Thursday 17 November 2016

Positive Versus Negative Outlook Of Life: #MirMak

Positive Versus Negative Outlook Of Life: #MirMak

I have written two paragraphs using just two letters from the english language. Letter A and Letter B. I have used both letters in two negative paragraphs or outlooks of life and two paragraphs using the same letters A and B in two positive paragraphs about life. Simple enough. Today i am answering the question that has been asked repeatedly by all of you, how to make yourself positive. You think in words, You speak in words, you communicate your feelings to your subconscious and others in words, you listen to other people through their words, words construct thoughts or thoughts deliver words, either way, which words you use will determine your SUCCESS or your FAILURE.
Negative Words Starting With Letter A:
My life is going through such an A)(A)dverse time these days. It feels like i am in an (A)byss. I get (A)nxious and my (A)nxiety triggers (A)nger in me. My future looks (A)wful and i get (A)nnoyed at the fact that these (A)trocious facts are not changing.
(B): I feel broken inside and feel like i am stuck beneath my burdens. Everything is (B)ad and i feel (B)eaten down by life. My friends have (B)etrayed me and i dont know who to (B)lame.
Positive Words Starting With Letter A:
My life is (A)bsolutely challenging but i have (A)ccepted this (A)mazingly simple fact. I look at it as an (A)dventure now and i am (A)ttracted to solving everything.
(B): Every morning i (B)eam with (B)eautiful positivity. I thank Allah for the (B)ounties that i have been (B)estowed with and my face (B)eams with gratitude. My (B)rilliant thought process will create a (B)lissful life for me. Because what i think is what i (B)ecome.

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