Monday 28 November 2016

Why Pakistan Does Not Progress Faster...#MirMak

Why Pakistan Does Not Progress Faster...#MirMak

In every country, every culture, children need role models. Role models in every field from medicine to sports to politics to business to engineering. Well we have role models in all fields. All without fail. But out of all of the above that i have mentioned, only one is celebrated and i.e. the field of politics. The rest is left at the mercy of obscurity and oblivion. From morning til night we are obsessed with promoting people in power and making others look irrelevant. When a child sees that the only way to succeed in a country is by joining a political party, then comes the birth of student political federations at university level. When a child is supposed to develop this own way of thinking in his late teenage years or early twenties, he or she is sucked into a political party activity where he is "Told" what is right or wrong based on the party leader's opinions rather than being "Encouraged" to think independently.
The cart is being put before the horse. No developed nation progressed in the history of the world because of its political leadership. It is rather the opposite. It is because of the people's progress that the governments collected higher taxes and spent those taxes for the betterment of people. It is the scientists of a country, teachers of a nation, businessmen of communities, inventors of ideas that take a country towards progress.Political leadership is to legislate, execute and make the matters run smoothly but the matters are run by the people of a nation. Nations progress when each person lives a life that inspires others. May it be inspiring your own children instead of masses out of your home, as long as you are inspiring someone by example then you are contributing to your country.
So much wrong has been done in the past 70 years in our society that we have gone into a reverse mode. Instead of praising the ones who are the true role models, we make them controversial. Why ? Because we can not compete them. we can not be role models ourselves so we do not want others to become role models as well. And role models are NOT exceptional people. The biggest myth in the world is that you have to be exceptionally accomplished, famous, rich and powerful for you to be considered a role model. Wrong conception. Role models start from home. My father is a role model for me with his punctuality and commitment to work because he never took a sick day off in his entire life. He is not rich, he is not famous but he is my role model. My mother is my role model because she instilled by example the concept of positivity and belief in Allah in me. By example not by her words but by her actions. A rikhshawala to me is a great role model, a carpenter in Pakistan or a mechanic could be a great role model if he is working honestly, spreading positivity, exuding patriotism and contributing to the society.
In order to change your bad habits you have to study and notice what good habits are. Until you have a comparison you can not choose right from wrong. Promise yourself today as the great youth of Pakistan that you will start to look for role models in your society other than your political leaders. Promise yourselves that you will come out of your 'Well" and jump into the "Ocean". Promise yourself that you will not be a "Kuwain Ka Maindak". You will be a "Samandar Ki Shark". Until you find a role model for yourself.BE ONE for others. Make Pakistan great by making yourself great first.

INDECISIVENESS: The Death Of Your Life You Witness Before You Die. #MirMak


INDECISIVENESS: The Death Of Your Life You Witness Before You Die. #MirMak

INDECISIVENESS is one thing that i think is a bigger problem than Fear, Failure, Struggles, Lessons, Phobias, Depression, Anxiety and whatever else that can come to your mind. Because indecision is something that keeps you away from learning, facing your fears, Rewards, Successes, Accomplishments, and everything that could possibly bring you enlightenment and happiness. Indecisiveness will prevent you from taking the first step. It is the mother of all evils in a human mind. Everything and i mean everything stems from this problem. It breeds fear in humans but never even lets them face the fear so the chances of overcoming your fears are zero. It never lets you become successful because people who can not take a decision can not start something, and if you can not start something than how will you ever get to your destination.
Its like deciding to go to Paris, You do your research on the web about Paris, See the beautiful pictures, learn about the places to see, Look up the restaurants and shows and events happening in Paris during your stay, learn a few phrases from Google Translation in French, Go to your travel agent, Buy a ticket, get to the airport, go through check-in and immigration, get your boarding pass and then start thinking, waiting in the boarding lounge, should you get on the plane or not. Was it a good decision to choose Paris or should you have gone to another destination. Will it turn out to be according to your expectations or not. What if this happened and what if that happened while you were in Paris... While you are thinking about all this and BEING INDECISIVE, The plane leaves. Now if you were using your faith, Islam, as an excuse, you will say..Yehi Allah Ki Marzi thi Ke Plane Chala Gaya...( This is what God Wanted). Maybe there was a MASLEHAT (Hidden Reason) in me missing the plane..Maybe..Maybe Maybe... ALL WRONG. Do not confuse your own mess ups with Allah's doings. The biggest of indecisive people i have met, and if they happened to be Muslims, they immediately bring Allah into covering up their own faults. What they dont understand is that Allah wants and likes people who make decisions. Decision to do good for others, decision to not lie, decision to pray or to fast, decision to go to Hajj, Decision to support your family with Halal earnings, decision to do everything. You will be questioned for your DEEDS in the AAKHIRAT (Judgement Day) and those deeds had to be done by taking a decision to do them. Without a decision, nothing can be done.
People become indecisive based on the fear of not being good at something they want to do. Remember one thing and remember it ALWAYS, You not being good at something is the FIRST STEP towards you becoming good at it. As long as you have passion for it, what you suck at in the beginning will become your expertise later. But your indecisiveness will prevent you from getting good at anything. From starting that business, Or getting a better job. Or marrying someone you love. Or traveling to another country. Or changing a house. Indecisiveness will not only RUIN your own life but it will ruin the lives of your children and your spouse and your loved ones because a man who can not make a decision for himself should not be made responsible for making decisions for his family.
Never fear your past for making a decision for your future. your past does not dictate your future. Never use your previous failures or your current fear to justify your indecisiveness. I want you to know that i am a living proof that Pain will make you stronger, tears will make you braver and heartbreaks will make you wiser, failures will make you sharper, loneliness will make you enlightened, rejection will make you more determined.... But nothing can make you anything, if you do not take the decisions. Dont ever be scared and give up, because brave people are also scared, cowards are not the only ones who are scared. The only difference is that Cowards get scared and give up, heroes get scared but go on. You decide, what do you want to be ? I Hope A hero....

Farewell Ceremony For Raheel Shareef Is A "Silly" Thing...Cyril Almeida #MirMak


Farewell Ceremony For Raheel Shareef Is A "Silly" Thing...Cyril Almeida #MirMak

Write against the national security, leak news that never existed by fabricating it, catch a flight out of Pakistan, get funded for the trip by the western interests, sit in in the west and write against Pakistan and then the world wonders if this anti-pakistan mentality exists within Pakistan in the journalistic community. Journalism is not about opinions, journalism is about reporting. Its about unearthing with honesty what regular citizens would like to become aware of. Journalism is always in the interest of the country you belong to, where you are born, where you get fed from, where you make a living, where you, your parents and your next generations live and get buried in. Journalism is never about creating divides, it is never about promoting a gulf between communities of citizens or governmental institutions.
Celebration or a farewell is nothing but a recognition of someone's services to its nation. Perhaps this west licking journalist forgot that it is not only part of his master's teaching but also a part of our religion and faith that we mourn sadness and celebrate happiness. Celebration is of all kinds starting right from our school life. We work hard, we study, we take exams we get the results and if we pass we "Celebrate" those results. We keep our first "Roza" and that day for a child is celebrated. We finish reading Quran as a child and we celebrate it with a ceremony. Our Prophet's birth we celebrate. The night when Quran descended upon earth we celebrate. We get married we celebrate. We have a child we celebrate. We elect a Prime Minister we celebrate. We win elections we celebrate as the members of the party. Life is about celebration and farewells.
But why is it that to prove your importance as a journalist in Pakistan, you have to write against Pakistan and the small happy moments of Pakistanis. Us Pakistanis deserve every moment of happiness and celebration that we can get our hands on after having suffered from terrorism for decades. Not every Pakistani has the luxury of running away to America or England like Cyril did. There are people who can not even afford to leave their villages let alone go to another country. And those people deserve national celebrations. Good and bad journalists exist in every country but them being good and bad depends on their reporting or writing skills not anti-state remarks. Trying to demoralize a nation by suggesting to strip them of small celebrations is nothing but work of a devilish mind specially when Cyril himself is sitting in a luxurious country in a luxurious environment being paid for the trip by hate spreading NGO's, where everything is celebrated including Halloween.
Cyril Almeida, You are a one story wonder boy. You were nothing prior to breaking one story and you will be nothing after even 100 such stories. Good thing that you left Pakistan because the quicker dirt is gotten riddance of, the better the environment becomes. Pakistanis will celebrate our happiness, our occasions, our triumphs, our victories, our accomplishments and soon enough we will also celebrate getting rid of journalists like you. We will call it "The Almeida Riddance Day".....

