Monday 28 November 2016

Farewell Ceremony For Raheel Shareef Is A "Silly" Thing...Cyril Almeida #MirMak


Farewell Ceremony For Raheel Shareef Is A "Silly" Thing...Cyril Almeida #MirMak

Write against the national security, leak news that never existed by fabricating it, catch a flight out of Pakistan, get funded for the trip by the western interests, sit in in the west and write against Pakistan and then the world wonders if this anti-pakistan mentality exists within Pakistan in the journalistic community. Journalism is not about opinions, journalism is about reporting. Its about unearthing with honesty what regular citizens would like to become aware of. Journalism is always in the interest of the country you belong to, where you are born, where you get fed from, where you make a living, where you, your parents and your next generations live and get buried in. Journalism is never about creating divides, it is never about promoting a gulf between communities of citizens or governmental institutions.
Celebration or a farewell is nothing but a recognition of someone's services to its nation. Perhaps this west licking journalist forgot that it is not only part of his master's teaching but also a part of our religion and faith that we mourn sadness and celebrate happiness. Celebration is of all kinds starting right from our school life. We work hard, we study, we take exams we get the results and if we pass we "Celebrate" those results. We keep our first "Roza" and that day for a child is celebrated. We finish reading Quran as a child and we celebrate it with a ceremony. Our Prophet's birth we celebrate. The night when Quran descended upon earth we celebrate. We get married we celebrate. We have a child we celebrate. We elect a Prime Minister we celebrate. We win elections we celebrate as the members of the party. Life is about celebration and farewells.
But why is it that to prove your importance as a journalist in Pakistan, you have to write against Pakistan and the small happy moments of Pakistanis. Us Pakistanis deserve every moment of happiness and celebration that we can get our hands on after having suffered from terrorism for decades. Not every Pakistani has the luxury of running away to America or England like Cyril did. There are people who can not even afford to leave their villages let alone go to another country. And those people deserve national celebrations. Good and bad journalists exist in every country but them being good and bad depends on their reporting or writing skills not anti-state remarks. Trying to demoralize a nation by suggesting to strip them of small celebrations is nothing but work of a devilish mind specially when Cyril himself is sitting in a luxurious country in a luxurious environment being paid for the trip by hate spreading NGO's, where everything is celebrated including Halloween.
Cyril Almeida, You are a one story wonder boy. You were nothing prior to breaking one story and you will be nothing after even 100 such stories. Good thing that you left Pakistan because the quicker dirt is gotten riddance of, the better the environment becomes. Pakistanis will celebrate our happiness, our occasions, our triumphs, our victories, our accomplishments and soon enough we will also celebrate getting rid of journalists like you. We will call it "The Almeida Riddance Day".....

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