Tuesday 31 January 2017

KAASH This Had Happened Or AGAR That Would Happen...#MirMak

KAASH This Had Happened Or AGAR That Would Happen...#MirMak\



Hazrat Ali A.S. said that us humans live our lives between 'Hope" and "Despair"... Nothing could be closer to truth than that. We have hopes and for that reason we are optimistic and we pray to Allah hoping for our prayers to come true. We have Iblees always following us and trying to pull us out and away from hope to despair and maayoosi because it is his ultimate goal to put negativity, in human mind. And this tug of war is what Allah likes because it proves to him that despite of Iblees trying to pull his people away from hope, he is not succeeding. He is not being able to shake the faith of humans in their creator. He is not succeeding in putting negativity in our minds. He is failing to embed in our minds that Allah is the only answer to all our problems.

Take it a step further and you visit another perspective of thoughts. A different approach towards belief in Allah. People who spend their lives wishing (KAASH) and hoping for "What If" (AGAR) are actually living closer to confusion and further from faith than anybody else. Why ? You may say that we all have wishes and what is wrong in having wishes ? Yes you would be right in saying that but wishing is a hollow approach towards faith. It is a scapegoat for people who do not want to develop solid faith in Allah. People who have solid faith, put in an effort and then believe, not wish, believe that if it is good for me, what i have put in an effort for, Allah SWT will definitely give it to me. He will provide it for me. The timing will be his, the effort will be mine.

Now let me take this to another level further in thoughts than the previous paragraph. People who say Kaash Aisay Ho Jaata are actually questioning Allah's wisdom. Yes they are. Because if you believe that Allah does whatever he does, for your best, then how in the world can you say that Kaash waisay hojaata. It means you are saying that what he, the almighty chose for you was not, first, the right thing, And Secondly, you are saying that you are not happy with his decision for you because you are still wishing for something against his wisdom. Shukar has many levels. We humans think that saying a few words from our mouth in Allah's praise is shukar...its the lowest step of shukar on a staircase of million further steps. Saying Alhamdolillah is like taking your first breath as a child, you still have the rest of your life ahead of you. It is the thoughts that matter more than your words when it comes to thankfulness. Being thankful with your words and wishing for something else in your thoughts is an absolute dichotomy, an absolute Tazaad in your mind and your heart. And people with Tazaad are just a few steps away from being Munaafiqs and the people Allah dislikes the most are Munafiqeen.

When you put in your 100% effort into something and you do not get the desired results, but the condition is that you put in 100% effort and not 60% and think that it was 100%, bow down in Sajda to Allah and thank him. Yes thank him for not getting what you wanted even after your 100% effort because believe with 100000% surety that if you did not get what you wanted, it must have been so bad for you that Allah, being an Aadil, still did not give it to you. Imagine a mother not giving something to her child who is the best child in the world. It is almost impossible to believe but if i said to you that the child wanted to blindfold himself and run and play on the road, you would immediately say that, of course the mother did the right thing by not letting the child have his way. ALLAH loves you more than 70 mothers love combined and what you were wishing for or doing "Zidd" for was perhaps you blindfolding yourself and running in the direction of traffic, traffic of life. So he saved you.

Next time you say Kaash or Agar, think twice. Instead of saying these two words say, Achha Huwa and Usko Behter Khabar Hai....

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