Thursday 24 November 2016

"Surgical Strike" On Indian Currency Notes. #MirMak

"Surgical Strike" On Indian Currency Notes. #MirMak

Few weeks ago, the second day after the Indian PM announced that Rs 500 and 1000 notes are deemed useless on the night of November 8th, i had written an article immediately based on my foresight of economy that India will face a monetary crisis. Well ladies and gentlemen, i did not think that it would happen this quickly but it has. Modi and his ad hoc policies stem from a mindset which only thinks in an irrational manner, an authoritative and a imposing manner where it leaves me thinking about Hitler and his policies of ruling over millions with "I am always right mentality"....

Deeming 86% of the cash notes in circulation useless overnight is nothing but a policy of irrationality. Women in India have been affected the most because the cornerstone of India's cash economy are women. And to top it all, only 32% of Indian women have an account at the bank because of either illiteracy or mistrust in financial institutions, so they earn in small bills and keep their savings in cash at home. Out of a 501 million workforce and women being the backbone of cash economy for small transactions, it is nothing but a paralyzing moment for them to travel hundreds of miles to the banks that are refusing to entertain them. To add insult to the injury, the winter wedding season of India is here as well which thrives on cash and smaller transactions but the Modi economic surgical strike has surgically dissected the poor people from their daily activities.

Modi's decision of wiping out 23 billion notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000, yes 23 billion of them, reminds me of a similar move by another dictator where in 2009, in North Korea. Within weeks it wiped out the private sector investment of its capital, had the food prices shoot up by 30 folds, and then came the widespread hunger. India seems to have everything on track to face such a crisis. Same thing had happened in 1987 in Burma where the denomination of their currency Kyat was changed and exactly the same crisis took place which they have not been able to recover from even 3 decades later. It had wiped out the entire private sector savings into oblivion. Poverty rose to an unprecedented level. Food prices were not affordable even for the middle class and widespread riots broke out.

In a country of 1.3 billion people and just 400 million bank accounts with many being multiple accounts of the same family and in many cases several accounts of the same business entity, in a country where the value of transactions of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 equals to 12% of the GDP, the actual economic growth has to slow down starting immediately to say the least. On the worst side, i see this crisis to continue and gain pace where a common Indian will not even be able to afford even basic food items. This should never happen to any nation, animosity aside, enmity separated from emotions, the common people of any country should not suffer because of the decisions of their maniacal leader, and maniacal Modi has proven to be, surgically and otherwise.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

"Pakistan's Economy Is Going To Collapse In The Next 10 Years." Sindh Education Minister. #MirMak

"Pakistan's Economy Is Going To Collapse In The Next 10 Years." Sindh Education Minister. #MirMak

I have traveled a lot in my life. Seen and met many officials of different countries, not just the first world but as remote as Mongolia and as far away as Nigeria, but never in my life have i met Ministers who bad mouth their own country and their economy like the ones who do it in Pakistan. Critical point of view with solutions is welcomed anywhere but to predict doomsday and qayamat is nothing but an act of ignorance, specially when economic predictions are coming from a Minister Of Education.
Sindh Education Minister, Jam Mehtab Hussain Dahar, according to the newspaper Express Tribune, which in my view loves to promote anti-pakistan agenda as an official franchise of the Pakistan hating New York Times, has said that "Pakistan's economy will collapse in the next 10 years". An education minister is supposed to be "Educated" and as any citizen may have a right to his opinion but as a minister there comes responsibility of statements which is much higher than a regular citizen. A minister saying something as compared to a regular citizen saying something are completely two different things. Firstly because a minister gets media coverage and a normal citizen does not. A minister should know what he is talking about because he is ruling over millions of lives who look up to him. And finally a minister is supposed to back up his statement with facts and figures intertwined with logic and research.
An education minister making economic predictions and on top of that not giving the reason is like a health minister talking about transportation industry's demise without any knowledge of it. Shame on these people who live in Pakistan, make money in Pakistan, rule over millions of lives in Pakistan, have protocol of tens of security guards in Pakistan, get paid from the taxes of Pakistanis and spread panic amongst the people of Pakistan.
Specially at a time when we have just barely won over the terrorists, at a time when our economy is being praised by every financial think tank in the world including S&P raising our economic sovereign ratings, CPEC in full bloom, bilateral trade ties strengthening, strong currency, lowest interest rates in 40 years, all rime high stock market, GDP growth predictions of World Bank for Pakistan to be at 5.2%. Global Competitiveness and ease of doing business becoming better. Auto industry in full bloom with hundreds of millions of dollars in new investment. Cement industry expanding at its full capacity for higher production. One of the highest savings rate in Asia. One Belt One Road OBOR making Pakistan part of its multi trillion dollar economy. Everything getting better and better EXCEPT one thing, and that is the JAHAALAT of our political leaders who do not know their ass from their tale yet they love to make statements that hurt Pakistan.
Shame On You Minister. Shame On You. Your political career will collapse in the next 10 years not Pakistani economy. Insha Allah. Ameen.

Hackers Stole Hillary Clinton's Votes And Gave It To Trump....#MirMak

Hackers Stole Hillary Clinton's Votes And Gave It To Trump....#MirMak

This is big news. Huge news being reported by CNN. The report says that certain numbers of votes were stolen from Clinton by the hackers which resulted in Trump gaining the electoral votes at the last moment. 3 States including Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are being questioned and these were the 3 states which took all the electoral votes from Clinton. It is also being reported that Clinton will contest the election result after this new and baffling finding.
There goes American democracy. The important thing to see will be that if these hackers were paid by Trump to do so or they did it on their own. Whatever the case maybe, i think it will be an interesting development to watch.

Thursday 17 November 2016

You Are A Star And Stars ONLY Shine In Darkness....#MirMak

There was not a month of my life where i did not have difficulties to cope with. Never throughout my adult life have i not had excitement to handle and deal with. Yes EXCITEMENT. That is what i call it. Any time a situation arises, i call it excitement because it gets me excited to deal with it. People pray for excitement in their lives and i have been looking forward to the opposite. I have lived a life which is nothing short of a fictional novel. I did not choose it that way, but it happened. Did i crawl in a corner, cry, complained, gave up...NO. Why ? Am i stronger or better than others ? Absolutely NO. Then how do i still smile 24/7 and in addition, try to inspire and motivate others ? Let me reveal the secret. And its simple. I have given the control of my life to ALLAH.. I used to think in my 20's that i am in control of my life. Then it dawned upon me that the only thing i control is my effort and even that with a positive and thankful attitude towards Allah. You see Allah chooses your struggles and you choose your plan of action. That is how simple my approach is towards all the difficulties i face. 

And during these difficulties, yes i have been worried, Yes i have been, depressed, yes I have had negative thoughts, yes the future looked bleak to me at times BUT...... all of this was temporary. All these thoughts were for just a few seconds. Except the depression i went through for 18 months. The most difficult period of my life..but even that period passed as all periods do. I have learned that the most important thing is POSITIVITY.. because it is ordered by Allah SWT that one should remain hopeful in his mercy. It is HE who has declared that MAAYOOSI is Haram. It is he who often says in Quran that Insaan Bohut Naa Shukra Hai... Well, the first thing i decided to do was never to be NAA SHUKRA. That immediately takes me out of the list of people who Allah is complaining about. Secondly, i never get MAAYOOS. This takes me out of the list of people Allah is unhappy about. Thirdly, i always remain POSITIVE. This puts me in the category of people who are always expecting his mercy and you get what you expect...

Your future will always be as bright as your faith. If your faith is dull so will be your future. Most successful people in this world started with nothing in their pockets but a lot of faith in their Hearts. Always remember that you can do the same. Have faith. Strengthen your BELIEF in Allah. Become POSITIVE. Be THANKFUL. Put in the BEST EFFORT. Expect the GREATEST RESULT. Never let the DARKNESS of Life SCARE YOU... because if your eyes are set on the STARS... its easier to see them in the darkness.

