Thursday 17 November 2016

Biggest News: Wall Street Comes To Pakistan.....#MirMak #MindAndMarketsInc

Biggest News: Wall Street Comes To Pakistan.....#MirMak #MindAndMarketsInc

It was my deepest desire when i started Mind And Markets, Inc, that i bring the best of Wall Street to the doorsteps of Pakistani investors. All my contacts and friendships of decades on Wall Street should benefit a common investor in Pakistan.
Well, today is that first step, Mind And Markets Inc. has gone into an arrangement with a S&P partner company to bring Wall Street Virtual Trading Prize Competition to Pakistani investors. Now for the first me, you can trade in a virtual account, the worlds best markets and win Rs. 1 Lakh rupees every month. No cost to you.
Make mistakes, learn to trade the best markets of the world on the best trading platform supported by S&P Capital IQ, 10,000 Research Reports, Live Feeds from NYSE, NASDAQ, Yes LIVE FEEDS, Quick Access to Biggest Winners and Losers, Quarterly Company Transcripts, Access to Financial Advisors from the best houses of Wall Street, Live prices for Currencies and Commodities and 38 other features... This is not a "Brokerage House" competition where you are tricked into opening an account after you participate in Commodities Competition. S&P is not a brokerage house and there is no Equities Competition ever offered before by them. Ever.
So get ready, starting this weekend, i will announce the details, you will be able to register with them, gain access. Trade virtually with a portfolio of $50,000 and if you win the competition, you will be paid $1000 from them directly. Learn and make money at the same time. First time in the history of Pakistan. Wait for more great news from Mind And Markets, Inc.

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