Wednesday 16 November 2016

Be Ready. This Could Be A Political Possibility....#MirMak

Be Ready. This Could Be A Political Possibility....#MirMak

It was the easiest thing to do, to blame IK for backing out of the Dharna. It was a knee jerk reaction. It was a disappointment. It was another U-Turn in the eyes of the public. I have no love lost for IK but one has to give due consideration to a person when it is called for.
I have always said that if you want to understand the situation, put aside your prejudices, your own expectations, your judgements and put yourself in the shoes of the person you are passing a judgement on. Its a very difficult task. Extremely difficult. But if you can do this you might be able to decipher the next move of even your own enemy. Keeping that in mind lets analyze.
It would be the easiest thing to think that IK made a blunder by calling off his Dharna. But realize, IK is 64 years of age. This is his last chance. The man has been fighting in his own rights for decades. In his own rights means what he thinks is right, you and i do not have to agree with it. Calling off a Dharna would be a political suicide UNLESS, and i say UNLESS, he knows or has been given assurances that the supreme court would dispense justice without prejudice. Financial crimes as i have said in my previous article are almost impossible to prove specially in Pakistan. And i stick to that notion even now. So what is left in favour of IK.
It is Article 62 and 63 of the constitution. It is the fact that not all the assets were declared to the election commission. It is the fact that TRO's do not have to be decided by the government or the IK camp since the case is in the hands of the supreme court and now the supreme court can draw TRO's if both the parties fail to do so. This would be a lottery for IK camp if the supreme court frames the TRO's. Because they would be fair. Article 62/63 is easier to prove and exercise upon for the supreme court than having a sneeze because it is vague and open for interpretation. There are more than enough precedence set in the penal history in Pakistan for the judges to draw a reference upon. Precedence law is more important in many cases than actual penal code.
So what my opinion is that the game is not over yet. IK may have wanted to commit a political suicide but the people around him are astute politicians, such as Shah Mehmood Qureshi and others, they would never let him do that because his political death is the death of their political dynasty. Dynasties are more important in PEERI MUREEDI than politics. Plus IK has access to the best of lawyers from around the world who are at his beck and call to advise him. So boys and girls, it comes down not to Panama Leaks, not to the DHAANDLI in the elections, not to the financial assets abroad, not to anything else, but it comes down, in my view to Article 62 and 63 of our constitution. So fasten your seat belts, the game is yet to be played till the end.

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