The Most Unusual Way To Kill Pakistani Economy...#MirMak

The Most Unusual Way To Kill Pakistani Economy...#MirMak

Money can kill an economy. Yes Money. You may wonder how. Without writing a research report, let me explain very briefly. You have 10 Rs notes, 20, 50 and 100 rupee notes. Most of the small businesses, such as your meat shop, bakery, restaurant, shoemaker, milk shop, tandoor etc etc etc, all depend on small notes and in some cases, coins.
Imagine if as an enemy activity, working within our borders, they start buying up all small bills. Have an organized campaign to buy up all small bills in exchange for big bills. Have a few hundred people go to every corner of a small city like Skardu, and i will explain in a second, why i said Skardu, for a few months and buy up small bills from any source you can get it from. Even paying premium in some cases. You buy lets say, $10 or $20 million of small bills from a small city, you have all of a sudden killed all the above mentioned businesses. These small businesses' life line is small bills. An acute shortage of small bills will paralyze an economy in a small city. Would you pay 500 Rupees for a NAAN if the Tandoor owner can not give you 490 Rs back in change ? Or will you pay your Mochi 100 rupees for a 5 Rs work ?
A friend told me that it is becoming difficult for him to find smaller bills in GB small cities. And this is the thought that immediately came to my mind. This can be the most effective way of ECONOMIC SABOTAGE because you not actually spending money to kill an economy, just take the small bills to another city and exchange it at the bank for the same amount you bought it for from the previous city. Just wanted to share it... If the authorities are reading this, please take action before my fear turns into a reality...

Apology Rendered. Pakistan Paindabad....#MirMak

Apology Rendered. Pakistan Paindabad....#MirMak

I had brought something to the attention of fellow Pakistanis which i had felt was deeply derogatory towards our great Armed Forces. It had deeply disturbed me to see the insignia of our Armed Forces being used in the name of fashion. Well... A good gesture from the company, Chapter 13, they publicly apologized and i hope that our Armed Forces have accepted their apology....
I just wanted to elaborate a bit about "Freedom Of Artistic Expression" . Not many people know that Wall Street is a nexus of Hollywood and Madison Ave. Meaning movie stars and fashion designers and Wall street investment bankers are the peas in the same pod. And by default as a Chairman of an investment bank, my life was spent with both. More so with the designers then Actors because NYC is the hub of fashion design. Perhaps it rubbed a bit on the way i dress as well. I was and have been friends with the best of the designers in the world. Fashion designing is a passion. May it be Milan, Sao Paolo, Paris, London or NYC, all designers have an innate passion about their work. Some are bit crazier than others, may it be Viktor And Rolf's 2010 collection or Carolina Herrera's Elmur Fudd collection, but never is fashion against national integrity. And even if it is, it is not our national culture. Fashion is not universal, thats a myth, clothing is universal. Fashion in one country may absolutely be not fashion in another. Just because a famous designer has shown his collection depicting the Armed Forces in a derogatory manner in Paris, does not mean we adopt it immediately and hide behind that designer's name by giving example and replicate it in our country.
First of all, a good designer will never replicate a theme of another designer, PERIOD. In the fashion industry its called a KNOCK-OFF. Like Valentino, would show his collection on the runways of Paris and within days, China would be calling its seamstresses to copy the design and flood the 3rd tier market. Another example is Thom Browne, and his 2009 Summer Collection, it does not apply to any country. Not even his own.....
Anyway, the whole point is that our culture is different, we are in a state of war, we have terrorism and our Armed Forces fighting this menace, we have anti-national elements within our own country, we have other country's intelligence agencies working within our borders and in such situations, its a matter of your survival and we are surviving because our soldiers are fighting and if the morale of our soldiers is brought down in the name of fashion, then there will be moral anarchy. Freedom Of Artistic Expression is NOT and i repeat NOT at the expense of our national pride.....SIMPLE.
Pakistan Paindabad and Pakistan Army Zindabad.

Your Biggest Enemy In Your Life Is Your "Comfort Zone"..#MirMak

Your Biggest Enemy In Your Life Is Your "Comfort Zone"..#MirMak

If there is any single most powerful enemy within your own mind which destroys your goals is your “Comfort Zone”. What is a comfort zone ? A comfort zone is that cozy, comfortable and familiar “State Of Mind” that we all live in. That so called place which demands every day from your mind to keep the STATUS QUO in your lifestyle.
We all have our comfort zones and we all live in it from time to time throughout our lives. My comfort zone may differ from yours. Doing finance deals maybe my comfort zone. Motivating others, maybe my comfort zone. But on the other hand, if you ask me to play tennis in public, I might become very uncomfortable because of the fear of losing or the fear of public humiliation. Your creative or your futuristic Right side of the brain does not get in sync with the left side, or what I call the left side of the brain, THE BAGGAGE BRAIN. I call it the baggage brain because it stores all your experiences that you have gathered in your life in the form of memories and any new plans you make, it immediately goes into that data bank of BAGGAGE and tries to compare the would be experience as “Is it Do-able” or not approach. If it feels that there is a slight chance that you may not be able to accomplish what you have set out to do, it will immediately pull you back into your COMFORT ZONE by coming up with genius ways of discouraging you. Forcing you to give up your plans and at the same time NOT FEEL BAD about it as well.
Anytime you sit down to set your goals, you mind is constantly working against your own plans. Your mind wants you to set goals that are very DOABLE because it does not want to take on the new challenges. This is the reason that people love setting goal yet dread accomplishing them. It feels great to set goals, day dream about them, take a few steps towards accomplishing them and give up at the first obstacle and repeat the same process over again, your entire life until you become an expert in setting goals and abandoning them. So how does one go about setting goals that you can bring to fruition ?
Everything that you want to accomplish in your life has to be in a very systematic manner. A 10 year old child can not set a goal of becoming The President of a country by the time he is 15 but he can surely set a goal to do so by the time he is old enough to run for office. Do not set goals that just temporarily make you feel great thinking about the outcome. Always look at the ground realities and be ready to defy them in a very logical and systematic manner. Prepare your mind to get out of your comfort zone when setting your goals. In the beginning stages of setting your goals, set goals that are not very far from your comfort zone so your mind does not put up a fight immediately after listening to your goals. Example would be, if you are used to working 9 hours a day, and your new goals require you to work 18 hours a day from the very next day, chances are that you MIGHT give up a few months or weeks down the road. So start your plans in such a way that it gradually requires you to increase your hours over a period of time. As your body and your mind begins to get into that mode slowly and you begin to see the fruits of your labour, the new ZONE will become your COMFORT ZONE. Don’t jump from your comfort zone to what I call the ADVENTURE ZONE. Adventure Zones are the future zones that thinking about, makes you feel great, increases your adrenaline level, motivates you temporarily and eventually it just becomes an adventure in your mind. You see the side effect of such an activity is so lethal because now your FAILED EXPERIENCE goes into your LEFT BRAIN as your BAGGAGED EXPERIENCE. The next time you begin to set your goals, your subconscious immediately begins to search for similar past activities in your life, it searches and retrieves from your previous experience data bank that you have done the same ADVENTUROUS GOAL SETTING activity before as well, BUT FAILED. So your mind draws a logical conclusion that you shall fail again and the moment it comes to this conclusion, however correct or not, it begins immediately to pull you back into your comfort zone. It tells you not to try. It comes up with the most logical reasons to give up.
People leaving their salaried jobs to start their own businesses face such dilemmas all the time. How am I going to support my family ? How are the expenses going to be met ? What if I fail and come back to the job market and not find a job ? What would the world say if I fail….. And the list of negative questions goes on until you are bombarded to the point that you give up and REMAIN HAPPY that you have done the right thing.
Unless you are ready to leave your comfort zone, financially, emotionally, socially and most importantly, MENTALLY, you can not be expected to succeed. Once you leave your comfort zone, for a while you will be in a NO-MANS LAND until your new and successful lifestyle becomes your NEW COMFORT ZONE. And the whole process has to be repeated again if you want to break out of that comfort zone. The transitional period between the two comfort zones is what normal people call STRUGGLING PERIOD. And every successful person loves to talk about this struggling period of their lives, only after having found the new comfort zone, not during the process. So all you young and energetic people, take that leap of faith, get ready of ABANDON your comfort zones with a conviction and a belief that your new and coming comfort zone will be much better than your current one. Instead of missing and hanging on to the one you are living in now, struggle for a while and look forward towards the NEW AND IMPROVED Comfort Zone which, I promise you, will be way better than your current one.

