Wednesday 21 December 2016

Benefits Of Failure...#MirMak

Benefits Of Failure...#MirMak

Yes you read it correctly. I want to talk to you about the benefits of failure that you can use to become successful. Every corner you go to, every Guru you listen to, every person who has never even been successful himself is always singing the song of the benefits of success. How silly to hear the benefits of success. Of course the benefits are obvious. You are rich, you are famous you are content, you are contributing to the society and the list can go on and on. Its like telling someone how beautiful Paris is but never telling them how to get to Paris.
Benefits of failure if used correctly can get you to your destination of success. First thing that failure will do to you will be to make you self reliant. It will make you realize that you are all alone in this world of toughness and cruelty. It will make you stronger. It will make you braver. It will give you a thought process that will lead you to success. People who are afraid to fail are the same people who can not handle success in reality yet keep chasing the dream of being successful. Success is euphoric and euphoria begets more euphoria. You buy a Toyota then you want to buy a Mercedes then you want a Bentley then you want a private plane then then and then.. It never stops. I have been there. I have felt it. I have always wanted more and more and more until i fell on my face. And i fell so hard that the line of Ferraris parked in my garage downstairs i could not even afford the tune up for it. I lost it all. My plane, my cars my business..everything. But what i started to gain was more this time then i had it prior to losing it all. The moment failure looked into my eyes and I started to lose friends, people i had helped rise to the top, contacts, connections, everything. It was the most loneliest feeling in the world and that feeling i did not want to feel again. And that is where my journey of learning from my failure started. The opposite of euphoria happened. Euphoria wants more and pains wants less of pain. So the mind was forced to go into a learning mode. Learning to avoid pain. learning to avoid making silly mistakes. Learning to make myself stronger mentally. Everything that i learned after i fell on my face was to make my mind stronger and wiser.
This time around i realized that the journey of life is a self reliant journey. I realized that except you and your Allah, there is nobody who will or can help you. It made me realize the value of relations. It made me brave enough to face failures and for that reason alone i started to understand success.
Heart ache, pain, loneliness, depression, seclusion from the world, dejection, you name it and i went through it. But the more i was burnt it in the fire the stronger i came out of the furnace. This time around success was a balance of relations, family, values and then money. It was not money only. It was the failures that made me realize who i was inside and not what the world wanted of me or what the society thought of me. Failure made me humble. Failure made me smarter. Failure made me self reliant. Failure made me realize that everything is in Allah's hands except my KOSHISH. Failure made me realize my HAQEEQAT..that it is nothing. And all the things i realized through failure were never taught to me while i was successful the first time......And everything I learned through failures were the real ingredients of true success.

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