Wednesday 11 January 2017

Even The TOUGHEST OF PAIN Is Your Training To Appreciate PLEASURE..#MirMak

Even The TOUGHEST OF PAIN Is Your Training To Appreciate PLEASURE..#MirMak

Just like you can never be a soldier without going through a boot camp training... You can never become a person who completely appreciates the pleasures of life unless you have felt the pains of life as well. Even a General has to go through his initial boot camp training. Life has the same boot camp training..its called pain. Without learning to cope with pain you can never develop tolerance, appreciation, endurance, tenacity, resilience and a million other qualities that a successful person must have. Boot Camps are temporary...And so is pain. But while it is happening, it may seem like it will break you into pieces. Well, that is the idea. Let it try to break you.. because it can not. It can never break you..never. It may seem like it is about to break you every second while you are going through it but it will not because human endurance is much stronger than wordly pain. Worldly pain is no match for your god gifted tenacity. So in actuality the pain is a test for you to show your belief in your God instead of bowing down to the World.
The best tool you can use while you are facing a painful situation..Any painful situation is to exercise patience and positivity. Both patience and positivity are the instructions given to you by ALLAH SWT in times of pain. It is HE who has repeatedly said that 'I am with the ones who have Patience"..and secondly, you need positivity because it is HE who has declared the opposite of positivity, which is MAAYOOSI..a sin. So how could you not win against pain when your creator has given you a PERFECT solution in advance as o how to handle pain. And after every painful situation and after you have followed ALLAH's instructions while in pain.. you will be rewarded by pleasure.
Your pain of today is your strength of tomorrow...Always remember that. So be happy and optimistic when in pain that Allah has chosen you to train you for future strength. And Allah only chooses to train someone for the future whom he chooses to get big things one by. So if he has chosen to put you in a boot camp of means that your future is great... He has already planned to use your abilities to get something great done by you, for yourself and for the greater benefit of humanity. This is what i have learned practically after having gone through pain of the highest order. Where could i have gathered the wisdom to write even two words of encouragement for you if he had not chosen me to go through years of pain. I thank him every moment of my life to have chosen me to inject doses of positivity, Belief, and all the other things into my fellow Pakistanis. My Boot Camp was America and other countries, My Battle Ground was to be Pakistan and i did not even know that. It was all his planning that i sit in front of my laptop and write articles for you. I am the happiest i have ever been. Yes i still go through pain..but i have my belief so strong that i smile when pain even tries to creep into my direction. Because i know.. I will have pleasure coming into my life if pain is walking in my direction. Just like clouds come before rain, Pain comes before pleasure. Its a heavenly sign that pleasure is about to show up in your life..whenever pain is showing up in your life.
Patience and belief will take you intro the land of pleasure, while you are facing pain. Pain is just like a bad patch on the highway of pleasure. Nothing more. So hold on to your steering wheel..Keep over the bumps with patience and total control of the vehicle of your life and keep your eyes on the highway of life, you are driving towards good times.

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