My Dear PM. "Koi Sharam Hoti Hai Koi Haya Hoti Hai." #MirMak.

My Dear PM. "Koi Sharam Hoti Hai Koi Haya Hoti Hai." #MirMak

National pride is at two levels. One, the people take pride in their nationality and second, the government promotes that pride at an international level. Us Pakistanis were never fairly represented at the second level. We keep screaming Pakistan Zindabad on every street of Pakistan and our leaders shamelessly do the contrary on international byways under the excuse of diplomacy. Another title for hiding cowardice. Let me explain and you decide...
March 1971. There was anarchy on the streets of Bangladesh, the then East Pakistan. People stopped going to offices. Banks stopped paying their customers. And while all this was happening, reports came that at East Pakistan Rifles EPR Head Quarter in Chittagong a Bengali Brigadier has started plans for an outright mutiny in which all Bengali units of Pakistan Army in East Pakistan along with all wings of EPR will revolt against Pakistan. Students from Chittagong Medical College and Dhaka University were recruited. Jagan Nath hall was chosen as the place of congregation. Intelligence sources from Pakistan Army gathered information that plans were made for mass killings of Pakistanis and a take over.
To control the situation, Operation Searchlight was planned by our Armed Forces to preempt this revolt. It was launched on March 26th 1971. The plans were to simply disarm East Bengal troops and stop them from mutiny.
General Rao Farman was in charge of the operations and had given strict orders that these anti-state elements were simply to be disarmed and restricted to their barracks. But the moment our forces reached Bengal to disarm these bandits and thugs, they started killing not only our officers but any Pakistani found isolated in any area. So much so that Colonel Janjua of Pakistan Army was killed by his own Batman and the murder was ordered by Major Zia, the same Major Zia who later became the President of Bangladesh.
Students were being killed everywhere. Pathans, who were known for doing business in remote villages of Bengal by being traveling salesmen were cornered and butchered. Keeping this in mind, our forces increased the thrust of he operation and it became a success in just 3 days and was finally finished by April 11th. This is where the Indians come in. Defeated by our forces, the insurgents ran away to India and started their training under the Indian Armed Forces, A fact that PM Modi accepted publicly just a few months ago, and the end result was MUKHTI BAHNI.
How stupid could our Government be that after Modi admitting this in public on the record in a speech, that we did nothing as Pakistanis. It was the biggest proof of Indian government's guilt. It was the best opportunity for us to raise the issue of Indian intervention in our matters since we came into existence.
Back to Mukhti Bahni, a Proper insurgency against Pakistan came underway. Our total Armed Forces strength in Bengal at that time was little over 10,000 Watching this phenomenon, patriotic Pakistan loving Pakistanis in Bangladesh came forward and offered their help for their nation. They offered to volunteer their services for their nation. They offered to protect their country, Pakistan. And Matee Ur Rehman, the recently hanged leader of JI in Bangladesh, was one one them. 40 Years later he was hanged for being patriotic towards his own country. Pakistan. Yes it was Pakistan at that time.
And our Government has kept its mouth shut. Even JI has kept their mouth shut.
Shaheed Ka Khoon Raaygaan Nahi Jaata... Matee Ur Rehman's only crime was that he loved Pakistan. Our Government's crime is that it is keeping its mouth shut. Turkey, a country that had nothing to do with this man's patriotism, has called back its Ambassador from Bangladesh. What is next, first hang people who helped their countries. Then start a movement to defame our Armed Forces in retrospect. Then start a campaign to try our soldiers for war crimes that they never committed. Then start a debate around the world that our forces are nothing but part of a "ROGUE ARMY".. Then making that the pretense to start a campaign to dismantle our nuclear assets and then try to disintegrate our country, all because our Government is keeping their mouth shut either for the love of doing business with India or outright cowardice... Whatever the case maybe, This is the beginning of the end for them...
Nehaal Hashmi, the PML-N leader and part of the government was also one of the volunteers like Matee Ur Rehman who fought bravely for their country, Pakistan, at Hilli, at Rangpur, at Bogra, almost all North Western sectors, What is next ? Bangladesh in connivence with India will ask for Nehaal Hashmi to be tried for being a patriotic Pakistani 40 years ago ? And will the PM hand over Nehaal Hashmi to Bengalis or will he only speak if his party member is attacked ?
When leaders let the blood of their people go to waste, Allah intervenes.....

MBA Or PSD... Which One You Need To Succeed In Life...#MirMak

MBA Or PSD... Which One You Need To Succeed In Life...#MirMak

Entrepreneurship Competitions everywhere these days..As a matter of fact I attended one just this past weekend. Great effort by the students in putting it all together. Great entertainment. Amazingly charged crowd. Excellent photo opportunity to be seen or to see. Good presentations, Great Research and analysis of the markets and its opportunities, but the end result ? Rarely will you find any business developing out of these competitions. Its all a waste of time and effort.
Why ? Because we are not teaching our youth to become
businessmen. we are teaching them to develop business plans, win competitions, get shields. make your Deans and Professors happy and go home thinking that you are on your way to becoming an Entrepreneur. We are teaching them to review case studies of businesses that are already successful without teaching them about the efforts and the mental tenacity of the people or the person who made that business successful. We are not showing them how many times that entrepreneur failed and how he dealt with the failures to become successful. Rather we are teaching them about how to raise Funding for their ideas. The entire effort is put on raising funds. Nothing else. Team does not matter to them, mental preparation to become a successful businessman has no meaning, paying your dues has no consequences, the only thing that is being taught is the love of money. As a matter of fact, the word "ENTREPRENEUR" has been used and abused more by Non-French speaking world than the French themselves. It has a good sound to it, doesnt it ? It sounds CHIC and Current in every gathering. Its a great word to describe yourself without having to expose your inner abilities. What do you do ? Well, I am an "Entrepreneur". And the other person is already impressed.
This entire method of teaching people to become businessmen is like back in the old days when our parents forced us to become doctors or engineers. Because it was CHIC. Understand one thing, not all of you HAVE to become businessmen. You can be a great employee and do great for yourself. Do not do your MBA just for the sake of becoming a businessman. MBA's do not teach you how to become a businessman. It teaches you to study other businessmen's strategies and case studies and think that you can become successful by just doing that. If that was the case, the entire MBA Graduating class of the world would have started one successful business after another and the world would have had a shortage of employees and an abundance of founders. That is not the case and it will never be. Being a businessman has more to do with training your mind than to sit in a classroom and think you can conquer the world. No MBA course in this world, may it be Harvard or Yale or Stanford or even LUMS teaches you about how to handle adversity in life while in the process of becoming a businessman. Entrepreneurship is about making sacrifices in that early part of your life when your other fellow graduates are having fun and enjoying their salaries after graduation. Its about paying the dues and willing to live hand to mouth even after having money in the company account because you have other people's salaries to pay. Its about making yourself count LAST and everybody and everything else FIRST.
So much emphasis is being put on getting good grades that our students are more worried about grades than about actual learning. Straight A's are no guarantee of future success. Even your degree is not a guarantee that you will succeed, for that matter. Long time ago i realized that i would rather work with what i call, a PSD than to work with a bookish MBA and no tenacity of mind. PSD ? Yes a PSD. A POOR SMART and DEDICATED young man. POOR because it will give him hunger for success and he has seen the difficulties of life already. SMART because he will never go back to his poor life because he will do everything smartly to avoid what he grew up with. DEDICATED because to get away from poverty, smartly, he needs dedication constantly. I came to this conclusion when i was firing a Harvard MBA from my firm for the first time. Because i was overpaying him, he was under contributing compared to others but he had that attitude that he was better than others because he had graduated from Harvard University. A good University should tech you humility not arrogance. Because humility is also one of the prerequisites to succeeding in life, not only business. The bigger the university in its status, the bigger the student's ego these days. And this MIGHTIER THAN THOU attitude prevents them from starting any small business. They want $50 million dollar funding right from the beginning. They want to capture the world with 10 million customers in the very next year and a net worth of $3 billion and the stock opening up on NASDAQ or NYSE with 20 times over subscription.
So all of you NON MBA's and NON IVY LEAGUE graduates, do not feel that you are less than anybody else. And all the would be businessmen of our future Pakistan, do not give up on your dreams because you could not find funding and were criticized by some judges in some Entrepreneurship Competition. Start small, start from your neighbourhood. Keep your idea simple. Use common sense and provide a service, a new one or an old one better than the old way. And do not feel bad that your parents could not pay for your MBA... Consider that a blessing and promise yourself that you WILL succeed and do everything in your power and beyond to succeed. Begin to embrace IMPOSSIBILITIES because it is always IMPOSSIBLE until it is done. How about you becoming THE ONE who does the impossible FIRST ?

