Wednesday 23 November 2016

"Pakistan's Economy Is Going To Collapse In The Next 10 Years." Sindh Education Minister. #MirMak

"Pakistan's Economy Is Going To Collapse In The Next 10 Years." Sindh Education Minister. #MirMak

I have traveled a lot in my life. Seen and met many officials of different countries, not just the first world but as remote as Mongolia and as far away as Nigeria, but never in my life have i met Ministers who bad mouth their own country and their economy like the ones who do it in Pakistan. Critical point of view with solutions is welcomed anywhere but to predict doomsday and qayamat is nothing but an act of ignorance, specially when economic predictions are coming from a Minister Of Education.
Sindh Education Minister, Jam Mehtab Hussain Dahar, according to the newspaper Express Tribune, which in my view loves to promote anti-pakistan agenda as an official franchise of the Pakistan hating New York Times, has said that "Pakistan's economy will collapse in the next 10 years". An education minister is supposed to be "Educated" and as any citizen may have a right to his opinion but as a minister there comes responsibility of statements which is much higher than a regular citizen. A minister saying something as compared to a regular citizen saying something are completely two different things. Firstly because a minister gets media coverage and a normal citizen does not. A minister should know what he is talking about because he is ruling over millions of lives who look up to him. And finally a minister is supposed to back up his statement with facts and figures intertwined with logic and research.
An education minister making economic predictions and on top of that not giving the reason is like a health minister talking about transportation industry's demise without any knowledge of it. Shame on these people who live in Pakistan, make money in Pakistan, rule over millions of lives in Pakistan, have protocol of tens of security guards in Pakistan, get paid from the taxes of Pakistanis and spread panic amongst the people of Pakistan.
Specially at a time when we have just barely won over the terrorists, at a time when our economy is being praised by every financial think tank in the world including S&P raising our economic sovereign ratings, CPEC in full bloom, bilateral trade ties strengthening, strong currency, lowest interest rates in 40 years, all rime high stock market, GDP growth predictions of World Bank for Pakistan to be at 5.2%. Global Competitiveness and ease of doing business becoming better. Auto industry in full bloom with hundreds of millions of dollars in new investment. Cement industry expanding at its full capacity for higher production. One of the highest savings rate in Asia. One Belt One Road OBOR making Pakistan part of its multi trillion dollar economy. Everything getting better and better EXCEPT one thing, and that is the JAHAALAT of our political leaders who do not know their ass from their tale yet they love to make statements that hurt Pakistan.
Shame On You Minister. Shame On You. Your political career will collapse in the next 10 years not Pakistani economy. Insha Allah. Ameen.

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