Thursday 17 November 2016

1000 Points In Two Days.... Welcome To The Welcoming Party For EM. #MirMak

1000 Points In Two Days.... Welcome To The Welcoming Party For EM. #MirMak

For two years i have been writing that as we enter the Emerging Markets, we will see huge swings. This is just the beginning. We are not in the EM yet. There is no confirmation either. It will come Insha Allah and once it does you may see a huge rally. Do not confuse this 2 day rally with EM rally. This is a Pre-EM rally of "Hoarding"... What is Hoarding ?
Well it means what it says. In Urdu you might call it ZAKHEERA ANDOZI. It does not only happen in food items, it happens in stocks as well.
In the past 20 odd years every time i have seen a market about to enter EM status, the locals starting hoarding Mid to Big Cap stocks. Why ? Because they know that after a market enters EM status, anywhere from $500 Million to a few billion dollars will come into the market by the Foreigners. These foreigners will usually buy BIG CAP stocks "FIRST" and then may look at the MID CAP stocks later. So the local public always hoards the big cap first at lower prices and then they sell the lower priced acquired stocks to the foreigners. There is nothing illegal about it but it may be slightly immoral. Maybe not even Immoral.
The second factor that is helping this rally is that oil prices were down, we are an oil heavy index and when oil stocks were put on the watch, it helped the rally even more so. You maybe holding 10 stocks and wondering why your stocks are not going up. well, this is a SELECTIVE RALLY. This market is going to get more and more mature, Insha Allah, more and more knowledge based Insha Allah and for the ones who buy on LAOO THIS and LAOO THAT and KIYA ACHHA LAG RAHA HAI.. This market will chew you up and spit you out. Mark my words as we move forward. Become knowledgeable or become HISTORY.....

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