Wednesday 16 November 2016

Dealing With Your Fears: And Getting To Your Goals.#MirMak

Dealing With Your Fears: And Getting To Your Goals.#MirMak

False EVIDENCE presented by your own mind as REAL to yourself, that's my definition of FEARS. We all have them, FEARS. Fear of not being able to do something, Fear of failure, Fear of Death, Fear of Embarrassment, Fear of and fear of and fear of ...The list can go on longer than your life. Your fears can literally outlive you if you don't put a grip on it TODAY. Fears are like the weed that grows in your backyard. It does not need water or manure, it just needs to be left alone and it will grow on its own. And it will grow so fast that by the time you go into your backyard of your mind and revisit your fears a few months or years later, it would have taken full roots and would have grown into a yard in itself.
In order for you to understand how to deal with your fears, you first have to understand what they really are. Because you can not fight an enemy whose strength you are not aware of. Fears to me are coward people. They are like a bully in your school when you were a child. Intimidating and SEEMINGLY overpowering BUT the moment you stand up to that bully, it backs down. It leaves you alone. It stops intimidating you. Fears are very clever as well. they try to logically outsmart you with reasons based on past experiences and other people's suggestions. One person's words can become fears in other person's head. Fears are only based in your thoughts and perceptions. What one person sees as a fearful situation can be a walk in the park for the other person. Look at you fears as a hungry animal whose FOOD is THOUGHTS. It thrives and grows on thoughts, that's the only FOOD it requires. It flourishes less on your own thoughts and more on other people's generosity when they feed it with their thoughts. Meaning, other people are feeding your fear more than you are feeding it yourself. So the first thing you need to do is to ISOLATE your FEAR ANIMAL and hide it from other people so they are not able to feed it. Do not discuss your fears with others because knowingly or unknowingly they will feed it and the person who will face the wrath of that fear will be only you. Not the other person.
The best thing to do when faced with any kind of fear is to act exactly in the opposite way of that fear. The ONLY way to deal with your fear is by doing what I said about the bully in your school theory above. stand up to your fear. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it the best: "When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers." And this is the purest form of truth about fears.
On the other hand, the opportunity cost of living with your fears is immense. And the only person who suffers is not you alone. People associated with you and our loved ones suffer the most because of your fears as well. You see, your fears hold you back from fully taking advantage of your talents. Because of fears you are not able to live your life to its fullest. Maybe you could have been the GREATEST ACTOR or a PUBLIC SPEAKER if you had over come your fear of public fright. Perhaps you could have become rich and famous and increase your income and more, so yourself satisfaction of living your dream. Your children or your loved ones would have benefited from that successful lifestyle of yours.

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