Wednesday 7 December 2016

Can Anyone Of You Answer This Young Man From Indian Occupied Kashmir...#MirMak

Can Anyone Of You Answer This Young Man From Indian Occupied Kashmir...#MirMak

I could not sleep last night more than 2 hours. I was twisting and turning all night thinking about the conversation i had with this young man whom i have befriended from IOK for more than 8 months now. This will be the first time i am revealing this fact that i have been having long conversations with many young men of IOK, behind the scenes, for the the past one year. It all started over a year ago when a dubious looking FB profile sent me some questions on my fan page inbox. The profile was dubious but the questions were very intelligent. I answered them and more questions came. Then came another person with another set of questions with the reference of the previous person, same suspicious looking FB profile and no personal pictures. I answered those questions as well and a string of other people appeared with each others references. Conversation started to build and more people got involved. Finally after developing a comfort level the first person revealed to me that they were all from IOK and belong to separate educational institutions. They stated that they had been following my FB posts and were scared to reveal their identities earlier because of the fear that they live under of the Indian authorities. I asked them that how do they have access to social media sites and the answer was, "we have our ways".
We exchanged numbers and more and more young people got involved from IOK over the past 9 months and i have become a sort of advisor or mentor to them. But in reality they should be my mentors for the courage they live with, the resilience i have found in them over the past year, the hope that they carry like a lit candle in their hearts and the smiles that they have even after suffering atrocities upon atrocities. Our conversations have become engaging and i get inspired by them more than they get inspired by me. We talk on call on as well. They call me from several different IP based numbers and we enjoy our conversations, usually at night. One of the same types of conversations took place last night with one of the young men who is a Master's student but has not seen a class room in months. It was this conversation that disturbed me about the people of Pakistan.
He asked me a question after building his preamble. His preamble was......
"Sir, we the youth of IOK have suffered from the time we opened up our eyes. Almost every family has either a Shaheed or a Prisoner in their circle. Our parents have suffered and their parents have suffered. We see deaths and misery and genocidal acts from the time we open up our eyes. We have no freedom to speak, no freedom to choose, and no freedom to dream about our future. We are kept as slaves physically but we live like free birds spiritually. Your country, Pakistan, has everything. Your children open up their eyes in freedom to do what they want. Their fathers and brothers are not arrested in the middle of the night never to be seen again. They can choose their professions and they can dream about their futures and make it a reality. Their sisters and mothers IZZAT is safe. They live amongst their own people and can choose their own leaders. The police, the security agencies the judges and the justice dispensers are all their own people. Then why is it that the people of Pakistan talk bad about their own country ? Why is that they want to run away from Pakistan the first chance they have ? Why is it that negativity is easily believed and positivity is lacking amongst the youth ? Why dont they just thank Allah for what they have and we dream of, and make Pakistan a better country ? If we had that chance ever in our lives, we will make Kashmir a place the world would envy."
Can anyone answer his questions please.... I was left speechless in front of this young man from Indian Kashmir who dreams to live the life like we do in Pakistan, perhaps just for a day. Perhaps just for a few hours...

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