Monday 16 January 2017

Confusions While You Struggle...#MirMak

Confusions While You Struggle...#MirMak

Never confuse your journey with the destination that you are seeking. Your journey and your destination are absolutely two different things. Your journey will almost always seem confusing, difficult, painful, fruitless and dejecting but it is this period of your life that will decide if you will reach your destiny or not. People do not reach their destiny because they concentrate on the difficulties of their path instead of visualizing the fruits of their destiny. 

Eventually all the confusion fades away. eventually all the difficulties pass. Eventually all the pieces of the puzzle fall into their right places. Do not ever be confused about the struggles that you are going through today. Stop pretending that it does not hurt or it should not hurt. Let it hurt. Let it hurt to its best because the hurt of today will mold you into an icon of tomorrow. It hurts more when we start to fight the pain instead of accepting and moving on with the pain. Pain is there to make you stronger. Pain is there to teach you about life. Pain is there to make you wise. Pain is not your enemy. Pain is your teacher. You can make that teacher your friend or you can make that teacher your foe, its entirely up to you. There is no confusion in life, we make it confusing.

Laugh at your confusion. Smile at your pain. Remind yourself that Allah has chosen you to succeed because you are being taught and being prepared for the future. Your present may look confusing but your future is clear. Even if it seems foggy at present, believe me its clear enough once you forge ahead through the fog. If you want to learn to transform yourself then first learn to rid yourself of confusion. Stay focused on the destiny and let life shape you for your future.

Confusion comes from uncertainty and everything about life is uncertain except death. Death is the only certainty of life so until that certainty and its eventuality raises its head, enjoy every moment of life by embracing it. You are a mountain of energy within yourself. Dig into it. Dig deep. Smile at your difficulties. Focus on your future. And embrace confusion because by embracing confusion you will defeat it. And once you learn to defeat confusion, your future will become absolutely clear to you.

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