Wednesday 7 December 2016

Why New Year Resolutions Never Work.....#MirMak

 Why New Year Resolutions Never Work.....#MirMak


New Year is coming in a few weeks and again will start the promises and resolutions....
Get Fit. Quit Smoking. Eat Healthy. Find A New Job.Lose Weight. Enjoy Life. Save Money. Take A Vacation. Join Gym. Help Others.....Etc Etc Etc. you make all these New Year's resolutions and probably have been making them for years and not a single one was kept for more than a few days into the new year. Why you must ask ? Why is it that such a strong commitment you make towards a promise to yourself about doing something and it does not come through except to make you frustrated even further and demotivate you for the entire year until the next new year comes and your internal "Lets Make a Resolution clock" starts to tick again and you repeat the same process of failure to perfection.
Well, the reason we fail to accomplish our new year resolutions is because they are emotional based and emotions are in nature not solid and thus you can not build a foundation of commitment on emotions. A certain date that comes every year in your life can not and should not be the reason for you to get started. On the contrary, it should be a date that you can evaluate what you have accomplished the entire year. It should be a finishing line instead of the starting line that you declare it to be. Secondly most of the New Year Resolutions are absolutely and absurdly unattainable. The bar is set based on wishes and is not result oriented. That is the reason we fail. What we wish the entire year we want accomplished on the last day of the year.
If you stay consistent the entire year, you do not need to make any resolutions. None. You will be enjoying the results of that consistency. So instead of making ridiculous resolutions this year, simply promise yourself that you will stay consistent in whatever you do and you will see how beautifully and how easily you accomplish all that you want to accomplish in the next 365 days to come. So from this year onwards.... STOP MAKING NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS and START REMAINING CONSISTENT throughout the year.

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