Thursday 19 January 2017

Being A Good Person Is A Learned Behavior...#MirMak

Being A Good Person Is A Learned Behavior...#MirMak

You want others to look at you with kindness in their eyes, look for goodness in everyone through your eyes first. You want others to speak good about you, start to use your own lips to talk good about others. You do not want others to hear evil about you, stop believing in rumors about others. Give, and give in abundance to others what you want for yourself. Give even if you know you will get nothing in return. Exhale goodness first and soon you will begin to inhale goodness.

Being a good person has nothing to do with your religion, your nationality, your color, your social status or your political views, it has only to do with who you are inside. If you do not respect who you are, you will not respect others. If you do not believe you are decent, you will think others are indecent as well. Once you begin to look for faults in others, you will have no time left to correct your own faults. And correcting your own faults is the beginning of becoming a better person. Yes, i said "Becoming", which implies that goodness is not from birth but it is a choice.

Goodness begins with a belief and ends with behavior. If you believe that you are a good person then the hard work begins. You have to turn that belief into a behaviour. And the road from belief to behavior is the road less traveled because it is a road full of hurdles without any immediate results. It requires patience, it requires resilience, it requires positivity and it requires thankfulness. It also requires a desire to become a better person. And all desires require a learning process to shape it into reality. And reality is first for yourself and then for others. So becoming or learning to become a good person is not to get praised by others, it is for your own self first. Becoming a gentle friend, becoming a good son, a good brother a good sister, a mentor to others, speaking positive even when surrounded by negativity, not reacting to anger even when you are absolutely right, all these things benefit you as a person before they benefit others.

It will not matter when you are 90 years old as to how famous of a life you have lived. How many deals you have closed. How many people you have employed. What will matter is what kind of deals you have closed, have they benefited others ? The people you employed have you treated them with kindness ? How humble you were if Allah had given you fame and power ? At the end, someone else will take your place. You will be forgotten within a few decades if not a few years. Your great-great grand children will not even know your name in most cases.

But what will matter is, how much you loved others while you lived. How gentle and kind you were when you dealt with others. And how gracefully you let go of the things that were not in your control and smiled instead of being irritated. And all these things can be learned with a WILL and with TIME.

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