Monday 19 December 2016

The Power Of Your Mind Is All You Need.. No University Teaches You This Simple Formula Of Life Long SUCCESS. #MirMak

The Power Of Your Mind Is All You Need.. No University Teaches You This Simple Formula Of Life Long SUCCESS. #MirMak

The first day of my career was the most scariest day of my life. Young, inexperienced, surrounded by movers and shakers of Wall Street who drove Porsches and Ferraris and traveled in private jets as common people take taxis. Young men wearing suits like they have just walked out of a GQ shoot. Rolex was worn if you were broke, if it was not an AP or a Patek or a Vacheron, please hide it under your shirt cuffs. You could smell money and its irrational display in the air. What pressure it puts a young man under, one can not even realize without experiencing it. Nobody to help you, no mentor, no coach, no teacher, they threw you in the ocean and if you drowned, there was somebody to take your place within a blink of an eye. There was nothing that was putting me at an edge above anyone there..everybody was knowledgeable. Everybody spoke the Wall Street lingo. Everybody had the thirst to make money and a name for himself. Everybody was willing to put in 16 hour days 7 days a week. And all this was just to survive not to succeed. I kept wondering what one needs to do to succeed on Wall Street and nothing would make sense. And anybody who was successful will not even give you two minutes of his time to you let alone teach you anything. It was the loneliest feeling in the world. Thats when i had promised myself that IF i ever become successful i would give back to the youth for as long as i live.
Then one fine day, going through the shelves of Barnes & Noble bookstore, i stumbled upon a book called "The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind" By Doctor Joseph Murphy. I read a few pages standing there and i realized that i was onto something. I finished that book page to page about 3 times in the first week and every time i read it it made me realize that the most OPEN SECRET in the world is the power of your mind. Controlling and nourishing my mind was the only edge i needed over anybody else on Wall Street. It simply made me realize that before I master Wall Street or my future, I must MASTER My Mind first. I must realize the power of positivity. I went on a reading spree for the next 28 years till now. There was not a book left on Human Mind or Human Behaviour that i consciously missed reading. It became my infatuation and later in life i realized that Even ALLAH SWT praises mind the most in Quran. Over and over again. If he praises the Human Mind, then it must be the MOST POWERFUL thing in the universe. And if one can master this hardware called Brain run by a software called Mindset, one will hardly lose in life. People think that power lies in mastering others but i always say that TRUE LIES in Mastering your own self. Your life is nothing but what you make of it. And your thoughts are what make your life. If you think YOU CAN NOT Or if you think YOU CAN, you are RIGHT in both cases. Choose one.
you can not live a positive life with a negative mindset. Positivity is the most important trait you need to develop. Allah does not ever punish you for your thoughts, he punishes you for your deeds BUT there is one set of thoughts that even ALLAH SWT is ready to punish, and that is MAAYOOSI (Negativity or Pessimism). It has been declared a sin by Allah SWT. Imagine how damaging negativity must be that the creator himself has declared it a SIN. Because a negative thinker sees difficulty in every opportunity he comes across but a positive minded person SEES an OPPORTUNITY in every difficulty. You can not become anything in life, anything, unless you fill your mind with Positive thoughts. Remember that your thoughts become your words, Your words become your beahviour, your behaviour becomes your habit and your habits finally become YOU. So if your thoughts are negative, you will end up becoming a negative person fooling yourself your entire life expecting positive results. SQUEEZING APPLES does not produce ORANGE JUICE. Negative thoughts can not produce positive results. Progress in life only comes from change and if you are not willing to change your mindset to a positive one, you can not change your life. Stop being and start becoming. When you are just being, you are in a stagnant stage, but when your are becoming, you are on the road to progress and prosperity.
Stop thinking about what might go wrong in life, begin the process of thinking about how many things can go right in your future by you taking control of your mind through positivity. remember that a positive mind only visualizes the rewards of success while a negative mind visualizes the penalties of failure. Wake up every morning with a smile on your face and make it a day to remember because thats all you have when you wake up, that particular day. Yesterday is already gone and tomorrow is not here yet. The only reason i succeeded in life is because i never gave up when i failed. My positive mental state would never believe that a set back should SIT ME BACK DOWN. Remember that the DIFFERENCE between who you want to be and who you are is POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE

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