Thursday 17 November 2016

Generals, Politicians And Corruption In GENERAL...#MirMak

Generals, Politicians And Corruption In GENERAL...#MirMak

Kamran Khan is going to do a show tonight on corruption. Let me pre-empt in case it is not done with facts. And if it is done with facts then it will be a good move. The more we bring this topic to the surface the better it is. May it be Army Generals, Politicians or anyone else. No one is a sacred cow. Pakistan is the sacred cow. Not its citizens. But having said that, there is serious undercurrent to malign our Armed forces. First the demand was to have accountability within the ranks of the Armed Forces, well, the moment the Chief, Raheel Shareef did it, now it has opened up floodgates of maligning anybody who has a few stars on his shoulders.
Are there financially corrupt Army Generals ? To think that they are saints, is our biggest naivety. If they are humans, they are prone to corruption. Now the bigger question is, should we make corruption by one cadre of the society a reason and use it to justify corruption by others ? Should two wrongs make it ALL right or should both wrongs be addressed at the same time. The answer is obvious.
In this social media age, make a beautiful info-graphic banner, put the picture of the person you want to target, write a big headline, spend $20 on boosting the page on FB and BAM, you have a viral post within hours. Who cares to read the details. Who cares to investigate the facts. Simply who cares. We like it, we comment on it, we share it and we go on looking for the next post to like and share. While the person being targeted is defenseless. Literally defenseless.
The easiest thing to do is to malign the judge if you are facing a trial. Cause if you are convicted, then even the most honest of a judge's decision could be questioned and the person sentenced has public support.
One such man is General Naweed. The Ex-Corps Commander of Lahore. NEO Television accused him of corruption while in power and in the same breath, apologized the next day for airing the news without evidence. Well, General Naweed served his entire tenure under General Raheel shareef. excpet for one month. General Naweed sacked 25 officers of DHA Lahore for misconduct. General Naweed retired and when his daughter was getting married, the entire current top brass of the Army was there, Intelligence Chiefs, DGMI, DGISI, DMO including Raheel shareef. If you think Raheel Shareef will attend the wedding of a General who is corrupt, well think again. Do you think General Raheel would be attending the wedding of a person's daugher who was under investigation by Raheel Shareef for corruption ? Two years, from October 2013 to October 2015 was General Naweed's tenure. By attacking him, the one's who have a hidden agenda are attacking the credibility of Raheel Shareef and by attacking the credibility of an honest man, they are attacking the credibility and the ABILITY of the Armed Forces to do accountability. I would like the day to come when Army has nothing to do with anything except its core duties and the civilian government does all the accountability, but until my wish comes true......
I have no love lost for any General. If a General is corrupt, punish him. But to malign anybody through the media, specially the social media without any evidence, common sense or proof or investigation, we are starting a new trend, that is MALIGN PAKISTAN. Malign it to the point that we get no foreign investments, No strategical partners, No Positive coverage anywhere in the world, and the ones who defend us, the Pakistan army, they become so controversial that forget about the accountability, the day comes when we sit on FB and start questioning their ability to defend our borders, and that is the day, Pakistan will begin to disintegrate. Allah Na Karay.

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