My Definition Of Pakistani Democracy....#MirMak

My Definition Of Pakistani Democracy....#MirMak

LEGISLATION is imposed only on the poor people. CAPITALISM continues to rape the working class. GOVERNMENT continues to sleep walk for 5 years. POLITICS becomes the most profitable business. POLICE is put under the slavery of the elected officials. JUDICIAL conscience is equal to seasonal rain in Tharparkar. And if the people say that our children's future is in trouble, they are called DICTATORSHIP lovers and Anti-Democratic.
And American democracy is like this....
They found oil in England... Oops.
But they already have democracy. We cant take over England.

Every Pakistani Is A Jihadi.....#MirMak

Every Pakistani Is A Jihadi.....#MirMak

Imagine you are living in a 68 year old house and everybody around you keeps telling you that your house is not that great because it lacks this or it lacks that and suddenly some old man comes in to your house and tells you that there is a treasure buried in your backyard. You become reluctant but start digging anyway. And to your own surprise you realize that yes there is a huge treasure in your own backyard. A treasure that can cure all your wordly ills. A treasure that will help you live your life much comfortably than you could have ever imagined. It will give you the courage to take on the biggest of the problems in your life. You will be able to face difficulties with ease and come out a winner. Not only will you use that treasure for yourself, you will be able to help others and make their lives comfortable as well.
Now broaden your imagination and think of that house as your character and that treasure that you found has positivity, tenacity, optimism, resilience and faith in ALLAH. YES. Every Pakistani is that house and each one has a treasure buried in their character. The only problem is that we neither look for that treasure as a Pakistani nor do we believe that we all have those jewels of character in our treasures. But let me shed some light on that.
An average Pakistani compared to its western counterpart is million times stronger than he realizes. A westerner grows up in peace. Everything for that child who is born in a western country already planned out with ease. He or she will go to the school in the district that he is living in. Excellent primary education paid for by the state. Excellent secondary education as well. Healthcare, parks, museums, culture, entertainment. No stress. Go to university when you graduate from High School. If you can not afford a university, there are Federal Grants, student loans, Scholarships ready to pay for your educational expenses. You graduate and in most cases, there is a job ready for you. Salary may differ but the chances are that the job will be there for you. Once you have a job, banks will finance your car, your house, your traveling through credit cards. You get married, move to a suburb live a normal life.
But compared to its western counterpart, A Pakistani, specially if your were born in the past 30 years. You are born in upheaval. Terrorism. Murders. Corruption. Religious bigotry. Nepotism. A Media full of negativity. No Role Models. Least amount of entertainment. No Parks Museums, Theaters, Restaurants within the economic reach of a common man. Education with different social classes and economic classes. No jobs after education. No loans for education. No bank financing a house even if you have a great job. No credit cards for bad times in emergency. None of this. YET you as a Pakistani still pursue your educational goals. You still look forward to a decent life. You still continue to forge ahead even after knowing that there will be a lot of injustice that you will have to face in life. You still get married knowing that your children will not have the basic rights given to them, such as Healthcare, Education, a fair chance to succeed.
You do all this with a smile. And rarely complain. You provide for your family. You remain closely knit with your neighbors and your relatives. You celebrate the smallest of a happy occasion. You have immense faith when you leave your house every morning that your life is in the hands of your creator. You pray, you have your faith intact in ALLAH.
You are already a winner as a Pakistani. You are The Positive Pakistani who can teach the world a thing or two about life and optimism. You are that person who can show the world how to live under such circumstances and still have a smile on your face. You are that pillar of strength that the west writes books about in the form of self help. You are that person who positivity gurus want others to become like. You are the Positive Pakistani. You are an amazing human being. You are the picture of resilience, tenacity, courage, character, bravery and humility.
Be proud of who you are. You are the person who has built his character through real jihad, Jihad ul Nafs. The jihad to fight your evils within yourself and become a better person. The highest of Jihads in Islam. I salute you, I salute the common people of Pakistan. You are my teachers.

If Political Parties Were Traded On A Stock Exchange...#MirMak

If Political Parties Were Traded On A Stock Exchange...#MirMak

In The Current Scenario....
MQM would be a perfect SHORT SALE with a continuous lower lock possibility for a few weeks.
PSP would be an IPO whose BOOK BUILDING process would be questioned by SECP.
PTI would always be asking for the PSX Chairman to resign.
PPP would talk about all the delisted companies by having a slogan...."Listed Hai Abhi Tak Listed Hai"...
ANP would be that THINLY TRADED company that nobody looks into.
PML-N would be the company being AUDITED for Cash Disbursements overseas without SBP permission.
JUI-F would be announcing DIESEL CONTRACTS marketing rights almost everyday.
JI.. Would always promote SHARIAH COMPLIANT earnings.
BLA.. would raise money from BOMBAY for its RIGHTS ISSUE.
Jeay Sindh... Marsoon Marsoon STOCK Na Daisoon...
And all the talk shows would be held on BUSINESS PLUS and CNBC Channels during trading hours....

Pain Is Your Best Teacher In Life.....#MirMak

Pain Is Your Best Teacher In Life.....#MirMak

Long time ago in 1999 when certain events were taking taking place in my life, a very old and wise friend of mine, Victor sat me down, an 80 year old man at that time and told me that "The pain you are feeling today will be your strength tomorrow". I almost laughed inside and brushed off what Victor was saying.
My ignorance was overcoming my logic because of the pain i was feeling inside. Life took certain turns and it took me years and self searching and pondering to realize that LEARNING is a gift SPECIALLY when pain is the teacher.
I sunk myself into reading about the people who had learned from their negative experiences of life. I wanted to know how they coped with certain tragic events. How they survived the inner turmoil. How did they come out as winners. What did they learn. The more i read the more i realized that this world has produced LEADERS only from Struggle and pain. No person from Heavenly sent Prophets to common worldly leaders ever had a pleasant life. What i learned was that their perspective of looking at their pain was different. Thus it reduced their pain and increased their learning. What i learned was that the only thing you need to protect when you are facing a devastating situation was to PROTECT YOUR MIND. Protect that one thing "MIND" that will help you learn from the experience instead of loathing. Nelson Mandela spent 26 years of his life locked up in a cell for other people's freedom. Abraham Lincoln faced one of the most severe of depressions throughout his life yet forged ahead. Van Gogh, another victim of the miserable disease of depression gave this world some master pieces for us to cherish.
Throughout your painful experiences, whatever they might be and however BIG they may seem to you at the time of happening, remember that it will pass and it will give you strength. YES, it WILL HURT while its happening. YES it will require you to manage your emotional pain and remain positive. YES You will have to display the biggest show of will power. YES you will have to make sacrifices....YES YES YES to many more difficult things you WILL have to do BUT i promise you all, the young and the brilliant kids, that in the end if you dont give into the temptation of giving up, you will see yourself emerge as a BUTTERFLY out of the MOTH. You will not even know what you are learning at the time when it is happening but once the bad situation passes, you will realize that your inner self has become strong and resilient and resolved. Remember that you will have to go through the WORST to achieve the BEST. Pain is that one part of life which molds you like the fire molds the IRON. Its up to you how you get molded. Into a stronger bar of of iron useful for a structure to be built in your life in the future or a crumbled up piece of iron that could not withstand the heat and turned into scrap.
Looking your pain into its eyes requires courage and absence of fear. Fear will debilitate you. Paralyze you and take away your ability to think. Facing your fear to learn from your pain will make you stronger, wiser and better as a human being. And dont confuse everyday struggles of life with EMOTIONAL PAIN. Everyday struggles are NOT what i am talking about. Everyday struggles are just part of everyday life. We all have to go through them, if we like it or not. I am talking about those instances of life when things come crumbling down upon you and you feel that your life is about to end. It feels like there is no hope. It feels like its better to DIE than to o on. When it feels like there is not a friend in sight who will stand by you. When the world abandons you. THAT IS THE MOMENT TO RISE. Rise within yourself because you do not need the world to stand by you. You do not need a friend to understand you. You do not need to feel that you are alone BECAUSE the one who created you is with you. The one who gave you life is your best friend. The one who is teaching you through this pain, ALLAH SWT, knows what he is doing for you. Leave it up to him. Just ride the wave. He only gives you pain enough for you to withstand. Remember one thing, the biggest gift ALLAH SWT has given a human being is MIND. And its ability to stretch itself like elastic and adjust to situations. Your mind is capable of ADJUSTING to ANY situation the only problem is that we become the hindrance through its adjustment period.
At the end, all i would like to say to the young and energetic youth of Pakistan is that, Get ready to face pain with your head held up high for there is no learning without it and without learning there is no progress and without progress you will be stagnant and ignorant. Let me end by quoting Abraham Lincoln what he wrote in the peak of one of his Depressive States. " Do Not Panic When In Pain....Every Successful Person Has A Painful Story. Except The Pain And Get Ready For Success. "

