Thursday 29 December 2016

This "STARTUP" Culture Will Kill Pakistan's Reputation Soon...#MirMak

This "STARTUP" Culture Will Kill Pakistan's Reputation Soon...#MirMak

Conferences, incubation centers, award ceremonies, university sponsorship, 10.8 billion speakers in Pakistan each claiming to know entrepreneurship better than Steve Jobs, funding seminars with no zero VC's, you name it and it has been going on but 98% of Pakistani startups have only done one thing and one thing alone, they have just "Started Up" and nothing else. Nobody is producing expansion from their revenues and looking for further funding based on their previous revenues. 9 out of 10 startups are imprisoned within an incubation center run by a person who himself has never started a single company and has taken it to a successful conclusion, either its run a bureaucrat hand picked up the CM of the province or somebody with a Ph.D degree in IT. A Ph.D degree in IT makes you qualified for an entrepreneurship expertise ? Are all Startups only going to deal within the IT sector ? What happened to all the other fields of business that have nothing to do with IT ?

We love to compete with India and we love to look up to America but we fail to learn from either because our national pride does not allow to learn from India and we are too impressed by America to ask questions from their entrepreneurial leaders because of the fear of looking stupid. We are "ONLY" concerned with starting up a business and not concern with growing it. Incubation centers are inducting young people for 3 months and kicking them out after the 3 month period is over with a title "Graduated From....." or "Incubated At....".

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