Thursday 17 November 2016

You Are A Star And Stars ONLY Shine In Darkness....#MirMak

There was not a month of my life where i did not have difficulties to cope with. Never throughout my adult life have i not had excitement to handle and deal with. Yes EXCITEMENT. That is what i call it. Any time a situation arises, i call it excitement because it gets me excited to deal with it. People pray for excitement in their lives and i have been looking forward to the opposite. I have lived a life which is nothing short of a fictional novel. I did not choose it that way, but it happened. Did i crawl in a corner, cry, complained, gave up...NO. Why ? Am i stronger or better than others ? Absolutely NO. Then how do i still smile 24/7 and in addition, try to inspire and motivate others ? Let me reveal the secret. And its simple. I have given the control of my life to ALLAH.. I used to think in my 20's that i am in control of my life. Then it dawned upon me that the only thing i control is my effort and even that with a positive and thankful attitude towards Allah. You see Allah chooses your struggles and you choose your plan of action. That is how simple my approach is towards all the difficulties i face. 

And during these difficulties, yes i have been worried, Yes i have been, depressed, yes I have had negative thoughts, yes the future looked bleak to me at times BUT...... all of this was temporary. All these thoughts were for just a few seconds. Except the depression i went through for 18 months. The most difficult period of my life..but even that period passed as all periods do. I have learned that the most important thing is POSITIVITY.. because it is ordered by Allah SWT that one should remain hopeful in his mercy. It is HE who has declared that MAAYOOSI is Haram. It is he who often says in Quran that Insaan Bohut Naa Shukra Hai... Well, the first thing i decided to do was never to be NAA SHUKRA. That immediately takes me out of the list of people who Allah is complaining about. Secondly, i never get MAAYOOS. This takes me out of the list of people Allah is unhappy about. Thirdly, i always remain POSITIVE. This puts me in the category of people who are always expecting his mercy and you get what you expect...

Your future will always be as bright as your faith. If your faith is dull so will be your future. Most successful people in this world started with nothing in their pockets but a lot of faith in their Hearts. Always remember that you can do the same. Have faith. Strengthen your BELIEF in Allah. Become POSITIVE. Be THANKFUL. Put in the BEST EFFORT. Expect the GREATEST RESULT. Never let the DARKNESS of Life SCARE YOU... because if your eyes are set on the STARS... its easier to see them in the darkness.

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