Biggest News: Wall Street Comes To Pakistan.....#MirMak #MindAndMarketsInc

Biggest News: Wall Street Comes To Pakistan.....#MirMak #MindAndMarketsInc

It was my deepest desire when i started Mind And Markets, Inc, that i bring the best of Wall Street to the doorsteps of Pakistani investors. All my contacts and friendships of decades on Wall Street should benefit a common investor in Pakistan.
Well, today is that first step, Mind And Markets Inc. has gone into an arrangement with a S&P partner company to bring Wall Street Virtual Trading Prize Competition to Pakistani investors. Now for the first me, you can trade in a virtual account, the worlds best markets and win Rs. 1 Lakh rupees every month. No cost to you.
Make mistakes, learn to trade the best markets of the world on the best trading platform supported by S&P Capital IQ, 10,000 Research Reports, Live Feeds from NYSE, NASDAQ, Yes LIVE FEEDS, Quick Access to Biggest Winners and Losers, Quarterly Company Transcripts, Access to Financial Advisors from the best houses of Wall Street, Live prices for Currencies and Commodities and 38 other features... This is not a "Brokerage House" competition where you are tricked into opening an account after you participate in Commodities Competition. S&P is not a brokerage house and there is no Equities Competition ever offered before by them. Ever.
So get ready, starting this weekend, i will announce the details, you will be able to register with them, gain access. Trade virtually with a portfolio of $50,000 and if you win the competition, you will be paid $1000 from them directly. Learn and make money at the same time. First time in the history of Pakistan. Wait for more great news from Mind And Markets, Inc.

Saudi Oil Minister Fired...Get Ready For Oil To Be IN PURGATORY Again....#MirMak

Saudi Oil Minister Fired...Get Ready For Oil To Be IN PURGATORY Again....#MirMak

If oil was in heavenly state for years, it went to hellish state for a few months, now i feel oil is about to enter a PURGATORY state. Directionless. Why ? Because Al Naimi, the 80 year old Saudi Oil Minister was suddenly sacked. Al Naimi was a force within the oil industry. A Minister since 1995 and part of Aramco since he was just 12 years old. Yes, 12 years old. I remember him telling me once that he started working at Aramco running errands at the age of 12. He said, oil is in my blood. A very well spoken man and a man of principles. Like him or hate him, he did not care. A short man with impeccable manners who loves his country. Extremely well dressed whenever he wore a suit. He, as an oil Minister was a balancing force. I may not agree with his policies but i liked his vision. He single handedly kept the oil industry going under many difficulties.
He is no longer there and his visionary leadership is no longer there either. Rarely will you find me praising Saudi administration but credit is due when it is due. The new Oil Minister, who is also the head of Aramco, in my view lacks the diplomatic strength to fight the havoc in oil markets at this time.
Bin Salman, barely in his 30's and equipped with an ego of an Elephant, is of the mind set that MIGHT will resolve all problems. And in KSA might means money. So, the thought process is that money will buy solutions. Selling Aramco with a $2 Trillion dollar valuation is not going to solve anything. Because $2 Trillion is not being raised, only $100 billion is being raised by selling 5% of the stake, according to my friends on Wall Street. A listing that will see the company on 3 exchanges at the same time, London, New York and Hong Kong. $100 billion will barely cover next year's Saudi budget deficit of $126 billion.
Summer is fast approaching, consumption will go up and that was the only hope that oil prices would stabilize, in my view. But this sudden shift in policy means the new Minister has no negotiation history with any OPEC members. It also means that since his loyalties will be with Bin Salman, the one who appointed him, he will tow his line, which is, no negotiation with anyone. Oil coming back to mid $40's is absolutely opposite to what KSA wanted. It wanted to put the world out of business of oil but oil prices rebounding means that their policy is failing. This move of bringing the new minister, i believe, is to put pressure on prices again. Oil i believe is back in PURGATORY. It can go in any direction again, in my view, downwards again. How far, only the next few weeks will determine.

Pakistan Is About To Collapse....#MirMak

Pakistan Is About To Collapse....#MirMak

When i left Pakistan in my teenage years, Zia-Ul-Haq was in power and i remember some elders discussing amongst themselves that Pakistan is about to collapse. Then i moved to America and while in my university at Rutgers, I became President of The Pakistani Association in my junior year for one term, and so many Pakistani-American students would talk about how Pakistan has no future and i am wasting my time promoting Pakistan. Then came Wall Street and on Wall Street, many confused Pakistan with Palestine when i told them where i was from and the few who knew about Pakistan, gave me 1 billion 699 million reasons based on their Sovereign debt calculations, economic forecasts, currency fluctuations, political instability and many other reasons telling me that Pakistan will collapse. Then when my children were born in America, i wanted them to be proud of their heritage and when i went to put them in school, their teacher told me that how her husband dealt with Pakistani diplomats through state department and how state department predicts that Pakistan will not be there in a few decades. Then when i came to serve my country in 1999 as an Advisor, then it was everywhere in the news around the world that since there is a Marshall Law Governing the country, and since without Democracy, Pakistan will be rejected by IMF, by United States, by Europe, and by all lending agencies and we would DEFINITELY collapse this time.....
Well, since i was in my early teenage years till now, three decades later. Let me tell you who has collapsed. The second biggest power in the world, Soviet Union collapsed. Argentinian economy collapsed. Greece collapsed. Portugal collapsed. EU is at the brink of a collapse. America with a $19 trillion dollar debt is worse than collapsed. Iraq with billions of oil revenues collapsed. Libya with trillions in oil reserves collapsed. Venezuelan government toppled and the old system collapsed. Syria collapsed. The currency Euro is about to collapse. The most loved commodity, Oil, since 1986 collapsed 3 times. Zimbabwe collapsed economically. Congo collapsed even with its diamond reserves. Liberia collapsed because of its leaders. Yemen collapsed of its internal rift. Israel, the favourite of America has fallen off its favourite list, indicating an imminent collapse....
So all the idiots who are waiting for Pakistan to collapse since the past 30 years, wait till the doomsday. We are not going to collapse. We had economic hardships, terrorism, external intervention, enemy neighbours, and international opposition..yet we have grown. We beat terrorism, we are growing economically, Our GDP has grown in the past 30 years, our per capita income has grown, our standard of living compared to the past 30 years has grown, we are a nuclear state, we now have CPEC, we have talent and we have resilience and we have tenacity. And most of all, we have Allah on our side.
So to all those who have tirelessly waited for 30 some odd years, let me give you a piece of advice, may you be within or outside Pakistan, you will come, you will go, your children and grandchildren will come and they will go... but Pakistan is here to stay. Pakistan is here to grow. Pakistan is here to become better. Pakistan is here because US PAKISTANIS DO NOT GIVE UP... We are inherently The POSITIVE PAKISTANIS... You believe in your POWER and WE Believe In The Power Of Allah. PERIOD.

