Thursday 5 January 2017

Keep Moving Through Your Pain..#MirMak

Keep Moving Through Your Pain..#MirMak

Everything i know today i know because i did not give up in my worst periods of pain. The pain you go through is temporary no matter how prolonged it seems while you are going through it. But if you quit while you are facing problems, then the pain of quitting will last forever. It will make you into a bitter person. It will turn your willpower into a defeating attitude forever. Once you get your mind used to quitting, every time a problem comes your mind will suggest for you to quit. It will convince you to quit. It will give you logical reasons to quit and once you get used to quitting, you will only feel good in quitting and you will give a million reasons to others that why you quit. You will blame the government, the society, the people who put hurdles in your way, your socioeconomic background, heck, you will even find a way to blame the pollution in your city for you giving up. And the next step will be that you will become such a negative person that you will encourage others to quit while facing problems. You will not out rightly tell them to quit because you do not want to look bad in front of them but you will discourage them in a million different ways in subtle manners. How many of you know people like this in your life ? Almost all of us do.
Face your pain and keep moving it will make you stronger. Face your fear and keep moving it will make you braver. Face your failures and keep moving it will make you successful. Face your disappointments and keep moving it will make you wiser. The secret of all of this is in the words "Keep Moving". Keep moving because life is in motion and for you to go with life you have to be in motion as well. You can not be standing still while time moves on. You will be left behind. You will be broken forever. Its ok to break but its not ok to stay broken.
There is no glory in pain. There is no triumph in difficulties but there is no triumph and glory without going through pain and difficulties either. When the fire inside you to keep moving through your pain and succeed is higher than the fire outside you which is trying to burn you down, you will move through pain with ease and come out a winner. Create endurance in you. Create endurance in your mind more than your body because your body can go through any level of pain. Its your mind that gives up easily not your body.
So become stronger. Become resilient. Become tough. Become focused. Become positive. Become fearless. Become thankful during painful times. Become a believer in "HIS" mercy. And once you become all of the above during your painful times, you will become what Allah intends for you to become.....SUCCESSFUL.

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