Thursday 17 November 2016

Apology Rendered. Pakistan Paindabad....#MirMak

Apology Rendered. Pakistan Paindabad....#MirMak

I had brought something to the attention of fellow Pakistanis which i had felt was deeply derogatory towards our great Armed Forces. It had deeply disturbed me to see the insignia of our Armed Forces being used in the name of fashion. Well... A good gesture from the company, Chapter 13, they publicly apologized and i hope that our Armed Forces have accepted their apology....
I just wanted to elaborate a bit about "Freedom Of Artistic Expression" . Not many people know that Wall Street is a nexus of Hollywood and Madison Ave. Meaning movie stars and fashion designers and Wall street investment bankers are the peas in the same pod. And by default as a Chairman of an investment bank, my life was spent with both. More so with the designers then Actors because NYC is the hub of fashion design. Perhaps it rubbed a bit on the way i dress as well. I was and have been friends with the best of the designers in the world. Fashion designing is a passion. May it be Milan, Sao Paolo, Paris, London or NYC, all designers have an innate passion about their work. Some are bit crazier than others, may it be Viktor And Rolf's 2010 collection or Carolina Herrera's Elmur Fudd collection, but never is fashion against national integrity. And even if it is, it is not our national culture. Fashion is not universal, thats a myth, clothing is universal. Fashion in one country may absolutely be not fashion in another. Just because a famous designer has shown his collection depicting the Armed Forces in a derogatory manner in Paris, does not mean we adopt it immediately and hide behind that designer's name by giving example and replicate it in our country.
First of all, a good designer will never replicate a theme of another designer, PERIOD. In the fashion industry its called a KNOCK-OFF. Like Valentino, would show his collection on the runways of Paris and within days, China would be calling its seamstresses to copy the design and flood the 3rd tier market. Another example is Thom Browne, and his 2009 Summer Collection, it does not apply to any country. Not even his own.....
Anyway, the whole point is that our culture is different, we are in a state of war, we have terrorism and our Armed Forces fighting this menace, we have anti-national elements within our own country, we have other country's intelligence agencies working within our borders and in such situations, its a matter of your survival and we are surviving because our soldiers are fighting and if the morale of our soldiers is brought down in the name of fashion, then there will be moral anarchy. Freedom Of Artistic Expression is NOT and i repeat NOT at the expense of our national pride.....SIMPLE.
Pakistan Paindabad and Pakistan Army Zindabad.

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