Positive Versus Negative Outlook Of Life: #MirMak

Positive Versus Negative Outlook Of Life: #MirMak

I have written two paragraphs using just two letters from the english language. Letter A and Letter B. I have used both letters in two negative paragraphs or outlooks of life and two paragraphs using the same letters A and B in two positive paragraphs about life. Simple enough. Today i am answering the question that has been asked repeatedly by all of you, how to make yourself positive. You think in words, You speak in words, you communicate your feelings to your subconscious and others in words, you listen to other people through their words, words construct thoughts or thoughts deliver words, either way, which words you use will determine your SUCCESS or your FAILURE.
Negative Words Starting With Letter A:
My life is going through such an A)(A)dverse time these days. It feels like i am in an (A)byss. I get (A)nxious and my (A)nxiety triggers (A)nger in me. My future looks (A)wful and i get (A)nnoyed at the fact that these (A)trocious facts are not changing.
(B): I feel broken inside and feel like i am stuck beneath my burdens. Everything is (B)ad and i feel (B)eaten down by life. My friends have (B)etrayed me and i dont know who to (B)lame.
Positive Words Starting With Letter A:
My life is (A)bsolutely challenging but i have (A)ccepted this (A)mazingly simple fact. I look at it as an (A)dventure now and i am (A)ttracted to solving everything.
(B): Every morning i (B)eam with (B)eautiful positivity. I thank Allah for the (B)ounties that i have been (B)estowed with and my face (B)eams with gratitude. My (B)rilliant thought process will create a (B)lissful life for me. Because what i think is what i (B)ecome.

1000 Points In Two Days.... Welcome To The Welcoming Party For EM. #MirMak

1000 Points In Two Days.... Welcome To The Welcoming Party For EM. #MirMak

For two years i have been writing that as we enter the Emerging Markets, we will see huge swings. This is just the beginning. We are not in the EM yet. There is no confirmation either. It will come Insha Allah and once it does you may see a huge rally. Do not confuse this 2 day rally with EM rally. This is a Pre-EM rally of "Hoarding"... What is Hoarding ?
Well it means what it says. In Urdu you might call it ZAKHEERA ANDOZI. It does not only happen in food items, it happens in stocks as well.
In the past 20 odd years every time i have seen a market about to enter EM status, the locals starting hoarding Mid to Big Cap stocks. Why ? Because they know that after a market enters EM status, anywhere from $500 Million to a few billion dollars will come into the market by the Foreigners. These foreigners will usually buy BIG CAP stocks "FIRST" and then may look at the MID CAP stocks later. So the local public always hoards the big cap first at lower prices and then they sell the lower priced acquired stocks to the foreigners. There is nothing illegal about it but it may be slightly immoral. Maybe not even Immoral.
The second factor that is helping this rally is that oil prices were down, we are an oil heavy index and when oil stocks were put on the watch, it helped the rally even more so. You maybe holding 10 stocks and wondering why your stocks are not going up. well, this is a SELECTIVE RALLY. This market is going to get more and more mature, Insha Allah, more and more knowledge based Insha Allah and for the ones who buy on LAOO THIS and LAOO THAT and KIYA ACHHA LAG RAHA HAI.. This market will chew you up and spit you out. Mark my words as we move forward. Become knowledgeable or become HISTORY.....

You Have Got To Be Kidding Me....Steal Rs 5 Crore And Just Chill Out....#MirMak

You Have Got To Be Kidding Me....Steal Rs 5 Crore And Just Chill Out....#MirMak

It has come to my attention that the Government Of Pakistan is suggesting amendments in the accountability laws and one of the suggested amendment is that there will be no inquiry or accountability for scams less than Rs 5 Crore. Meaning you can cheat anybody for 5 crore and there will be no accountability by law by NAB.
Its like saying the police will only investigate Murders, if you get stabbed by someone then please solve your own problems. Are these people for real ?
And the BRAIN Behind this suggestion was telling me that NAB should not be involved in petty crimes. Rs 5 Crore is a petty crime ? In a country where 40% of the people live below the poverty line of $2 a day $500,000 is a petty crime ? Which drug are they taking ? We should start exporting that drug to Panama....Lol.
By the same token an average daily income for the Western countries is $186. Pakistan $2. Crime not punished up to $500K means 2*250,000=500,000 So crimes in the west based on this formula should be. $186*250,000=$46,500,000 (Fourty six Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) or Rs 4.6 Billion.
There goes Panama leaks

Its YOU Vs. YOU... Never Stand In Your Own Way...#MirMak

Its YOU Vs. YOU... Never Stand In Your Own Way...#MirMak

Its always You Against You. Its not you versus the world or you versus any other person. Never get in the way of your own dreams. Every power that you need is within yourself. You do not need external motivation. You do not need pep talks from others. You do not need someone to tell you that YOU HAVE IT IN YOU. You do not need anything from outside. Its ALL IN YOU. Dig deep. Dig hard. Dig into your soul and pull out that dream and make it happen. Never let any excuse that YOUR MIND is making, get in the way of your life goals. Never allow others to penetrate into YOUR MIND. Never lose control of your thoughts. There will be time people will hate you. There will be time people would want you to fail. There will be times when you may almost want to give up. But there will be the INNER YOU who will stand up to all those who did not believe in you and PROVE THEM WRONG. Its YOU who has the power to do ANYTHING... To do EVERYTHING and to do it YOUR Way. And as long as your way is the way to forge ahead and is not hurting anyone and it produces positive results..Its the RIGHT WAY.
I have been down. I have been lonely. I have felt dejected. I have been Broke. I have been Rich. I have been known and i have been forgotten about. I have been detested and i have been loved. BUT...Never have i had these feelings affect me. Temporarily..YES. Because i am human. There have been times when i tried to understand the world and the people in it.. but mostly i had failed so i decided to UNDERSTAND MYSELF. If i could MASTER MY OWN SELF and MASTER MY OWN THOUGHTS...I came to a conclusion that it would lead me to MASTER MY OWN LIFE. I have never found strength in Mastering others...I have always found power in mastering my own self. Every time i have faced difficulties...i have taken time to concentrate on myself rather than concentrating on the difficulty. I have always dug deep inside myself, Cried in front of Allah, Begged him for strength... and have prepared my MIND TO FIGHT the situation before i even begun to actually fight it. I have never put a LIMIT on my thoughts as to what I WILL DO... Because mental limits, limit your physical ability to do something as well. I have adjusted to everything and have never let myself stand in my own way.
Last three years of my life in America i only traveled in a private jet. And when everything came crashing down in my life SUDDENLY. I was left in a situation where i did not have enough money for even an economy ticket. That was the time i could have been ME Against ME. I could have remembered the OLD "ME" DAYS and lived in them forever as a sorry person or i could have done what i needed to do and FORGE ahead toward the FUTURE "ME"..The new and better "ME".. So i decided to look forward. Yes it was extremely painful, immensely difficult. There were times i crawled into my bed crying all night into the pillow. All alone. Two young boys to raise alone. No career. Everything lost. Fingers pointed at me. Nobody to believe in me. Nobody to give me a chance. No money. No connections anymore PLUS all the memories of an extremely successful life.... I could have stood in my own way like nobody else. I could have found a million reasons to justify ME standing in MY own way. But i did not.... Why ? Because i always knew...Its ME against ME... Its not me against them. And i would never let ME be the reason of MY OWN DEFEAT.
I write all these articles so i can give the youth of Pakistan my own examples. I write from my own experiences. From my heart. I was once forgotten about after being celebrated. I want you, THE YOUNG ONES, to know... I fell down but i got up. I almost drowned but i kept swimming. I woke up every morning. Kicked life's butt..Went to sleep. Woke up again and repeated the same process EVERY SINGLE DAY... Until i reached the top again. So get up. Kick some ass. Rest. Wake up. And go do the same thing again until YOU are longer standing AGAINST YOUR OWN SELF.
(If you like this article, please like the page to keep yourself updated for all articles. Thanks. )

Who The Heck Is The Accuser....? On A Lighter Note. #MirMak

Who The Heck Is The Accuser....? On A Lighter Note. #MirMak

Talal Chaudhry and Danyal Aziz are defending Nawaz Shareef. Imran Khan is defending Jahangir Tareen. Eitezaz Ehsan is defending Asir Zardari. Nadeem Nusrat is defending Altaf Hussain. AKD is defending Its CEO. Jahangir Siddiqui is defending its IPOs. Hamid Mir is defending GEO Network. Kashif Abbasi is defending ARY. Fazlur Rehman is defending his Diesel deals. Najam Sethi is defending PCB. Election Commission is defending its transparency. Ishaq Dar is defending IMF. Pervez Rashid is defending the defenders. NAB is defending its notices to everybody. FBR is defending its tax collection failures. SECP is defending its investigations into every broker's business. Bilawal Bhutto is defending that Bhutto is still "ZINDA"... Shahbaz Shareef is defending The Orange Line. Hanif Abbasi is defending the EPHODRINE deals. Sheikh Rashid is defending IK. Rana Sanaullah is defending Punjab Government's decision not to have Rangers Operation in Punjab. Meera is defending her video, Sahir Lodhi is defending being Sahir Lodhi (Lol), Mir Shakeel Ur Rehman is defending AMAN KI ASHA,....
Everybody is defending somebody on the media from morning till night.. The entire day is spent defending something by someone. In this land of the ultimate DEFENDERS, who the heck is the accuser then ? Lol.

