Monday 28 November 2016

Why Pakistan Does Not Progress Faster...#MirMak

Why Pakistan Does Not Progress Faster...#MirMak

In every country, every culture, children need role models. Role models in every field from medicine to sports to politics to business to engineering. Well we have role models in all fields. All without fail. But out of all of the above that i have mentioned, only one is celebrated and i.e. the field of politics. The rest is left at the mercy of obscurity and oblivion. From morning til night we are obsessed with promoting people in power and making others look irrelevant. When a child sees that the only way to succeed in a country is by joining a political party, then comes the birth of student political federations at university level. When a child is supposed to develop this own way of thinking in his late teenage years or early twenties, he or she is sucked into a political party activity where he is "Told" what is right or wrong based on the party leader's opinions rather than being "Encouraged" to think independently.
The cart is being put before the horse. No developed nation progressed in the history of the world because of its political leadership. It is rather the opposite. It is because of the people's progress that the governments collected higher taxes and spent those taxes for the betterment of people. It is the scientists of a country, teachers of a nation, businessmen of communities, inventors of ideas that take a country towards progress.Political leadership is to legislate, execute and make the matters run smoothly but the matters are run by the people of a nation. Nations progress when each person lives a life that inspires others. May it be inspiring your own children instead of masses out of your home, as long as you are inspiring someone by example then you are contributing to your country.
So much wrong has been done in the past 70 years in our society that we have gone into a reverse mode. Instead of praising the ones who are the true role models, we make them controversial. Why ? Because we can not compete them. we can not be role models ourselves so we do not want others to become role models as well. And role models are NOT exceptional people. The biggest myth in the world is that you have to be exceptionally accomplished, famous, rich and powerful for you to be considered a role model. Wrong conception. Role models start from home. My father is a role model for me with his punctuality and commitment to work because he never took a sick day off in his entire life. He is not rich, he is not famous but he is my role model. My mother is my role model because she instilled by example the concept of positivity and belief in Allah in me. By example not by her words but by her actions. A rikhshawala to me is a great role model, a carpenter in Pakistan or a mechanic could be a great role model if he is working honestly, spreading positivity, exuding patriotism and contributing to the society.
In order to change your bad habits you have to study and notice what good habits are. Until you have a comparison you can not choose right from wrong. Promise yourself today as the great youth of Pakistan that you will start to look for role models in your society other than your political leaders. Promise yourselves that you will come out of your 'Well" and jump into the "Ocean". Promise yourself that you will not be a "Kuwain Ka Maindak". You will be a "Samandar Ki Shark". Until you find a role model for yourself.BE ONE for others. Make Pakistan great by making yourself great first.

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