of your attitude towards the betterment. If you, yourself can not be a economic jihadi then realize that you should not stand as a hurdle in the way of the ones who are doing the real jihad, the real jihad of making Pakistan a country full of economic jihadis. Insha Allah that day is not far. Ameen.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Forget Your Ambition. Create A Passion. #MirMak

Forget Your Ambition. Create A Passion. #MirMak

Walk out of your house, close your eyes, extend your arm and the first person you touch, ask them this question. "You want to make a million dollars ?" And the answer, undoubtedly, every time will be a yes. Now ask that same person, what is your plan to make a million dollars. And mostly you will find people baffled by your 2nd question. Why ? Because ambition is nothing but a "Want". It is easier to have ambition. It takes no effort to have an ambition. It sounds great and makes you look important in other people's eyes as well. People call you AMBITIOUS. Very nice sounding word "Ambitious".. Isn't it ? Even your parents will be proud of you when someone calls you ambitious in front of them.

In actuality, ambition is nothing but a want without a plan. The easiest thing in the world is to declare your ambition in public. Most of the people do it to impress others and to make their own self worth increase in their eyes. People who have a plan do not have time to sit and discuss their plans in public. They do not have time even for discussion and even if they did discuss, what benefit will they get from it ?
So, Ambition is just a want to have something. Passion on the other hand means you will go and get what you want at any cost, at the cost of hard work, at the cost of acquisition of knowledge and skills, at the cost of others standing in your way..At the cost of fighting negativity..you name it, and you will do it when you are passionate about something in life. Passion is actually having such belief in what you love to do that even the biggest of obstacle can not stand in your way. The problem with the youth around the world is that they keep changing their ambition from time to time. They spend their life chasing ambition instead of creating passion. If the Technology field is "In" season, they develop ambition to become a techy without ever asking themselves if they even like what they are chasing after. Thus becoming an average TECHY and hating what they do, in most cases or in others, forcing themselves to like what they do. They end up spending their entire life, "Making A Living" instead of progressing in what they do. They may get promoted with experience but they will never be leaders who create and lead ideas.

Passion is to human mind, what water is to a fish. One of the greatest humans ever to inhabit this earth, Albert Einstein, once said " I have no special talent, i am just passionately curious".... What a statement that is. If you look deeper, the man has described the recipe of success as passion. Passion accompanied by all the other relevant traits, such as positivism, resilience, tenacity, optimism, and Belief In Allah, will guide you through life like the wind guides the sails in the ocean. You do not see the wind but it takes you to your desired destination, even across the longest of oceans. Life is an ocean. Let the winds of passion take you across. Never forget that in order to achieve something great, you require greater effort than others. Keep pushing yourself for excellence. Never stop to even bother. Create that focus in yourself. Find your passion in life and stick to it. If you want to do something do it with passion or walk away from it, altogether.