Tuesday 24 January 2017

Forget Your Ambition. Create A Passion. #MirMak

Forget Your Ambition. Create A Passion. #MirMak

Walk out of your house, close your eyes, extend your arm and the first person you touch, ask them this question. "You want to make a million dollars ?" And the answer, undoubtedly, every time will be a yes. Now ask that same person, what is your plan to make a million dollars. And mostly you will find people baffled by your 2nd question. Why ? Because ambition is nothing but a "Want". It is easier to have ambition. It takes no effort to have an ambition. It sounds great and makes you look important in other people's eyes as well. People call you AMBITIOUS. Very nice sounding word "Ambitious".. Isn't it ? Even your parents will be proud of you when someone calls you ambitious in front of them.

In actuality, ambition is nothing but a want without a plan. The easiest thing in the world is to declare your ambition in public. Most of the people do it to impress others and to make their own self worth increase in their eyes. People who have a plan do not have time to sit and discuss their plans in public. They do not have time even for discussion and even if they did discuss, what benefit will they get from it ?
So, Ambition is just a want to have something. Passion on the other hand means you will go and get what you want at any cost, at the cost of hard work, at the cost of acquisition of knowledge and skills, at the cost of others standing in your way..At the cost of fighting negativity..you name it, and you will do it when you are passionate about something in life. Passion is actually having such belief in what you love to do that even the biggest of obstacle can not stand in your way. The problem with the youth around the world is that they keep changing their ambition from time to time. They spend their life chasing ambition instead of creating passion. If the Technology field is "In" season, they develop ambition to become a techy without ever asking themselves if they even like what they are chasing after. Thus becoming an average TECHY and hating what they do, in most cases or in others, forcing themselves to like what they do. They end up spending their entire life, "Making A Living" instead of progressing in what they do. They may get promoted with experience but they will never be leaders who create and lead ideas.

Passion is to human mind, what water is to a fish. One of the greatest humans ever to inhabit this earth, Albert Einstein, once said " I have no special talent, i am just passionately curious".... What a statement that is. If you look deeper, the man has described the recipe of success as passion. Passion accompanied by all the other relevant traits, such as positivism, resilience, tenacity, optimism, and Belief In Allah, will guide you through life like the wind guides the sails in the ocean. You do not see the wind but it takes you to your desired destination, even across the longest of oceans. Life is an ocean. Let the winds of passion take you across. Never forget that in order to achieve something great, you require greater effort than others. Keep pushing yourself for excellence. Never stop to even bother. Create that focus in yourself. Find your passion in life and stick to it. If you want to do something do it with passion or walk away from it, altogether.

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