Wednesday 16 November 2016

Karachi Kisi Ke Baap Ka Nahi, Hum Sab Ka Hai...#MirMak

Karachi Kisi Ke Baap Ka Nahi, Hum Sab Ka Hai...#MirMak

As Waseem Akhtar was freed on bail earlier today, all i have been hearing on television are the claims of which party "Owns" Karachi. I am sick of hearing this day in day out. MQM claiming Karachi is theirs. PPP claiming Karachi is theirs. ANP claiming that Karachi is theirs. PSP claiming that Karachi is theirs. PTI jumping in lately that Karachi belongs to them. NO. Karachi is not yours. Karachi is of the people of Karachi not the elite of political parties. Who the heck told you that its yours.
Any politicians' goal anywhere in the world is to win the election to become a public servant. And a public servant does not own a city, he or she is just that, A PUBLIC SERVANT. What kind of an elite mentality is this that even before these politicians come into power they claim their ownership of a city, no wonder why these guys become FIROWN once they come into power. Day in day out, morning til night, every talk show every JALSA all we hear is...either BHUTTO ZINDA HAI, ya, MANZIL NAHI REHNUMA CHAHYE, London Walay Ne Tabahi Macha di Mera Koi Qusoor Nahi Thaa, Kaptaan Is the only saviour....and these idiotic slogans have continued since i was a child.
When is this country going to wake up. They fool us because we are ready to be fooled. They take us for a ride because we are ready to hop onto their promises. Enough is enough. Its high time that we stop buying slogans and ownership claims...Karachi kisi ke baap ka nahi, Karachi har Karachi ke shehri ka hai, political parties ka nahi.

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