Tuesday 17 January 2017

My Lessons From My Failures. #MirMak

My Lessons From My Failures. #MirMak

The biggest deficiency i have seen in the youth of Pakistan is their fear of failure. And the funny thing is that they do not admit that they are afraid of failure, rather, they come up with other psychologically impressive excuses to avoid trying, thus avoid failing but they do not understand that by avoiding failure, they are avoiding success. Their excuses are very logical ones for a common man to hear... and by the way..All of IBLEES's reasons are logical as well.

They may not be true, but they sure sound logical. I was born to a poor family. This country is not fair..There are too many corrupt people in this country. I need to look for perfect financing for my idea, I do not have an MBA degree, I need a political backing to get a job.. And the excuses can last for ten days and these young brilliant minds on top of that will defend their excuses with such tenacity and belief that sometimes i think that if they used the same tenacity and belief to convince themselves that Life is not fair in every country. some places less and some places more but life is not fair anywhere. There are corrupt people everywhere, Here may be more financially corrupt but other places they could be morally corrupt of prejudice or unethical or anything else.
You can find one million reasons to fail, you have to find that one reason to succeed. Failure is not a person, its an event. Just like any other event that you can learn from. I have yet to see any other nation where the youth is equipped with every other quality that is required to succeed, such as resilience, tenacity, positivity, belief in a higher being, thirst for financial freedom, and the list can go on.

With all the bombs blasting in the past 14 years, not a single youngster has given up on life and stayed back home or quit his education. That is resilience. Even knowing that after graduating from the best of the university, they may not find a job, yet, they keep forging ahead with their education. That is tenacity and positivity. With all the terrorism around these young people for the past decade and a half and knowing that their life can be taken away from them at any given moment..yet they still roam around their cities like they are living in some heavenly place. That is belief in a higher being that nobody can take their life but Allah. I can go on counting another 20 more qualities in these young people which the youth of the western countries would give their right arm to have them. The sad thing is not that you have talent and you failed..the saddest thing to me is that you have talent and you do not even realize that you have it. Its like having a car in your garage but you are walking to the farthest of places on foot because you refuse to learn to drive because of the fear of getting into an accident yet you keep complaining that others are driving and you have to walk.

There is no perfect time, their is no perfect business plan, there is no perfect mentor, Their is no perfect education, There is nothing perfect in this world. You have to make it all perfect. The only perfection that exists is with Allah. He is the only perfection in this world. The rest is imperfect. And the beauty of life is to come up with an imperfect idea and spend your entire life working hard and making it close to perfect one year at a time, one month at a time, one day at a time and one hour at a time.

What i learned from failures is far more than what i have learned from successes. If you want to define my life based on the success i have achieved, i am a failure to me but if you want to define my life looking at the failures that i turned into successes, then consider me successful. One thing i learned from failure is that it should never be feared. I also learned that once you face your first few failures, you automatically get confidence to try new things and succeed. I learned that if you keep your mind focused on your problems, you will magnify them and if you keep your mind focused on the solutions, you will magnify them as well. Stop repeating your problems to yourself or to others. Nobody cares. They may show you sympathy momentarily but by showing sympathy they are killing your mind because once your mind gets used to sympathy, it enjoys it like a heroine addict enjoys his highs.

Nobody gives a damn about your sad story. Stop creating one. Nobody cares about your problems, stop telling them to the world. The hardest reality of life is that nobody cares about anything unless you are successful. Nobody. So become successful or stop pretending that you want to. There is nothing grey in life. Its either black or white. So remember that failures are part of life. If you do not fail you will never learn and if you do not learn you can never change and if you never change, You will be exactly where you are 20 years from today...

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