Sunday 25 December 2016

Allama Talib Jauhari, My Mohsin, My Mentor, My Friend Is Sick..Please Pray. #MirMak

Allama Talib Jauhari, My Mohsin, My Mentor, My Friend Is Sick..Please Pray. #MirMak

Only a handful of people except my family know the role Allama Talib Jauhari has played in my life for years. Ever since i faced the crisis in 1999, i had hit the bottom and this man helped me come out of it a winner. As much bottom as one could imagine. I always kept a smile on my face but inside i was dying. Nothing was reviving my inside until one day i sat down with this great scholar and a philosopher. And the process of inner enlightenment began. A journey which continues till today. I have never looked at him as a religious icon. I have always looked at him as a man who guided me through Quran. His grip on the subject was beyond comprehension.
He would come and stay at our family home in America for decades but never was i interested to spend time with him until i hit the bottom. This is how Allah puts his love in people's hearts i guess. When i was on top i thought i did not need him but when i hit the bottom, i started to talk to him about Allah SWT and why he puts people under trials. The more time i spent with him, the more we became friends. Yes, Friends. Once i was absolutely giving up on life and was living in Dubai and was talking to him on the phone in mid 2000 and this man flew over to Dubai to spend time with me. Days upon days we spent together just talking.
He was one of the biggest encouragement for me to move to Pakistan. He "Ignited" the love of my country in my heart. He brought YAQEEN in Allah in my heart. He taught me how to smile even in pain. He showed me how to be thankful even in the worst of times to Allah. And all through giving references from Quran and its Tafseer. Hours upon hours we would sit together, either at his house or mine and we would talk. I would ask questions as a student and he would answer with patience like a great teacher, with his chain smoking Dunhill in his hands. He made me promise that once i moved to Pakistan i would spread nothing but positivity and hope amongst its citizens, and i have been keeping up my promise to him for years now.
He is sick and admitted at Agha Khan Hospital. I am flying back first thing in the morning to Karachi and i request everyone to pray for this man who has never spread sectarianism, division, or politics yet he remains an icon. May Allah grant him a long and healthy life. Ameen.

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