Wednesday 7 December 2016

You Can Not Make A New Beginning But You Sure Can Make A New Ending...#MirMak

You Can Not Make A New Beginning But You Sure Can Make A New Ending...#MirMak

This sudden news of the plane crash has compelled me to write and write to make people realize that life can be taken away within seconds. The purpose of life is not to live being afraid or letting go of your dreams. Being scared of struggles and criticisms. Struggles and criticisms are the prerequisites for greatness. You will never regret the things you did at the end of your life, however wrong they turned out to be but what you will regret is not doing them. Not living up to your potential. Death is not what we should be afraid of because it is not in our control as to when we go, what we should be afraid of is not living our lives to the fullest of its potential.
You do not want to get to the end of your life and realize that you never lived to achieve your dreams. Relationships were not fully nurtured or profession was never fully worked upon or friends were not appreciated or the money you wanted to make was not pursued after. You dreams have picked you in life, remember that. You do not pick your dreams, rather your dreams pick you. A child wanting to be a doctor and another wanting to be a pilot or another wanting to be an accountant, its all from Allah that these thoughts are coming into your head. Do not let your dreams die with you. Your dream should live on as your legacy even after you are dead.
We live full of worries about being robbed of our physical belongings, our money, our phones, our cars, our furniture at home but never do we think for a second that the biggest thief lives within us. The thief which robs us on every occasion he gets a chance on. And that thief is DOUBT. Doubt is the biggest thief in our lives, it robs us of our dreams, our potential, our actions and makes us incapable of living our lives to its fullest potential. You are meant to fly, you are meant to soar. You are meant to touch the skies of your dreams. You are not meant to die dreaming but you are sent to earth by Allah to achieve your dreams, prove to the world that you are ASHRAF UL MAKHLOOKHAAT. That you have been chosen by Allah to be sent to this earth in the form of his working, his creation, his art of perfection.
Never give up on life before life gives up on you. Struggle, go through pain, take criticism, take negativity, take hatred, take everything that comes your way and then DEFY it. Defy it with such resilience that you leave an example for others to follow your path because you can not go back into the past and make a new beginning but you can control your present and write a new ending...starting this very moment.

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