Thursday 17 November 2016

How About An E-JALSA Instead Of Wasting Money...#MirMak

How About An E-JALSA Instead Of Wasting Money...#MirMak

I was just thinking that every year these poltiical parties have Jalsaas that require immense amount of funding plus it requires the government to spend billions a year providing them with security arrangements. Plus it disturbs the traffic, normal routine lives and the biggest threat to these Jalsaas is that any suicide Bomber could cause loss of life. And to top it all off, the organizers have to fight as to how many attendees were there, There is no exact method of calculating the attendees.
How about conducting these Jalsaas on Periscope, or FB live or through any other medium. The best thing will be that Pakistan will become the first country in the world to conduct E-Jalsaas. Plus billions of rupees that are spent by these parties can be spent on the betterment of the people in villages where they want the people to vote, on Education and Healthcare. Within the next 5 years, smart phones will be cheap enough that everybody will be able to afford them even in the poorest of their constituencies. 35% have smart phones now in Pakistan. Plus the number of viewers will be identified numerically and nobody will have to lie and exaggerate attendee numbers. You will have exact viewership.
They can start by having One E-Jalsaa for every Physical Jalsaa now and as the trend catches on over the years and more and more Smart Phones are affordable enough for everyone, they can have more E-Jalsaas and lesser of this physical attendees where billions have to be spent. Just a thought. What do you think ?

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