Monday 2 January 2017

"Impossible" .......Never Believe It For A Second. #MirMak

"Impossible" .......Never Believe It For A Second. #MirMak

"Impossible" is not a fact. Its just an opinion. Always remember that right from the beginning of this year. And on top of it remember that it is an opinion of a person who does not have the courage to live his dreams. Its an opinion of someone who does not want to come out of his comfort zone and change the landscape of his life. What seems impossible to you will become a reality over a period of time if you do not give up. Yes it is difficult, yes it would look like it can not be achieved, yes there will be an immense pressure on your mind trying to pursue your goal, yes there will be people who will not only laugh at you but also create hurdles for you, but your competition is not them. Your competition is YOU versus YOUR THOUGHTS. If you believe the thought that comes into your mind that what you are pursuing is not possible, soon enough by the repetition of thinking the same thought, you will begin to believe it as well, like others do.

You reading this article was an impossibility a few years ago, like many other impossibilities of my life. 3 years ago when I decided to come onto Facebook, I only wanted to join a social network if I could play a positive role in the lives of other people. I never had a single account on social media prior to that. And in the beginning when I used to write articles like these, I would not get a single like for days upon days. That never discouraged me even for a second. My goal was not likes. My goal was to dispense whatever knowledge and positivity I had gathered over the years to the youth. My friends told me that it was impossible to put positivity in the minds of Pakistani people. I was told that I was too “Amreeki” in my approach. I was told everything under the sun to make me think that I was chasing a mirage. But I kept telling myself, like I have always done throughout my life that its fun to purse the impossible because impossible becomes possible only with your determination.

Life sometimes is nothing more than going after a dream, risking all you have for a goal that nobody believes in and nobody can see except you. Everything in life you know today and every successful person that you read about, in the beginning was ridiculed, laughed at, his character assassinated, his goals pitied, until the day came that he stopped listening to them and they gave up discouraging him and from that moment onwards began the journey of his success. A lonely road, a road full of hurdles, a road where you cry alone, laugh in solitare, doubt yourself like others, sometimes, but you keep moving on. Its like walking through a desert where the public is at the oasis, your walk through the desert will be lonely but your goal of reaching the oasis will be greeted by many and cheered by a lot of people.
If you want to accomplish the impossible. First start by doing what you need to do. Stick to it like your life depends on it. Stay positive. Stay focused. Stay passionate about it. And once you have become used to doing the things that you need to do, then go and do what is possible to do in pursuit of your dream of doing the impossible. Once you do the possible and become good at it, within no time you will come to a point where you will be doing the impossible. And if you face any hurdles at any stage, repeat the same process again from the beginning.

Success is not impossible. Reaching success without having failed is impossible. Its that simple.

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