Generals, Politicians And Corruption In GENERAL...#MirMak

Generals, Politicians And Corruption In GENERAL...#MirMak

Kamran Khan is going to do a show tonight on corruption. Let me pre-empt in case it is not done with facts. And if it is done with facts then it will be a good move. The more we bring this topic to the surface the better it is. May it be Army Generals, Politicians or anyone else. No one is a sacred cow. Pakistan is the sacred cow. Not its citizens. But having said that, there is serious undercurrent to malign our Armed forces. First the demand was to have accountability within the ranks of the Armed Forces, well, the moment the Chief, Raheel Shareef did it, now it has opened up floodgates of maligning anybody who has a few stars on his shoulders.
Are there financially corrupt Army Generals ? To think that they are saints, is our biggest naivety. If they are humans, they are prone to corruption. Now the bigger question is, should we make corruption by one cadre of the society a reason and use it to justify corruption by others ? Should two wrongs make it ALL right or should both wrongs be addressed at the same time. The answer is obvious.
In this social media age, make a beautiful info-graphic banner, put the picture of the person you want to target, write a big headline, spend $20 on boosting the page on FB and BAM, you have a viral post within hours. Who cares to read the details. Who cares to investigate the facts. Simply who cares. We like it, we comment on it, we share it and we go on looking for the next post to like and share. While the person being targeted is defenseless. Literally defenseless.
The easiest thing to do is to malign the judge if you are facing a trial. Cause if you are convicted, then even the most honest of a judge's decision could be questioned and the person sentenced has public support.
One such man is General Naweed. The Ex-Corps Commander of Lahore. NEO Television accused him of corruption while in power and in the same breath, apologized the next day for airing the news without evidence. Well, General Naweed served his entire tenure under General Raheel shareef. excpet for one month. General Naweed sacked 25 officers of DHA Lahore for misconduct. General Naweed retired and when his daughter was getting married, the entire current top brass of the Army was there, Intelligence Chiefs, DGMI, DGISI, DMO including Raheel shareef. If you think Raheel Shareef will attend the wedding of a General who is corrupt, well think again. Do you think General Raheel would be attending the wedding of a person's daugher who was under investigation by Raheel Shareef for corruption ? Two years, from October 2013 to October 2015 was General Naweed's tenure. By attacking him, the one's who have a hidden agenda are attacking the credibility of Raheel Shareef and by attacking the credibility of an honest man, they are attacking the credibility and the ABILITY of the Armed Forces to do accountability. I would like the day to come when Army has nothing to do with anything except its core duties and the civilian government does all the accountability, but until my wish comes true......
I have no love lost for any General. If a General is corrupt, punish him. But to malign anybody through the media, specially the social media without any evidence, common sense or proof or investigation, we are starting a new trend, that is MALIGN PAKISTAN. Malign it to the point that we get no foreign investments, No strategical partners, No Positive coverage anywhere in the world, and the ones who defend us, the Pakistan army, they become so controversial that forget about the accountability, the day comes when we sit on FB and start questioning their ability to defend our borders, and that is the day, Pakistan will begin to disintegrate. Allah Na Karay.



My favourite women's clothing designer of all times, Coco Chanel said in her interview in Paris once, " The most courageous act is to think for yourself"... It was so simply said but not so easily understood by the coming generations after her. What she meant, I think, was to make your own decisions and own them rather than always looking for leaders who will take you to your desired destination, become one yourself. In these days of FASHIONABLY training the youth by "MENTORING" them and "TRAINING" them and teaching them the "LIFE SKILLS", we the elders are forgetting one thing, that is, we are making them more and more dependent on others for guidance. We are not teaching them how to FISH but we keep GIVING THEM A FISH every time they come to us when they are hungry.
We are teaching them to actively look for "Role Models" and replicate their lives. No genius has ever come from doing exactly what the person who you look up to has done. You need to look at someone's life, get inspired and think on your own. You need to stop looking for inspiration across the Atlantic In Silicon Valley. Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bazos or any other Entrepreneur from the west IS NOT YOUR ROLE MODEL because they have lived their lives much more different than you live in Pakistan. They have never faced the problems you faced growing up here. Their ideas got funding which you will never get in Pakistan because there is NO RISK CAPITAL of that magnitude here. Stop looking at people's NET WORTH making them your role model. Role Models are there for you to learn life lessons from, to observe their character in difficulties, their tenacity in hard times, their positivity in distress and their resilience in achieving their goals. A Rikshawala in Pakistan has more resilience than an Entrepreneur from the west. Why ? Because the Rikshawala gets up every morning knowing that he will NEVER GET RICH or famous YET he forges on everyday to support his family despite of all the negativity surrounding him. A would be Entrepreneur from the west is weaker than him because he lives on the hope of GETTING RICH one day, By design or by the default of his business, getting some or a lot of fame, lives in absolute HUMANE CONDITIONS with the GREATEST OF CIVIL RIGHTS and basic necessities of life such as Healthcare and Education.
For you to become a great ENTREPRENEUR, You do not need to learn the case studies and financial models or budgeting or even marketing, all this you will learn as you go BUT what you need to learn is how to become THAT PERSON FIRST who can BECOME AN ENTREPRENEUR LATER. You need to learn to develop a MINDSET of NEVER GIVING IN, Keeping positive, having hope, getting inspired and constantly taking action. Forget about these competitions that teach you nothing and these conferences about entrepreneurship where they are more interested in bringing "BIG NAMES" so they can get sponsorship dollars thus being able to sell tickets. These things are not going to CREATE THE FUTURE LEADERS because leaders are created by EXAMPLE and not ADVICE. Look around for examples of have plenty of them. Start from your family where your parents, chances are, have raised you on a limited salary, sacrificing their wants for your future. And that is one quality every entrepreneur MUST HAVE, sacrificing his today for the dreams of his tomorrow. Stop looking at the negative side of Pakistan, because you are only looking at what can give you an excuse to FAIL... so you can immediately say that you failed because of the country and its culture or its lack of opportunities or funding or whatever... This same country has RAISED YOU till this age where you are capable of at least DREAMING about your future, I can show you many countries where children die in majority before they even reach teenage years.
Coco Chanel also once said to a girl who was asking her for advice as to how she can look like Chanel Models in the magazines... Coco Said " You will never look like the girl in the magazine because the girl in the magazine does not even look like the girl in the magazine"... How True it was. So stop looking for inspiration in People you will never meet from the west, can not ever ask questions as to how they did it, will only know half truths about them from books and shows on the television and in the meanwhile you will lose out on THE REAL ROLE MODELS amongst yourselves, the Common People Of Pakistan. The Mazdoor,(Labourer) The Kissaan,(Farmer) The Mochi,(Blacksmith) The Tandoor wala (BreadMaker) Making Roties In the dead of summer heat and many others. These are the ones who are in your reach the ones you can interact with, the ones you can talk and visit over and over again and if you dont like the one you meet today... you have Hundred and Ninety Nine Million Nine Hundred And Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine More.... If The Government Of Pakistan's Population Consensus Is Accurate...LOL.