Wednesday 25 January 2017

Pakistanis And The ECONOMIC JIHADIS..#MirMak

The most misunderstood word in Islam to me is the word "Jihad". Every war mongering, peace hating, human rights violator understands it to be his right to destroy others in the name of Jihad. We all know what Jihad stands for, at least the ones who have any basic understanding of Islam, its a continuous process of struggle or to strive for betterment, a betterment which is internal more than external. A betterment of "Self" more than the betterment of society because a society is made up of many "selves" and individual betterment brings collective betterment.

Economic matters work in the same fashion. Individuals contributing towards themselves translates into a collective betterment of the entire national economy. It is not the other way around. If you study the history of economic improvements, rarely has it been a task of the governments, governments have only been the catalysts that remove the barriers for individual economic progress. Nothing more.
In Pakistan the cart gets fixed before the horse. I think it goes back to our pre-independence mental training of depending on  "Our Masters" to bring about a change in our lives instead of us thinking of ourselves to be empowered enough to do it ourselves. The same stranglehold translated into the villages and the tribal systems of our country where one man considered to be the controller or the dispenser of economic betterment in the form of the village head. But the day is not far in Pakistan when each individual will begin to realize that economic prosperity is like an economic jihad. A continuous struggle for betterment of ourselves in absolute tough environment. Just like the concept of "Real Jihad" of self in Islam where it becomes almost impossible to not have opposition on your path to betterment, economic jihad is the same. The moment you start to do well for yourself, people from within your own circle start to distract you to deviate from your Jihadi path. And the Jihadi path is not of war or attacks on others or violence, a true jihadi is only concerned about bettering himself through discipline.

Making a halal living and contributing towards the betterment of the society from that earned bounty is the economic jihad. Hurdles at every step. Negativity at every corner. Discouragement at every nook. Us Pakistanis have suffered for decades, some out of our own mistakes and some because of the mistakes of the people who steer our government and our defence institutions. But the time has arrived when we need to become one. we need to rely on ourselves rather than look towards others. It is that moment in our lives where Pakistan is rising and rising high. Take a note of your attitude towards the betterment. If you, yourself can not be a economic jihadi then realize that you should not stand as a hurdle in the way of the ones who are doing the real jihad, the real jihad of making Pakistan a country full of economic jihadis. Insha Allah that day is not far. Ameen.

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